User talk:Foxwarrior/Hindu Lord

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General Notes[edit]

Harmless Form notes / ToP changes - It is a transmutation effect with a caster level equal to your character level. There is no bonus to disguise, as onlookers are going to use the discern transformation perception ability to pierce your disguise instead of the discern fraud ability. It otherwise acts as a disguise that simply requires you spend a standard action to put on. Duplicating a specific individual's appearance is not possible by default, though it can be done if you have sufficient ranks in disguise to otherwise do that.

Skills -

  • True Fiend - 6 skill points/level - Athletics, Bluff, Cultures, Disguise, Jump, Endurance, Intimidation, Psychology, Survival
  • Body Sprouter - 6 skill points/level - Devices, Disguise, Enigmas, Escape Artistry, Legerdemain, Perception, Psychology, Stealth, Survival
What do the +2 to Listen, Search, and Spot checks from Elf and +2 to Heal checks from Healing Belt do in this system? --Foxwarrior 21:09, 28 November 2011 (UTC)
Oh yeah, those.
  • Elf: +2 Circumstance to sight and hearing based Perception checks. Search is dropped (because giving an enigmas bonus is odd and a bonus to specific skill abilities is annoying to track).
  • Healing Belt: +2 circumstance bonus to healing checks (though it's probably under costed with revised guidelines, but meh).
I forgot to mention this earlier, but since you wrote the Body Sprouter please feel free to suggest alternate skill assignments. I tried to assign it skills that would work in conjunction with it's sprouting abilities, but I don't know what niche you wanted it to live in so I'm not sure the skills fit. - Tarkisflux Talk 22:51, 28 November 2011 (UTC)
I'd replace Disguise with Affability or Intimidation. --Foxwarrior 01:01, 29 November 2011 (UTC)
Intimidation seems fair, given that you could sprout a limb on someone and begin to strangle them with it. Sounds like a fine swap. - Tarkisflux Talk 02:16, 29 November 2011 (UTC)

Sprouter/Harmless Form Interaction[edit]

Sprouter says you get to make copies of your limbs and parts, but the stat block is written with both huge and medium parts in there. Are you treating "your limbs" as a variable dependent on harmless form state? If so, is the sprouted part size determined when you create them or do they all change when you do? - Tarkisflux Talk 23:31, 28 November 2011 (UTC)

I am treating "your limbs" as a variable dependent on harmless form state. Sprouted part size is set on creation, because theoretically one could change to a form that doesn't have limbs of that type (like a Viper), so altering limbs that already exist would sometimes end up with nonsense. --Foxwarrior 00:23, 29 November 2011 (UTC)