Juggernaut (3.5e Class)
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The essence of strength, you are a hulk-like brute capable to casually flipping cars and crushing tanks. 20 0 Moderate Good Poor Poor Other Other
Power. Unlimited power. Hidden behind the secret workings of the universe there is said to be essences of concepts such as speed, life, intelligence, awareness, presence, and similar concepts. And there is one which embodies strength itself. The Power Force. This ill understood energy exists within the universe as a natural impulse. We channel it every day and never realize it. But the juggernaut is blessed by it, keenly aware of it. A mortal can become strong, but they can channel a strength that should be impossible. They are strength, they are power, they are juggernauts.
Making a Juggernaut
Abilities: Strength is key, for you are a melee class and strength is what you do. However Constitution will make sure you won't die while using your Strength, and Dexterity can compensate where armor cannot. Mental ability scores? What are those?
Races: Any.
Alignment: Any.
Starting Gold: 5d4×10 gp (125 gp).
Starting Age: As rogue.
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | |||||
Fort | Ref | Will | ||||||
1st | +0 | +2 | +0 | +0 | Improved Unarmed Strike, Monstrous Strength, Power Force, Titanic Blow | |||
2nd | +1 | +3 | +0 | +0 | Gentle Grip, Power Force, Virtual Size 1 | |||
3rd | +2 | +3 | +1 | +1 | Juggernaut Walk, Juggernaut Stance | |||
4th | +3 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Body Toss, Poise, Throw Everything | |||
5th | +3 | +4 | +1 | +1 | Power Force, Strength +2 | |||
6th | +4 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Ballistic Flight | |||
7th | +5 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Break Immobilization, Virtual Size 2 | |||
8th | +6 | +6 | +2 | +2 | Power Force, Megaton Blow | |||
9th | +6 | +6 | +3 | +3 | Juggernaut Run, Strength +2 | |||
10th | +7 | +7 | +3 | +3 | Bulk Up, Improved Titanic Blow | |||
11th | +8 | +7 | +3 | +3 | Improved Ballistic Flight, Power Force | |||
12th | +9 | +8 | +4 | +4 | Virtual Size 3 | |||
13th | +9 | +8 | +4 | +4 | Deadly Titanic Blow, Strength +2 | |||
14th | +10 | +9 | +4 | +4 | Power Force | |||
15th | +11 | +9 | +5 | +5 | Sacrificial Strength | |||
16th | +12 | +10 | +5 | +5 | Greater Ballistic Flight | |||
17th | +12 | +10 | +5 | +5 | Power Force, Virtual Size 4, Strength +2 | |||
18th | +13 | +11 | +6 | +6 | Kaiju Form | |||
19th | +14 | +11 | +6 | +6 | Cast Fist | |||
20th | +15 | +12 | +6 | +6 | Greater Titanic Blow, Power Force | |||
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level) |
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Juggernaut.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A juggernaut is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Improved Unarmed Strike: A juggernaut gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. However if they have a monk's unarmed strike or already have the feat, this class stacks with your effective monk level for determining your unarmed strike.
Monstrous Strength (Ex): If there is one thing the juggernaut is known for, it is their strength. Channeling the Power Force, they exhibit a lifting strength far beyond all others. They add +2 per class level to their effective Strength for the purposes of carrying capacity, ability checks (including bull rushes, overruns, and trips), skill checks, break DCs, damage against objects, and prerequisites. However monstrous strength does not apply on attack or damage rolls nor grapple checks, as the ability to lift a mountain or shove a great weight out of the way does not entail the same skill to combat a moving and hostile target.
In addition, you may use your class level as your effective BAB for the purpose of pre-requisites.
Power Force: Juggernauts channel the Power Force, and through it each exhibits its blessings in a different way. At 1st, 2nd, 5th, and every three levels beyond the juggernaut can choose an ability from the Power Force List listed here. Unless stated otherwise, you can only take a Power Force ability once, and some require prerequities. Choose from the following listed HERE.
Titanic Blow (Ex): The juggernaut can release a pulse of the Power Force within their attacks, launching targets far away with the force of your attack. Once per round you can choose one of your attacks to be a titanic blow. You gain a free bull rush attempt in addition to your normal attack which does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and you do not follow them with the bull rush. If their movement is stopped prematurely due to an object or barrier they take an additional 1d6 fall damage per 10 ft of movement remaining.
Gentle Grip (Ex): The 2nd level juggernaut cares not for your puny material physics. They are capable of grasping and lifting objects many times their size even if their grip of their relatively tiny hands would not permit it. While it doesn't permit wielding objects not adjusted for their size, they may hold these oddly shaped objects as long as it is within their carrying capacity.
In addition they may choose to grapple a creature with only a single hand, remaining free of the grapple condition themselves. However they take a -20 penalty on said grapple attempt.
Virtual Size (Ex): A juggernaut is a titan in miniature form, but the Power Force allows them to act many times their size. They gain the effects of Powerful Build at 2nd level. However unlike Powerful Build it increases an additional size category at 7th, 12th, and 17th (effectively Colossal for creatures starting at Medium size).
