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CR —

Male human child with synthetic soul gestalt warblade 10/egoist 1/scout 6/elocater 7
N small human (child, psionic)
Init/Senses +10/trapfinding; Listen +2, Spot +2
Aura unnatural (animals are unwilling to approach within 30 ft., panic if forced to do so, wis-based will save)
Languages common, imperial, infernal
AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 23; dodge, mobility, uncanny dodge, sidestep charge
(+5 dexterity, +6 armor, +1 shield, +1 size)
hp 148 (12 HD); unnatural healing (cannot be healed by positive energy, gain fast healing equal to cha or con modifier)
Immune energy drain, negative levels
Fort/Ref/Will +9/+12/+10; battle clarity, battle fortitude +1 (already factored in), evasion
Weakness frail flaw, meager fortitude flaw
Speed 30 ft.; up the walls, spring attack, flawless stride, scorn earth, capricious step (extra 5 ft. step, taken either after the first step or after all other actions)
Melee +1 deep crystal light mace of speed +18 (1d4+3, 20/×2) or
Melee +1 deep crystal light mace of speed +16/+16/+11/+6 (1d4+3, 20/×2), +16/+16/+11 (1d4+2, 20/×2)
Base Atk/Grp +11/+9
Atk Options skirmish +2d6/+1, improved skirmish, battle cunning (int bonus as insight to damage against flanked or flat-footed, not precision damage), opportunistic strike +4 (insight to attack and damage for first attack against enemy struck by another character since Ivan's last action), flanker (designate any adjacent square as square from which Ivan is flanking, designated during Ivan's turn)
Special Actions dimension step (personal psionic dimenstion door 1/day, ML is elocater level)
Power Points 41
Warblade Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 11th):
Stances—punishing stance (1d6 damage, -2 AC), bolstering voice (60 ft. emanation centered on self, allies gain +2 morale on Will or +4 morale on Will against fear), press the advantage (take 10 ft. steps, or 5 ft. into difficult terrain)
Strikes—leading the attack (allies gain +4 morale on attack against struck foe for 1 round), steely strike (+4 on attack, foes other than target gain +4 on attacks against Ivan for 1 round)
Boosts—sudden leap, white raven tactics† (swift action, init of ally within 10 ft. becomes Ivan's init - 1)
Counters—moment of perfect mind† (immediate action, concentration instead of will), action before thought† (immediate action, concentration instead of reflex), mind over body† (immediate action, concentration instead of fortitude), iron heart focus† (immediate action, reroll save)
Disciplines: diamond mind, white raven, tiger claw, iron heart
† Readied maneuver
Egoist Powers Known (ML 6th):
3rd—hustle, body adjustment, dispel psionics, eradicate invisibility, psionic teleport, psionic plane shift
2nd—animal affinity, body equilibrium, concealing amorpha, psionic identify
1st—thicken skin, catfall, vigor, my light, psionic grease
Abilities Str 14, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 4
SQ weapon aptitude, battle ardor (int bonus to crit confirmations), improved uncanny dodge, battle fortitude +1 (already factored in), trackless step
Feats dodge, mobility, two-weapon fighting, up the walls, weapon finesse, spring attack, quick draw, improved skirmish (move 20 ft., gain +2d6/+2 to skirmish), improved two-weapon fighting, improved initiative, improved buckler defense, sidestep charge
Skills autohypnosis 15 ranks + 2 ability + 2 synergy = 19, balance 0 ranks + 5 ability + 2 synergy = 7, concentration 15 ranks + 2 ability = 17, hide 10 ranks + 5 ability + 4 size = 19, iaijutsu focus 7 ranks - 3 ability - 4 racial = 0, jump 15 ranks + 0 ability + 2 synergy - 6 speed = 11, knowledge (psionics) 5 ranks + 2 ability + 2 synergy = 9, martial lore 15 ranks + 2 ability = 17, move silently 15 ranks + 5 ability = 20, psicraft 15 ranks + 2 ability + 2 synergy = 19, tumble 15 ranks + 5 ability + 2 synergy = 22
Possessions +1 deep crystal light mace of speed ×2, +1 mithral chainmail of nimbleness, mundane crystal buckler, boots of swift passage (5/day, move action to teleport 20 feet, requires lines of sight and effect), gloves of agile striking (swift action, 2/day, extra 1d6 with ranged or finesse weapons or 2d6 with skirmish attack, lasts 1 round), 6475 gp