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Banshee Medium (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 31st October 2023
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Banshee Medium

A banshee medium is an unfortunate soul with a deep psychic connection with a banshee, usually as a spirit possessing the psychic. The result is a high necromantic potential as well as the ability to channel some of the banshee’s inner ability.

Class: Psychic

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Discipline Spell, Phrenic amplification (1st, 5th, 11th), Discipline Power (5th), Telepathic Bond, Remade Self

Benefit: A banshee medium gains the following class feature.

Discipline: A banshee medium’s link limits her choice of discipline, she may only choose from the following discipline: abomination, bleaching, haunted, sorrow or spirit channeler.

Banshee Spells: A banshee medium receive different spells than normal from her discipline, the spells she gains are the following: 1st–ventriloquism, 2nd–piercing shriek, 3rd–sound lance, 4th–primal scream, 5th–speak with soul, 6th–banshee blast, 7th–ethereal jaunt, 8th–orb of the void, 9th–wail of banshee.

This replaces discipline spells.

Spirit Scream (Ex): At 1st level, the banshee medium gains one between focused force and overpowering mind phrenic amplifications. She may apply them to necromancy spells or spells with the [sonic] descriptor. At 5th level she automatically gain the second amplification that she had not chosen at 1st level. At 11th level she may use both amplification on the same spell, as per the Dual Amplification phrenic amplifications, except at no extra cost.

This ability alters the phrenic amplifications gained at 1st level and 5th level, and the major amplification gained at 11th level.

Hear Heartbeat (Ex): A 5th level banshee medium is able to gain the banshee’s hear heartbeat ability as a free action. She may use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to her class level, and do not need to be used consecutively.

This ability replaces the 5th level discipline power.

Haunting Form (Su): A 9th level banshee medium can partially transform into a ghostly version of herself, gaining the gain the partial incorporeality monster ability and a fly speed equal to her base land speed with perfect maneuverability. She may use this ability a number of minutes per day equal to her class level.

This ability replaces telepathic bond.

Malevolent Specter (Ex): At 20th level the banshee medium becomes utterly and hopelessly possessed, willingly merges with the banshee she is connected to or manages to subdue it completely. She gain the banshee’s hear heartbeat constantly, and gain the partial incorporeality monster ability. Additionally, each time she casts a psychic spell, she can link one of her spirit scream amplifications with a total point cost of 1 to that spell without spending any points from her phrenic pool.

This ability replaces Remade Self.

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