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Vampire Scion[edit]

You are unlike most dhampir, you are the direct result of an attempt to create a vampire. This alternate racial features alters the dhampir in the following ways:

  • Your type changes to the undead type, but you retain the traits of the humanoid type (no immunities, keeping your Constitution, etc). In addition to being of the undead type, you still count as a humanoid (dhampir) for the purpose of spells and effect, and for meeting prerequisites. You do not need to breath and you do not age (you do not accrue any bonus or penalties from aging, or die of old age).
  • You gain the fangs alternate racial feature without needing to trade spell-like abilities.
  • If an effect would outright destroy an undead, it instead causes you to be stunned for 1d4 rounds.
  • You must feed on the blood of sapient humanoids, or else risk starvation. See feeding below.
  • You become vulnerable to sunlight, becoming staggered when under direct sunlight. A sun-sensitivity outfit provides protection from this effect out of combat and or 1 round in combat.
  • When completely submerged underwater, you take 1d6 damage on the first round and once per minute thereafter. Any fast healing you possess is suppressed while completely submerged.
  • Whenever you would be slain, you instead go into a deathless torpor. After 1d4 hours elapses, you rise from your torpor at 0 hit points. If your body is submerged in water or exposed to sunlight, then the time spent in such condition does not count toward ending your torpor. You can be killed if you are decapitated, have a stake driven through your heart, become submerged in holy water, or if your body is otherwise destroyed.

This ability alters the dhampir’s type and the dhampir's vulnerability.

Feeding: When you damage a helpless or willing creature with your fang racial feature, you may start to draw its blood. You deal the creature 2 points of Constitution damage. Over the course of a minute, you inflict 2 points of Constitution damage to them. After inflicting 4 points of Constitution damage to a sapient humanoid, you are stated for the day. If you did not feed for a day or more, each day of fasting increases the amount of Constitution damage you need to inflict by 2. As normal you start starving after 3 days. Small and Tiny creatures only provide half as much nourishment as normal, while diminutive creatures provide only a quarter, fine creatures provide none. You may consume the blood of animals to sate yourself, but doing so require twice blood as much and leaves you Sickened for 1 round.

A waterskin full of blood provides a full day of nourishment, and filling one deals 4 points of Constitution damage to a medium creature. With all quirks and restrictions as highlighted above.

The Blood Drain feat provides a much faster way of feeding.