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Performer's Regalia (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 11-18-17
Status: Complete
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Performer's Regalia

Flashy garb for performers on the go, they provide protection, mobility, and flair to go with their flashy lifestyles.

Performer's Regalia (Light)
Size Humanoid
Weight Hit
Small 1500 gp 3000 gp +3 2 lb. 10
Medium 1500 gp 3000 gp +3 4 lb. 10
Non-Standard Sizes
Fine 750 gp 1500 gp +1 0.4 lb. 10
Diminutive 750 gp 1500 gp +1 0.4 lb. 10
Tiny 750 gp 1500 gp +1 0.4 lb. 10
Large 3000 gp 6000 gp +3 8 lb. 10
Huge 6000 gp 12000 gp +3 20 lb. 10
Gargantuan 12000 gp 24000 gp +3 32 lb. 10
Colossal 24000 gp 48000 gp +3 48 lb. 10
Dex Bonus
Armor Check
Arcane Spell
+7 -1 10% 1
Base 20 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft. 50 ft. 60 ft. 70 ft. 80 ft. 90 ft. 100 ft.
Armored 20 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft. 50 ft. 60 ft. 70 ft. 80 ft. 90 ft. 100 ft.
Don Don Hastily Remove
1 minute  5 rounds  1 minute1
  1. If the character has some help, cut this time in half. A single character doing nothing else can help one or two adjacent characters. Two characters can't help each other don armor at the same time.

Designed to be bright and flashy, performer's regalia often resembles that of military uniforms stylized for the occasion. Suits with large hats, skirts, and small patches of metallic armor line this brightly colored and trimmed gear. Though designed for flair, many are durable enough to endure more acrobatic performances. Performer's regalia is always masterwork; price and benefits are subsumed in the above statistics.

The performer's regalia grant the following benefits when worn, on top of its general protective capabilities:

  • The performer's regalia counts as a masterwork skill tool for the following skills: Balance, Perform, Sleight of Hand, and Tumble.
  • If you fail a check which would result in you falling (such as a balance check on a tightrope, or a climb check), you may reroll. If you succeed, you merely fail to make progress rather than fall.
  • If you possess a spontaneous arcane spellcasting class, your casting-relevant ability score counts as 4 higher for the purpose of determining the number of spell slots available.
  • You can choose to have your outfit displayed in a particular color scheme; you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on any ability or skill checks when interacting with those who are associated with said colors. For example, if dressed in the color scheme of a sports team, the bonus would apply to the sports team and their supporters. The outfit also counts as a courtier's outfit.
  • By paying an additional 2000 gp, you may also have this count as a jingly jangly suit, with all benefits and penalties involved.

Craft (tailoring and embroidery) DC 27. Market Price 1,500 gp.

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