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Starsign Shield (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 9-18-18
Status: Complete
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk
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Starsign Shield

Starsign Shield
Price: 11,490 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate Abjuration
Activation: Standard Action
Weight: 60 lbs.

The green corrosion on this copper-plated shield makes it look older and heavier than it is. Engraved upon its surface is some eldritch star-like symbol with an eye inscribed within.

This +1 greatshield is heavy and thick, 150% the weight of a normal steel greatshield of its type but providing unparalelled stability. Wielders benefit from a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground). This stacks with the dwarven racial ability. In addition it shield bashes as a weapon one size larger than normal, and if used as part of a bull rush it provides a +4 bonus to the opposed Strength check. The shield is covered in a protective patina and is immune to rusting and acid damage.

The shield seems to act as anathema to things which are unnatural in the world. Against creatures of the aberration type, outsiders with the augmented aberration subtype, creatures with the abomination subtype, outsiders native to the far realm, obyriths and elder evils the shield grants its user damage resistance 5/- against any effect made by them, and you suppress (but are not immune to). You may also take total cover behind this greatshield as if you were wielding a tower shield against these creatures listed. When within 30 ft of one of these creatures the shield glows dull light blue and whispers.

As long as its wielder possesses a dark insight score, they can unlock its more eldritch powers. As a standard action they can use a special version of the 3rd level scribe elder sign embedded on the shield 1/day. If they sacrifice 1 points of insight and have 9 HD or greater, they can use the 5th level greater elder sign, or sacrifice 3 insight and have 17 HD to generate a true elder sign. The elder sign in any of its forms lasts for 1 hour. The daily use may be refreshed early by sacrificing 5 insight as a free action.

The saving throw is based on your highest mental ability modifier, and the caster level is your HD, or the items base caster level, whichever is larger.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, scribe elder sign.
Cost to Create: 5,790 gp, 456 EXP, 11 days.

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