Eleutheria of Erebos (3.5e NPC)
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Female Shadow Tiefling Incarnate 7, Soul of Erebos 3 | |
CN Medium Outsider (Native, Incarnum) | |
Init/Senses | +7/darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +6, Spot +11 |
Languages | Common, Abyssal, Draconic, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling, Gnome (last two from skill points) |
AC | 26, touch 17, flat-footed 21 (+7 armor, +2 shield (soulmeld), +5 Dex, +2 deflection) |
hp | 70 (10d6+40 HD) |
SR/Resist | 21 against divination/energy resistance 5 to cold |
Fort/Ref/Will | +13/+13/+16; +4 against darkness and light effect |
Speed | 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (average maneuverability) |
Melee | shortspear +6 (1d6 + 2) |
Ranged | heavy crossbow soulbound +14 (1d10 + 3/+7, 120 ft.) or |
Ranged | light crossbow soulbound +12 (1d8 + 1/+5, 80ft.) or |
Ranged | three dark orbs +12 (touch attack, 1d8 (+4), 40 ft.), Will save DC 20 + number of orbs against same enemy, -3 penalty to attacks, saves and skill rolls that lasts one round per each dark orb hitting |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Base Atk/Grp | +4/+6 |
Special Actions | Cold Aura, Vessel of the Dark Chaos |
Combat Gear | heavy crossbow soulbound +1, light crossbow soulbound +1, shortspear |
Abilities | Str 12, Dex 20, Con 18, Int 15, Wis 23, Cha 10 |
SQ | Aura (chaotic), Chakra Binds (crown, feet, hands, arms, brow, shoulders) Comforting Shadow, Dark Expanded Soulmeld Capacity, Detect Opposition, Expanded Soulmeld Capacity +1, Immunity to Charm spells, Incarnum Radiance 1/day, Non-detection (SR 10 + meldshaper level against divination), Rapid Meldshaping 1/day, Shadowsoul |
Feats | Intensify Darkness[1], Point Blank Shot (flaw: Light Vulnerability), Incarnum Ammunition (3.5e Feat) (flaw: Scientific Curiosity), Fiendish Bloodline[2], Outsider Wings[3], Mindsight[4] |
Skills | Bluff +15, Concentration +13, Craft (calligraphy) +3, Decipher Script +7, Diplomacy +9, Disable Device +3, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +8, Forgery +1, Gather Information +4, Hide +16/+18, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (religion) +9, Knowledge (the planes) +11, Move Silently +15/+17, Open Lock +6, Perform +4, Profession (librarian) +7, Sense Motive +11, Sleight of Hand +9, Spellcraft +9, Spot +11 |
Possessions | combat gear plus mithral perfect light plate +2, gloves of dexterity +2, incandescent blue ioun stone, ring of protection +2. Treasure: 765 gp |
Aura (chaotic) | As the aura of a cleric, power equal to meldshaper level. |
bane 1/day | Spell-like ability from Fiendish Heritage. |
Cold Aura | Inflicts 2d6 of cold damage to adjacent enemies, overcoming cold resistance. |
darkness 2/day | Racial spell-like ability, caster level is character level. |
deeper darkness | Spell-like ability, full-round action, using one darkness use (from Intensify Darkness), caster level is character level. |
Detect opposition | As the spell detect evil, but detects lawful creatures, at will, caster level is character level. |
Hide in Plain SIght | You may make Hide checks when observed in darkness or adjacent to it. |
Incarnum Radiance 1/day | 20-foot increase to base land speed, lasts 3 + Constitution modifier rounds. Also gain 20% concealment while in area of at least shadowy illumination. Supernatural ability from the Tiefling Incarnate Racial Substitution Levels[5]. |
protection from law 3/day[6] | Spell-like ability from Fiendish Heritage, caster level is character level. |
See in Darkness | While soulmeld is shaped on the brow chakra, gain ability to see normally in magical darkness. Supernatural ability from the Tiefling Incarnate Racial Substitution Levels[7]. |
Telepathy | Gain telepathy ability as long as a soulmeld is bound to crown chakra. Supernatural ability from the Tiefling Incarnate Racial Substitution Levels[8]. |
Vessel of the Dark Chaos | You may invest up to 5 points as a swift action, and remove them whenever you please. When essentia points are invested in this feature you may form, as a move action, one dark orb per essentia invested from shadows. These orbs remain until you remove essentia or until you throw them. You may throw them as ranged touch attack with range of 30 feet + 10 feet (9 meters +3 meters) per two essentia points invested. You may throw one orb as a swift action, up to three as a move action or up to five as a standard action. You may divide the orbs against multiple targets or hit the same target with multiple orbs. Each orb inflicts 1d8 of damage and is treated as a Chaos and Darkness effect. In addition, enemies hit must make a Will save (DC is 10 + essentia points invested + Wisdom modifier + number of dark orbs hitting the same target) or receive a -3 penalty to attacks, saves and skill rolls that lasts one round per each dark orb hitting (multiple uses in different rounds don't stack and multiple orbs hitting the same target in one round don't require multiple saves). |
Shadow Receptacle | A shadow tiefling may invest, once per day, essentia points into its darkness ability (with the same maximum of essentia invested as a soulmeld, plus any bonus). This way they gain an extra use of darkness per each essentia point invested. Anything that may allow it to reinvest essentia may not give extra uses beyond those already invested. |
Saves bonus and penalty | +2 saves against Darkness effects, -2 against Light effects. |
Favourite Soulmelds[9]:Edit
- Black Mask, Dark Guard, Enigma Helm, Erebos' Gown, Mage's Spectacles, Incarnate Avatar, Queen's Gambit, Sighting Gloves, Shadow Silk, Theft Gloves.
- soulmelds per day: 6;
- essentia points: 11 (+1/+2/+3; see Shadowsoul feature);
- chakra binds: 3;
Table: Essentia CapacityEdit
Character Level | Essentia Capacity | |
1st-5th | 1 | |
6th-11th | 2 | |
12th-17th | 3 | |
18th-20th | 4 |
- Expanded Soulmeld Capacity: +1; see also the Dark Expanded Soulmeld Capacity.
Combat TacticsEdit
When going into combat, Eleutheria uses her deeper darkness ability to remain always in shadows, gaining extra essentia (+3) and increasing her soulmeld capacity (up to 3 more).
Usually she shapes the following soulmelds: dark guard-2 points, arms bound; enigma helm crown bound; erebos' gown-1 points, on the heart chakra, incarnate avatar-2 points, on the soul chakra; queen's gambit-2 points, on the throat chakra; shadow silk, shoulders bound. Each effect is already accounted for in the stats. This way she gains the benefits of see in darkness, telepathy and mindsight.
In addition she puts 2 points in her soulbound heavy or light crossbow and 1 in her Incarnum Ammunition feat (or reversed, if you want to gain one special abilities from the bolts) gaining +2 to attacks rolls and damage and the ghost touch property (also, if the crossbow is bound to the brow chakra it may reroll any miss chance failed, once per round. She loses the See in Darkness feature though), and the last 3 points into her Vessel of the Dark Chaos feature: thus she creates three orbs with DC equal to 20 + number of orbs against same enemy to resist, dealing 1d8 each (+ 4 in the first range increment), with range equal to 40 feet (12 meters).
All this while flying (features such as cold aura may become less effective if she stays far from her enemies: in this case those essentia points should go to other, more useful, soulmelds).
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