Dervish (4e Class)

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Author: Armond (talk)
Date Created: 06:48, 30 March 2012 (UTC)
Status: Preliminary
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The wind... It is... blowing...

Class Traits

Class Traits
Role: Defender, Striker, or Leader.
Power Source: Martial.
Key Abilities: Dexterity; Strength or Wisdom.
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, military melee, simple ranged, military ranged.
Bonus to Defense: +1 Reflex, +1 Will.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges per Day: 6 + Constitution modifier
Trained Skills: Acrobatics. From the class skills list below, choose 4 more trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Insight, Perception, Stealth, Thievery.
Build Options: Sandstorm Dervish, Scorpion Dervish.
Class Features: Battle Form, Two-Weapon Training


Characteristics: Your training and discipline have molded you into a fearsome warrior. Combining the offensive threat of two weapons with extensive mobility and a unique fighting style, you are always a major player in the battlefield.

Religion: Dervish training leaves little room for worship, though many dervishes pay homage to the Goddess in the Sand, believing her to watch over (though rarely interfere with) their training.

Races: The life of a dervish requires great physical prowess and a penchant for obedience. Though the dervishes of the world count many races among their ranks, the most common are humans, dragonborn, and dwarves.

Creating a dervish

Sandstorm Dervish

Those that enter the sandstorm are never seen again. Your training has focused on eliminating a single worthy foe as quickly as possible. Your melee powers use Dexterity, making it your most important ability. Your Strength score helps you bring down a single foe quickly, so that should be your secondary attribute. Wisdom is a good third choice, since it boosts your Will defense and some of your class features. Choose powers that allow you to focus on one target

Suggested Battle Form: Sandstorm Form.
Suggested Feat: Scimitar Mastery (Human feat: )
Suggested Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Stealth, Thievery
Suggested At-Will Powers: '
Suggested Encounter Power: '
Suggested Daily Power: '

Scorpion Dervish

Like the scorpion, you are a deadly and tenacious foe. You focus on longer term combat - both surviving and maintaining your damage output. Dexterity is still your most important ability, but Wisdom keeps you aware of the state of the battle, allowing you to press advantages and keep away from bad situations. Strength is a good tertiary stat, since it boosts your Fortitude defense and allows you to dabble in some other class features.

Suggested Battle Form: Scorpion Form.
Suggested Feat: Scimitar Mastery (Human feat: )
Suggested Skills: Endurance, Insight, Perception, Stealth
Suggested At-Will Powers: '
Suggested Encounter Power: '
Suggested Daily Power:

Dervish Class Features

All dervishes share these class features.

Battle Form

A dervish's training prepares her for utmost perfection in combat using one of three fighting styles. Choose one of the following battle forms and gain its benefit: Sandstorm Form, Scorpion Form.

Sandstorm Form: You gain the Precise Slash power.
Scorpion Form: You gain a bonus to the damage rolls of martial powers equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Precise Slash
Dervish Feature
A split second of concentration is all you need to make your blows count.
Encounter ✦ Martial, Weapon
No Action Special
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a weapon attack.
Target: The enemy you hit.
Effect: The target takes 1[W] damage and ongoing damage equal to your Strength modifier (save ends). While suffering from this ongoing damage, the target takes a -1 penalty to all defenses.
    Level 21: 2[W] damage.
Special: You can use this power no more than once per turn.
    Level 11: You can use this power twice per encounter.

Two-Weapon Training

While wearing light armor or no armor, you can wield a one-handed weapon in your off hand as if it were an off-hand weapon. You gain Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat, even if you don’t meet the prerequisites.

Dervish Powers

Dervish powers are called exploits. Regardless of the dervish's Battle Form, her powers focus on quick, deadly strikes and battlefield maneuverability.

Full power list here.

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Facts about "Dervish (4e Class)"
Action TypeNo Action +
AuthorArmond +
Identifier4e Class +
KeywordMartial + and Weapon +
RangeSpecial +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryThe embodiment of the desert's fury, the dervish uses two scimitars to deadly effect. +
TitleDervish +
Type{{{type}}} + and Dervish Feature Power +
UsageEncounter +