User:MisterSinister/TOToM (3.5e Sourcebook)/SRP4/Druid Spells by Level

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Druid Spells[edit]


1st Level[edit]

   Abjur None
   Conj None
   Div None
   Ench None
   Evoc None
   Illus None
   Necro Infuse Death: Deal negative energy to target.

   Trans None
   Univ None

2nd Level[edit]

   Abjur None
   Conj None
   Div None
   Ench None
   Evoc Breath of the Dragon: Breath a line or cone of energy.

   Illus None
   Necro None
   Trans Spider Climb: Lets you climb like a spider

   Univ None

3rd Level[edit]

4th Level[edit]

   Abjur None
   Conj None
   Div None
   Ench None
   Evoc None
   Illus None
   Necro None
   Trans Shadow Shift: Lets you turn into a shadow and move around.

   Univ None

5th Level[edit]

6th Level[edit]

7th Level[edit]

   Abjur None
   Conj Torn From Within: Targets are torn apart from the inside.

   Div None
   Ench None
   Evoc None
   Illus None
   Necro None
   Trans None
   Univ None

8th Level[edit]

9th Level[edit]