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Bound Elemental Lash (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 5-27-20
Status: 光復香港,時代革命
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk please.
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Grant yourself a supernatural lash formed out of an elemental creature.

In the primal origins of the universe, when good and evil were newly formed concepts and the world was dominated by mysterious outsider beings, the creatures of the inner planes looked upon the chaos wrought in the world with a mix of horror and awe. It was some that looked upon one of the most powerful beings of that time, the prototype of what would eventually be called a Balor, and viewed these things as a shape to aspire to in order to have influence upon the world. So were "elemental fiends" born from a gestalt of like-minded creatures that mimicked, to a degree, the outer planes residents and specifically the balor. These fiends are now long past, but the gestalting technique they used to achieve their form had been recently unearthed. However instead of binding elementals together, the spellcasters of this age have bound elementals to other creatures in order to replicate some of their work. Naturally, by working off the designs of the elemental fiends the resulting creature begins to resemble something akin to an elemental balor. For this design, elementals are used to forge a lash hidden within one arm for the would-be host.

This type of graft is usually hidden, save for the veins of elemental energy running up the arm. The weapon can be drawn or sheathed as any weapon, appearing within the appropriate hand and unable to be disarmed, as it is part of the arm. The type of elemental bound alters the design and nature of the weapon. You are proficient with the weapon formed. Choose from the following:

  • Air: You form a lash of cloud and wind, dealing 1d4 points of slashing damage + Strength with a 18-20/x2 critical and acting as a whip otherwise. However, you can deal lethal damage with no armor restriction. The speed of this last is supreme, allowing you to make an extra attack as a swift action at -5 penalty.
  • Earth: You form a lash of magnetically levitated sharp and spiky shards and heavy chunks of iron, more ball and chain than whip. It deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage + Strength with a 20/x2 critical, acting as a whip otherwise. You can deal lethal damage with no armor restriction. It's heft is such that you can make a single attack as a standard action and gain a free trip attempt as part of the attack.
  • Fire: You form a lash of blazing fire, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage + Strength with a 19-20/x2 critical and acting as a whip otherwise. However, you can deal lethal damage with no armor restriction. The whip can ignite flammable materials on fire, and as a standard action you can make a single attack and cause a creature to catch on fire, which can be snuffed with a DC 15 Reflex save as a move action. This occurs automatically on a confirmed critical hit as well.
  • Water: You form a swirling lash of water, dealing 1d6 points of slashing damage + Strength with a 19-20/x2 critical and acting as a whip otherwise. However, you can deal lethal damage with no armor restriction. You can use this whip underwater with no penalties, and it can quench a 5 ft cube of non-magical fire on touch. As a standard action you can make a single attack that extends the lash to twice its normal range.

This grafts augments one of the creature's arms.

Graft Flesh (Any), summon monster V; Price 15000 gp.

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