Information for "Electricity, NW (3.5e Sphere)"
Basic information
Display title | Electricity, NW (3.5e Sphere) |
Default sort key | Electricity, NW (3.5e Sphere) |
Page length (in bytes) | 1,202 |
Page ID | 64747 |
Page content language | en - English |
Page content model | wikitext |
Indexing by robots | Allowed |
Number of redirects to this page | 1 |
Counted as a content page | Yes |
Number of subpages of this page | 0 (0 redirects; 0 non-redirects) |
Page protection
Edit | Allow all users (infinite) |
Move | Allow all users (infinite) |
Edit history
Page creator | Radthemad4 (talk | contribs) |
Date of page creation | 15:16, 7 November 2020 |
Latest editor | Radthemad4 (talk | contribs) |
Date of latest edit | 06:01, 21 November 2020 |
Total number of edits | 3 |
Total number of distinct authors | 1 |
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days) | 0 |
Recent number of distinct authors | 0 |
Page properties
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Facts about "Electricity, NW (3.5e Sphere)"
Identifier | 3.5e Sphere + |
Rating | Unrated + |
Special | You gain Immunity to Electricity. + |
Spell | lightning bolt +, seeking ray (PHBII) +, chain lightning +, orb of electricity (SpC) +, ball lightning (SpC) +, call lightning storm +, stun ray (SpC) +, stormrage (SpC) +, Directing your ball lighting, calling lightning with call lightning storm, and launching bolts from stormrage are free actions that can be taken once each per round + and Quickened Maximized chain lightning + |
Title | Electricity, NW + |
Type | General + |