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Galactic Guardian (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 21st November 2023
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Galactic Guardian

While an occultist draws power from strange objects and resonant occult energy, the galactic guardian is empowered by cosmic energy. Either chosen by an entity, or accidentally coming into the possession of a rare cosmic artifact.

Class: Occultist

Level: 1st

Replaces: Implement (Altered), 1st-level Focus Power

Benefit: A galactic guardian gain access to the following class features:

Code of Conduct: Upon taking their 1st level of galactic guardian, a single alignment is chosen. The galactic guardian must remain within one step of that alignment. If she grossly violates her alignment or her alignment is changed to one outside of the allowable range she immediately reverts to civilian form and cannot use her cosmic transformation. The galactic guardian regains her abilities if she receive an atonement spell or if she finds another cosmic patron that matches her new alignment.

Power of the Heart (Ex): A galactic guardian chooses either her Intelligence or Charisma to determine all of her occultist class features (including those gained through archetype). Her mental focus is her class level + her Intelligence and her Charisma bonus (minimum 1).

This ability alters mental focus.

Dual Identity (Ex): This ability functions as the vigilante's dual identity class feature, except the galactic guardian share an alignment between her two identity. Instead of a social and vigilante identity, a galactic guardian has a civilian and cosmic form. She can only change between identities with her cosmic transformation class feature.

Implement Talisman: A galactic guardian's implements are not an assortment of random items, but rather mystical talismans tying her with the cosmic power empowering her. Her talisman functions as implement, except that the form they take is chosen when the implement school is gained and cannot be changed afterward. Secondly her talismans are tied to her, and thus cannot be handed to allies to grant them any bonuses. If her talisman is lost, or destroyed, she automatically recreates them when she next rests to regain her spells (destroying the previous version in the process).

A galactic guardian stores all of her talisman implements into a special extradimensional space while in civilian form.

This ability alters implement, but does not disqualify this archetype from being combined with another archetype which also alters implement unless it completely removes them (such as the silksworn occultist).

Cosmic Transformation (Su): As a full-round action, the occultist can call upon the cosmic power that empowered her and transform, changing from her civilian to cosmic form. When doing so she can recall any number of talisman implement from her extradimensional space onto her body. In her cosmic form, the occultist can alter her appearance within the limit of disguise self, becoming an empowered and idealized version of herself. These are actual physical changes and not an illusion. The new appearance she takes is determined by the occultist's subconscious, and she has no willing control over it, but the form may change over time. While in cosmic form, her outfit and armor are also altered to match her transformation.

The occultist can return to her civilian identity as a free action.

Crystal School (Ex): A galactic guardian must choose a special 'crystal' school in addition to her implement schools. She chooses one energy type (acid, cold, electricity or fire) or one element listed on the Elemental School Student feat. She gains Elemental Focus with the chosen energy type or the Elemental School Student feat with the chosen element. Additionally she may select any spells with the matching energy descriptor, or from the listed element on the sorcerer/wizard spell list when she selects spells known in addition to the occultist list.

This ability replaces the focus power gained at 1st level.

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