Revision history of "Alwin's Arcane Virus (5e Spell)"
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Facts about "Alwin's Arcane Virus (5e Spell)"
Action Type | Action + |
Author | Cheezyfrys11 + |
Canon | true + |
Caster | Artificer +, Druid +, Sorcerer +, Warlock + and Wizard + |
Component | S + and M + |
Identifier | 5e Spell + |
Level | 4 + |
Range | Self (20-ft cone) + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Scalable | true + |
School | Necromancy + |
Summary | Infect a caster's spell. A nuisance in the short term, but can turn deadly if left untreated. + |
Title | Alwin's Arcane Virus + |