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Haunted Doll Collector (3.5e Prestige Class)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 7th May 2019
Status: Finished
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A Haunted Doll Collector is the owner of strange occult dolls with odd magical powers.

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Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting, Psionics Partial

Haunted Doll CollectorEdit

I have all the friends I need... to keep me company during long sleepless nights.
—Katye Leoninski, Human Haunted Doll Collector

The act of binding spirits in object or corpses has a long and dark tradition. The Haunted Doll Collector take a step in between, inviting dark spirits inside the simulacrum, of a humanoid body in the form of a doll. As the mastery over their art increase, they soon become able to bind themselves to their doll collection and blur the line between alive and haunted object. It is said that those who put too much of themselves in the collection become part of it.

Becoming a Haunted Doll CollectorEdit

Entry Requirements  
Skills: Craft (Dollmaking) 8 Ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 5 Ranks. 
Feats: Dark Knowledge or Forbidden Knowledge
Manifesting or Spellcasting: Must be able to cast a 2nd level necromancy spell or manifest a 2nd level clairsentience power. 
Special: Must enhance a doll in a soul-binding ceremony, this use various components worth 1000 gp.
Table: The Haunted Doll Collector

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spellcasting or Manifesting
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Ghastly Collection, Hexing Eye, Limited Advancement +1 level of existing manifesting or spellcasting class.
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Summon Doll +1 level of existing manifesting or spellcasting class.
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Animate Doll, Tricky Switcheroo +1 level of existing manifesting or spellcasting class.
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Dark Puppeteering +1 level of existing manifesting or spellcasting class.
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Soul-Heart +1 level of existing manifesting or spellcasting class.
6th +4 +2 +2 +5 Replicant Anatomy, Tricky Switcheroo (Immediate) +1 level of existing manifesting or spellcasting class.
7th +5 +2 +2 +5 Mass of Dolls +1 level of existing manifesting or spellcasting class.
8th +6/+1 +2 +2 +6 Animate Doll (Fight), Collector's Hex +1 level of existing manifesting or spellcasting class.
9th +6/+1 +3 +3 +6 Destiny Bond +1 level of existing manifesting or spellcasting class.
10th +7/+2 +3 +3 +7 Collective of Pale Minds

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level)
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Psicraft (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str).

Class FeaturesEdit

All of the following are class features of the Haunted Doll Collector.

Spellcasting or Manifesting: At each level except the last one, you gain new spells (or powers) per day and an increase in caster level or manifester level (and spells/powers known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting/manifesting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting or manifesting class before becoming a haunted doll collector, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

Limited Advancement: An Haunted Doll Collector choose a single class feature she has which is granted by the class she is advancing the manifesting/spellcasting of, with the obvious exception of spellcasting. She add her Haunted Doll Class level to her other class levels for the purpose of advancing that class feature. This ability can grant a psychic warrior additional bonus feat, advance a druid's animal companion or advance a wilder's wild surge.

Ghastly Collection (Ex): A 1st level Haunted Doll Collector start the creation of a collection of strange occult dolls inhabited by spirits, or augment an existing collection of normal dolls. The Haunted Doll Collector has a maximum number of dolls equal to 2 + her class level, which are used for her various abilities The dolls are objects with an AC of 18 and have a number of hit points equal to twice the Haunted Doll Collector's character level. At her option the Haunted Doll Collector, she may make her dolls from tiny up to medium sized, doing so do not affect their AC or HP. The dolls are otherwise magical inanimate object and use the Haunted Doll Collector's saves. The Haunted Doll Collector may carry a doll in her hands, for her they are essentially weightless for her.

If a doll is destroyed or lost, it may be replaced by crafting or acquiring a new doll and imbuing it with essence. Doing so cause a single negative level to the Haunted Doll Collector which never result in death or level loss and is removed automatically after 24 hours.

Since the collection has a mind of it own, the abilities of the class is under the control of the Haunted Doll Collector's player rather than the character itself. When this class refer to the Haunted Doll Collector it may be freely assumed that this refer to both the character and the player.

Hexing Eye (Su): An Haunted Doll Collector can cast any spells or manifest any power she normally could through one of her magical doll. She must be able to perform the necessary component and must take the action herself. She use the doll's position to determine her line of sight and effect and can effectively 'see through' the doll but only for the purpose of targeting. When casting through a doll, both her and doll provoke an attack of opportunity, and even if she normally wouldn't the doll do. If the doll is struck the Haunted Doll Collector is dealt no damage nor does she need to make a concentration check, the spell or power only fail if the doll is destroyed.

Summon Dolls (Su): A 2nd level Haunted Doll Collector can summon any of the dolls from her collection as a free action. The location of the summoning must be within 60 feet of the Haunted Doll Collector and not in the line of sight of any non-mindless creature beside the Haunted Doll Collector. The summoning location do not need to be within the line of sight or effect of the Haunted Doll Collector, she must simply be aware of the area she summon the doll in. The doll arrive in any position the player wish it to, as it usually cannot move after being summoned.

Animate Doll (Ex): A 3rd level Haunted Doll Collector may spend a move action to move one of her doll instead of herself. It automatically get up from sitting, prone or kneeling position without provoking an attack of opportunity and has a speed of 40 feet. She may run or take a double move as a doll. While animated, the doll can manipulate objects as a creature with Strength and Dexterity 10.

