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*At three-quarters their threshold, the muscles of arcane-corrupted creatures are plainly visible beneath their clothing and veins appear on their skin visibly pumping black-blue fluid.
*At three-quarters their threshold, the muscles of arcane-corrupted creatures are plainly visible beneath their clothing and veins appear on their skin visibly pumping black-blue fluid.
*At their threshold and further on, an arcane-corrupted creature is almost completely transformed as spikes sprout from various places within their body, often on their elbows, knees, and foreheads, and usually rending holes in their own clothes, and black bile begins to leak uncontrollably from their mouth.
*At their threshold and further on, an arcane-corrupted creature is almost completely transformed as spikes sprout from various places within their body, often on their elbows, knees, and foreheads, and usually rending holes in their own clothes, and black bile begins to leak uncontrollably from their mouth.
These are the most usual side-effects of the corruption on arcane-corrupted creatures, though each one may have its own specific characteristics.
These are the most usual side-effects of the corruption on arcane-corrupted creatures, though each one may have its own specific characteristics. Any marks that appear on an arcane-corrupted creature stay visible until the creature's corruption score resets to 0, upon which the signs begin to recede.
'''Indomitable Abomination ([[Ex]]):''' The evil energy of the foul abomination within the arcane-corrupted creature does not die easily, and lends this inacceptance of death to its host. An arcane corrupted creature may drop down to half their maximum HP before dying, rather than the usual number of negative HP (usually -10). For example, an arcane-corrupted creature with 71 HP would need to be brought to -35 HP before dying.
'''Indomitable Abomination ([[Ex]]):''' The evil energy of the foul abomination within the arcane-corrupted creature does not die easily, and lends this inacceptance of death to its host. An arcane corrupted creature may drop down to half their maximum HP before dying, rather than the usual number of negative HP (usually -10). For example, an arcane-corrupted creature with 71 HP would need to be brought to -35 HP before dying.

Revision as of 17:30, 3 November 2012

Author: Ghostwheel (talk)
Date Created: April 25, 2010
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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An arcane-corrupted creature who has passed her threshold is truly a terrible sight to behold.


Changed by a strange and forbidden ritual, creatures with this template are faster, stronger, and tougher than their counterparts--but suffer terrible consequences should they abuse that power.

Changed by some strange ritual that only the Institution knows, arcane-corrupted creatures are the women collectively known as the Silver Hilt. In this ritual, the flesh and blood of abominations is fused into the core of girls, fusing into their very nature and enhancing their abilities with those of abominations, allowing them to fight the terrible creatures on equal ground--but with a cost.

Certain changes are also physical however, and the eyes of arcane-corrupted creatures become slitted in the same manner as a cat or a snake, their face takes on an ageless appearance and their skin takes on the appearance of polished marble, and their hair turns an unnatural white color.

Creating an Arcane-Corrupted

"Arcane-corrupted" is an acquired template that can be added to any living, corporeal, female humanoid (referred hereafter as the base creature).

Size and Type

The creature's type changes to Aberration, and it gains the Augmented subtype. Size is unchanged.

Hit Dice

Do not recalculate Hit Dice, base attack bonus, speed, armor class or saves.

Special Attacks

Harrowing Strength (Ex): As a free action, the arcane corrupted creature adds a +4 bonus to her next attack roll and a bonus equal to her HD on the damage should that attack hit. Activating this ability adds five corruption points to the base creature's pool. This ability may be activated multiple times for a single attack to increase the damage, though the bonus to attack rolls does not stack.

Inhuman Reach (Ex): As a free action, the arcane-corrupted creature may increase the reach of their next attack by 5'; activating this ability adds four corruption points to the base creature's pool. This ability may be activated multiple times for a single attack to increase the reach farther.

Quickstrike (Ex): As a swift action, the arcane-corrupted creature may make a single attack at their highest attack bonus; activating this ability adds five corruption points to the base creature's pool.

Special Qualities

Burst of Speed (Ex): As a free action, the arcane corrupted creature moves up to one-half their base speed; activating this ability adds two corruption points to the base creature's pool.

Corruption Immunity (Ex): Arcane-corrupted creatures are immune to any sort of arcane radiation, corruption, or taint.

Corruption Points: Arcane-corrupted creatures have the flesh of abominations embedded deep within their bodies, giving them the ability to activate various functions that most abominations have. Activating various abilities adds Corruption Points to the base creature's pool, and the arcane-corrupted creature loses a single corruption point from their pool at the end of their turn; a creature may not gain more corruption points in a single round than their Charisma score + half their HD, and this total is also their "threshold" for corruption. Should the total number of Corruption Points accrued by the creature be over this threshold at the beginning of their turn, the creature must make a Will save (DC 5 + 2 for every point over the threshold) or be staggered until they drop below their threshold or fails two consecutive saves, upon which they become a full-on abomination. If the base creature turns into an abomination, they immediately gain a permanent +10 to all ability scores, change alignment to Chaotic Evil and become an NPC under the DM's control; nothing, not even the Wish or Miracle spells, can change the character back to a PC, though if they are killed and resurrected, they come back to life as though they had never exceeded their threshold.

