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Gentleman Explorer
True adventure does not consist of stealing loot from graves, slaughtering wildlife for fun, and elevating yourself above the common folk — it consists of liberating artifacts from tombs, hunting game for sport, and proving yourself superior to the natives! The gentleman explorer understands these fine distinctions and, using his keen wit and large gun, plies the trade of exploration with proper anthropological rigor.
Built according to Grimoire principles, this class focuses on solitary ranged attacks, serving as a more patient counterpoint to mobile, volley-based archers. Out of combat, the gentleman explorer is an adaptive survivalist — he can guide the party through foreign cultures, trap-filled dungeons, and uncharted wilderness with little difficulty.
Read the full text at: Gentleman Explorer (3.5e Class)
Facts about Gentleman Explorer
- Author: DanielDraco
- Balance point: High
- Category: 3.5e Class
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