At 8th level she may instead grant a fly speed of 20 ft. (perfect) to her dolls.

Tricky Switcheroo (Su): A 3rd level Haunted Doll Collector can switch place with one of her doll within 120 feet as a move action. At 6th level she may do so as an immediate action, if she was the subject of an attack the doll is subjected instead.

Dark Puppeteering (Su): A 4th level Haunted Doll Collector holding one of her doll, may bind it to a creature within close range as a full-round action. The target is allowed a Will save to negate. On a failure the target is placed under the effect of control body, the target must be a viable target of that power in order for this ability to work but there is no save beyond the initial Will save. The Haunted Doll Collector must concentrate on this ability as a standard action and it count as requiring somatic component, as the target replicate the movement of the doll. Additionally each round she concentrate, the Haunted Doll Collector may inflict a sensation on the doll as per false sensory input, unlike the power she may create entirely new sensations as long as she would be able to manually inflict it on the doll.

The creature may only be freed if the Haunted Doll Collector cease concentrating on this ability, if the doll is disarmed or broken or if a remove curse or stronger similar effect is cast upon the victim. Once a creature succeed a save against this ability it is immune for 24 hours.

Soul-Heart (Ex): At 5th level the Haunted Doll Collector is able to place her soul within her dolls, departing from her body. From this point on she is no longer damaged by positive or negative energy but still healed normally and cease to age. She is also utterly immune to any effect which displace her soul, such as magic jar or soul-trapping effect, unless used to destroy the last doll of her collection.

If the Haunted Doll Collector dies, her consciousness move to the closest doll within 60 feet, if there is none she dies as normal. She is able to move through the Animate Doll ability and she is able to cast spells or manifest powers as well as use any of her class feature. If the doll is destroyed she is killed normally unless another doll is within 60 feet.

As long as one of the doll exist, whether or not the Haunted Doll Collector's consciousness survive or not. It can be used as special component for revival spell removing any material or XP components and preventing the Haunted Doll Collector from losing a level. Doing so destroy the doll.

However there is a drawback to the procedure, if all of her dolls are destroyed she take a number of Constitution Burn equal to half her Constitution score. This ability burn do not start to heal until she recreate at least one doll. This damage do not stack with itself, it overlap.

The Haunted Doll Collector's Ghastly Collection are now capable of speech if given a mouth.

Replicant Anatomy: At 6th level, after place her soul in her collection the Haunted Doll Collector start to change to become more like a doll than a member of her previous specie. The change in appearance is relative from person to person but typically involve perfect skin, doll joints and rigid body fat and muscles. Her type change to construct and she gain the living construct subtype. She still count as her old type whenever doing so would be advantageous, such as receiving healing.

Mass of Dolls (Su): A 7th level Haunted Doll Collector can replicate the ectoplasmic strangulation spell, except with dolls body parts instead of ectoplasmic body parts. Unlike the spell, it does not explode at the end of the duration or when dismissed. She may only have a single instance active, any new instance dismiss the previous one.

If she sacrifice one of her doll in the process, she may instead replicate the effect of gravehorde with doll parts and limbs instead of undead.

Collector's Hex (Su): Whenever a Haunted Doll Collector of 8th level or higher kill a creature, she may transform it into a doll of itself. The creature is considered dead and it soul is trapped inside the doll, requiring it destruction in order to release it. The destroyed doll count as body remains for the purpose of resurrection. Dolls created this way are not part of her Ghastly Collection but may be use alongside Animate Doll and Hexing Eye as if they were.

These dolls are able to speak when addressed to, speaking with the voice of the deceased creature. This allow the Haunted Doll Collector to replicate the effect of speak with dead once per day for each dolls.

Destiny Bond (Su): When she reach 9th level, the Haunted Doll Collector has learned how to bind her destiny with another creature. As a standard action she may make a touch attack, if she hit both creatures are bound by destiny for 1 round. Any effect which affect one creature, also affect the other. Both creatures are allowed spell resistance and saving throws as normal. This include damage, status effect, healing and even death. Upon using Destiny Bond, the Haunted Doll Collector's turn end and she cannot take any action until the start of her next turn. After this ability is used on a creature the Haunted Doll Collector cannot do so on the same creature again for 24 hours.

Collective of Pale Minds: At 10th level the Haunted Doll Collector is now part of her doll collection, all of her dolls become Animated Objects of their respective size, each have an AC of 18 and hit points equal to twice the collector's character level, if higher than what the animate object normally would have. The dolls use the Haunted Doll Collector's saving throws. They may revert into non-animated object as a free action.

The Haunted Doll Collector's body is the 'prime doll' and she is the head of their collective mind, she is in constant telepathic connection with unlimited range even across planes with each doll and if one is not flat-footed none are. If the Haunted Doll Collector is killed, the collective will rebuild her body 1d4 weeks, each dolls working together beyond the first reduce the time it take to rebuild by 1 day (to a minimum of 1 day). Once rebuilt, the Haunted Doll Collector is brought back to life as per true resurrection. The time required may be lengthened significantly if the dolls do not have access to tools or materials to rebuild the body, although they are more than wiling to tear each other apart for raw material. The only way to keep her down permanently is to hunt down the doll one by one and destroy any work in progress they made on the new body.

Finally the Haunted Doll Collector's transformation is now complete, she become immune to bleeding, critical hit and stunning and no longer need to breath, eat or sleep.

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