Juggernaut Walk (Ex): The 3rd level juggernaut can employ the juggernaut walk. As long as they take only a single move action in a round they may ignore difficult terrain, and effects which would slow them down even further (such as solid fog) instead reduce them to 1/2 speed. While performing a juggernaut walk, they may pick up items in their way off the ground as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and they may make sunder or break DC attempts against any unattended objects in their way as a free action. Failing to break or sunder an obstruction stops your movement for that action.
Juggernaut Stance (Ex): Conversely, when a 3rd level juggernaut does not wish to move, he does not. Whenever a juggernaut has not moved more than 5 ft in a round, they may add their Monstrous Strength bonus to Stability (that is, against checks being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground). This stacks with similar abilities.
Body Toss (Ex): The 4th level juggernaut can throw bodies, willing or unwilling, as throwing weapons. Whenever you make a successful grapple check you can immediately throw the target as a projectile with a range (not range increment) of 5 ft for every +1 Strength modifier you possess (not including Monstrous Strength). A body deals as much damage as a corpse, and if it hits another creature damage is split evenly between the two. Both creatures must make a DC 15 Balance check to avoid falling prone.
Poise (Ex): The juggernaut has the strength to keep standing even when they should be interrupted. Whenever they are struck with an effect that would interrupt an action in progress (such as taking an attack of opportunity for a disarm attempt), they have a 50% chance of keeping the action even if they would otherwise lose it.
Throw Everything (Ex): Everything is a potential weapon. All weapons, and indeed all objects, gain a minimum throwing range increment of 20 ft. You can throw objects in your light load as an attack action, and objects up to your heavy load as a full attack action. The 4th level juggernaut may use their Strength score on attack and damage rolls with throwing weapons, and they benefit from a giant's rock throwing ability. They throw objects up to their effective size, dealing their weapon damage or 2d6 damage for other objects of Medium size with a 20/x2 critical range.
If you have Deflect Arrows, your deflection now applies to seige weapons and objects of unusual size. This counts as possessing the rock catching giant ability.
Strength Bonus: The Power Force may be difficult to control at all times, but long term exposure works out your normal muscles as well. At 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th, the juggernaut's Strength score increases by +2 as if they gained bonus ability scores by leveling.
Ballistic Flight (Ex): The 6th level juggernaut has such force in their legs, they may as well be flying. They see the usual table for Jump checks and throw it away. You are always considered having a running start to your jumps, and you travel a distance equal to your jump check (rounded down to the nearest 5 ft increment) regardless if it is a high or long jump. You are restricted neither by your height nor your movement speed, traveling the full distance at the end of your turn. You may make a single standard action in the middle of your movement, often to punch a flying opponent.
Your skill with jumping results in you taking no fall damage from an intentional jump (up to the distance determined by your jump check), and half fall damage from unintentional falls or drops that exceed your jump check.
Break Immobilization (Su): The juggernaut does not let a little thing like being unable to move stop them. As a full round action they may make a Strength check and use the result as an additional saving throw against any effect which would immobilize them (such as paralysis, sleep, and petrification, but not death). If successful they break free from the effect, although they can be afflicted again. They can do this even if they would otherwise be denied actions, such as being petrified.
Megaton Blow (Ex): At 8th level, the juggernaut can choose to wind up a particularly powerful attack as a full attack action. Make a single attack with a -4 penalty: if you hit, you deal damage as if you hit with all your attacks afforded to your by BAB (plus one for bonus attacks from haste).
Juggernaut Run (Ex): The 9th level juggernaut can now use their juggernaut walk abilities when making a charge or run action. In addition, they may overrun as part of this movement, except you only move the creature out of your path instead of knocking them prone. You gain a +2 on break DC checks while performing a juggernaut run.
Bulk Up (Ex): Sometimes the juggernaut needs even more strength. As a standard action the 10th level juggernaut can bulk up, doubling their Monstrous Strength bonus for 3 rounds. At the end of those 3 rounds they are fatigued for 1 round. This bypasses immunities. They cannot bulk up while fatigued or exhausted.
Improved Titanic Blow (Ex): The Titanic Blow ability of a juggernaut improves at 10th level. You may now break force effects as if they had a break DC equal to 10 + their caster level. When you make a successful Titanic Blow and knock a creature into a wall or obstruction, you may make a break DC check as a free action to have them continue through the object, taking 1d6 damage as they crash through. At the end of any Titanic Blow attempt creatures must make a DC 15 Balance check to avoid falling prone.
Improved Ballistic Flight (Su): At 11th level the juggernaut can charge up a super jump that launches them high into the air heading for their destination. As long as they have at least 30 ft of movement space they can take a 1 round action and throw themselves into low orbit protected by a sheathe of air moving with them. They duplicate the effect of teleport (self and anyone they carry only), except it is actual movement and not a teleportation effect. They travel at the speed of 2 miles per round until they reach their destination, and they require open air on both departure and arrival points.