While above their threshold for Corruption Points, an arcane-corrupted beast gains a +4 bonus to Intimidate checks but cannot use any other charisma-based skill, and gains +4 bonus to Strength and Dexterity, but when they fall to their threshold or below it they immediately become fatigued until the end of the encounter (though this status effect disappears should they rise above their threshold once more). An arcane-corrupted creature may attempt to quell the abomination lurking deep within themselves as a full-round action (or as a standard action if they are considered staggered,) which removes one Corruption Point, and another one for every three HD they have beyond the first (two at 4th level, three at 7th level, and so on). During a round in which they attempt to quell the beast, they may not activate any abilities that this template grants.

As they use more corruption points and near their threshold, arcane-corrupted creatures begin showing signs of their nearness into becoming an abomination.

  • At one-half their threshold, arcane-corrupted creatures grow fangs, and their eyes begin to glow within their sockets.
  • At three-quarters their threshold, the muscles of arcane-corrupted creatures are plainly visible beneath their clothing and veins appear on their skin visibly pumping black-blue fluid.
  • At their threshold and further on, an arcane-corrupted creature is almost completely transformed as spikes sprout from various places within their body, often on their elbows, knees, and foreheads, and usually rending holes in their own clothes, and black bile begins to leak uncontrollably from their mouth.

These are the most usual side-effects of the corruption on arcane-corrupted creatures, though each one may have its own specific characteristics. Any marks that appear on an arcane-corrupted creature stay visible until the creature's corruption score resets to 0, upon which the signs begin to recede.

Indomitable Abomination (Ex): The evil energy of the foul abomination within the arcane-corrupted creature does not die easily, and lends this inacceptance of death to its host. An arcane corrupted creature may drop down to half their maximum HP before dying, rather than the usual number of negative HP (usually -10). For example, an arcane-corrupted creature with 71 HP would need to be brought to -35 HP before dying.

Regenerate Flesh (Ex): As a free action, the arcane corrupted creature may heal a number of points of damage equal to twice their HD, up to a maximum of one-half their maximum HP; activating this ability adds four corruption points to the base creature's pool. The creature may even use this ability to reattach or regrow limbs, as per the regenerate spell.

Should the arcane-corrupted creature be brought to negative hit-points but not killed, on their next action this ability automatically activates a number of times to bring the creature to 0 HP or higher without the creature willing it to happen. The maximum HP to which they are brought by the unintentional use of this ability is zero. Further healing, either from other sources or from further applications of Regenerate Flesh must be used to bring the creature above 0 HP.

Resilience (Ex): As a free action that can be activated even when it's not the creature's turn, the arcane corrupted creature may reduce the damage from any source until the start of their next turn by a number equal to their HD; activating this ability adds three corruption points to the base creature's pool.

Resistance (Ex): As a free action that can be activated even when it's not the creature's turn, the arcane corrupted creature adds five to the next saving throw he makes; activating this ability adds three corruption points to the base creature's pool. This ability cannot be used to boost the saving throw against becoming corrupted when at or above the creature's threshold.

Sense Abomination (Ex): The base creature may pause for a moment in an attempt to detect abominations in the area; this ability works like detect evil, except its area is a spread around the creature with a Medium range (effective caster level equal to the creature's HD) and it detects creatures of the aberration type. This ability has the power to detect both abominations in the area (even when hidden in humanoid form), as well as other arcane-corrupted creatures, and is unable to discern between the two.


While they are tougher, stronger, and faster than they were before the transformation, arcane-corrupted creatures also lose some of their humanity, becoming less emotionally responsive and less able to relate to others.

Apply the following changes to the base creature's ability scores: Str +2, Dex +2, Con +2, Cha -2


Arcane-corrupted creatures are collectively known as the Silver Hilt in the Shattered Haven campaign setting, and are controlled by the Institution. They are bred as warriors to fight the abominations that plague the land, though few within their ranks know much beyond their own purpose or their orders. Unquestioningly obeying orders most of the time, any who dare to defect are virtually always ferreted out by their battle-sisters and put to death for fear that they have become abominations themselves.

Challenge Rating

Increase the base creature's challenge rating by +2 or +5 if the creature has already passed its threshold.


By character class.

Level Adjustment


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Ghostwheel's Homebrew (311 Articles)
AuthorGhostwheel +
Identifier3.5e Template +
Level Adjustment2 +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryChanged by a strange and forbidden ritual, creatures with this template are faster, stronger, and tougher than their counterparts--but suffer terrible consequences should they abuse that power. +
TitleArcane-Corrupted +