Deadly Titanic Blow (Ex): At 13th level the juggernaut can delete someone from existence with an overwhelming show of force. Once per day when using Titanic Blow, the juggernaut can for a Fortitude save DC 7 + 1/2 HD + Strength modifier (instead of the usual base 10). The creature dies, exploding, being launched into orbit, or otherwise being removed from existence. This is not a [Death] effect, but it does destroy the body.
Sacrificial Strength (Su): The Power Force is infinite, and while a juggernaut is only a small fraction of infinity they can, with effort, bring the full force of its power to bear. They can choose to automatically succeed at any one Strength ability or skill check by the exact minimum amount needed for success, or lift potentially unlimited weight, but each time they do in a 24 hour period they take an increasing amount of Constitution burn, starting at 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and so forth. As such they can perform the impossible such as stopping a meteor with their bare hands or lifting an aircraft carrier, but the experience will quickly kill them. Remember that it is also the minimum to succeed at a task, and the minimum of a bull rush is only 5 ft.
Greater Ballistic Flight (Su): Your ability to jump vast distances becomes absurd. You now duplicate the effect of greater teleport with your Improved Ballistic Flight, subject to the same restrictions as previously. However you travel at arrive at your destination within a minimum of 1 minute even if the distance would be longer. You are also able to Plane Shift (willing only, same restrictions apply) but the travel time is 1 hour. You are protected by a bubble of pure Power Force in transit which pops when you land at your destination.
Kaiju Form (Su): Once per day as a 1 round action, the juggernaut suffuses their body with the Power Force and grow in size to match the energy within. You gain the benefits of the Behemothian (3.5e Template) template for 20 minutes with the following changes: your sizes matches that of your effective size due to your Virtual Size. Do not change your ability scores or AC, they remain the same. Instead you gain enough natural armor to counteract the size penalty to AC, and gain a circumstance bonus on attack rolls to counteract the size penalty to attack rolls. You recover half your hp upon transforming into kaiju form.
Cast Fist (Su): The 19th level juggernaut can make a single powerful blow once per minute, though it is often a hazard to everyone around them. They make a single attack as a full attack action, dealing their normal melee damage and dropping an uncapped fireball effect out to 40 ft radius from point of impact, using your character level as your caster level. All creatures affected as subject to your Titanic Blow away from point of impact. You are immune to your own fireball, but your allies may not be. The DC is 7 + 1/2 HD + Strength modifier (instead of the usual base 10), and you can choose to disintegrate destroyed creatures and objects into ash.
Greater Titanic Blow (Ex): At 20th level you are no longer limited to a single Titanic Blow attempt once per round, and may use it upon every attack. In addition if you limit yourself to a single Titanic Blow in a round you can affect all creatures in a 400 ft line. Your Titanic Blows now count as the appropriate damage or attack to bypass magical effects such as requiring a knock for an arcane lock or the various layers of a prismatic sphere without endangering your weapon used.
Half-Orc Juggernaut Starting Package
Weapons: Warhammer.
Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.
Skill | Ranks | Ability | Armor Check Penalty |
Climb | 4 | Str | 0 |
Jump | 4 | Str | 0 |
Swim | 4 | Str | 0 |
Tumble | 4 | Str | 0 |
Feat: Power Attack.
Gear: Padded Armor.
Gold: 108 gp.
Campaign Information
Playing a Juggernaut
Religion: Juggernauts, if they worship anything, likely revere deities of strength, martial prowess, berserkers, or sometimes nature.
Other Classes: Other classes may think you're dull, that every situation can be fixed by applying more force to it. This is where they are wrong, and this can be corrected with vigorous application of force.
Combat: You are strength. All things melee and thrown fall before you. Your methods are simple but effective, and even more effective when you begin using the bodies of those defeated before you as ammunition against those to cowardly or smart to approach you.
Advancement: Prestiging out is sometimes alright, but if you want to have the most effective strength in the world a single class experience will do you well.
Juggernauts in the World
“ | What are you going to do, throw me out the window? | ” |
—Nameless mook seconds before being thrown out a window |
Daily Life: Life is simple. You make dinner. You water your garden. You crush an entire dragon into a ball of meat the size of a man. You read the comics. Life is good.
NPC Reactions: How others see you depends entirely how you hold yourself. After all you can be a mindless monster of destruction, or the hero of truth and justice.
Juggernaut Lore
Characters with ranks in Knowledge Nature can research Juggernauts to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.
DC | Result |
10 | Blessed with the "Power Force", juggernauts hold an extreme and unfathomable strength far beyond what their mortal form should possess. Never engage in an arm wrestling match with one; you will certainly lose. |
15 | Beyond raw strength, juggernauts are difficult to slow down or contain. They march through obstructions and shatter walls before them, and they can even nearly fly by leaping up with the strength of a titan. |
20 | Powerful juggernauts can lift things many times their size, or destroy things with a single touch. Some are even able to transform into a titan befitting of their apparent strength. |
30 | Those that reach this level of success can research specific juggernauts, their whereabouts, feats of strength, and motives. |
Juggernauts in the Game
Adaptation: Designed to fit the hulk-like brute concept, it could possibly replace barbarians as the "strong muscle" archetype.
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