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Moon Madness (3.5e Disease)

Author: Wildmage (talk)
Date Created: 10/02-2011
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Moon madness
Infection: ingested
DC: 17
Incubation : 1 week 1
Damage : Special2 3

  1. After the incubation period, you only save againt this disease every full moon.
  2. you become Fatigued around after short periods of exercise; every time you take any action other than rest for more than 1 hour, you become Fatigued
  3. Whenever you see the full moon you lose your mind and belive you are a predator out to hunt and kill. Your Intelligence drops to 3 (if higher) you become chaotic evil and gain +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution. While under the full moon, you can't be Fatigued.

Created by a circle of Druids who felt that the city people had lost respect for nature and needed a lesson.

Druids Special: This disease is added to the list of diseases druids can chose from when casting Contagion.

Better Disease Implementation (3.5e Variant Rule)Edit

Moon Madness contact, 1 Lunar cycle/3 days cycle
The lunar cycle draws out the worst in you
You are cured. You easily becomes Fatigued You rage when wounded under moonlight Your head is filled with strange thoughts and signs. -2 to intelligence. You become a chaotic evil predator out to hunt and kill when under the full moon. You are returned to stage 3.

Infection Type: contact, but this disease is only contagious under the full moon.

Cycle:1 Lunar cycle/3 days (You must save versus Moon Madness at the start and end of each full moon.) You start in stage 1 of the disease upon being infected. The first time you are touched by the natural light from the full moon, you must save or enter stage 2. When the full moon is over (usually after 3 days), you must save again. If, for some reason, you end up in an even-numbered stage outside of the full moon, you instead are in Stage 3.

Stage 1:

Your soul seems to use a lot of your energy to battle your basic instincts.

Whenever you use a Full-Round Action, you become fatigued.

Stage 2:

You feel the strength in letting the beast out.

Whenever you are wounded, you enter a Rage just like a Barbarian, except you enter it as a free action when wounded and you can't end it prematurely. It even becomes a Greater Rage if you have 11 or more HD and a Mighty Rage if you have has 20 or more HD. Also, when in the natural light from the moon, you are immune to fatigue (including the Stage 1 effects of the disease).

Stage 3:

You feel the beast lurking in the corners of your mind, always trying to take control.

Whenever you roll a saving throw, you automatically become Shaken as the beast battles for control. This occurs regardless of the success or failure of the throw, and in addition to any other consequences you may take as a result of the throw (though it may be rendered redundant by certain effects, such as being panicked or dead).

Stage 4:

The beast runs wild.

You lose your mind and believe you are a predator out to hunt and kill. Your Intelligence drops to 3 (if higher), you become chaotic evil, and you crave blood. Also, when in the natural light from the full moon, you are immune to fear (including the Stage 3 effects of the disease).

Stage 5:

The full moon wanes

There is no real stage 5; if you fail your save in stage 4, instead return to stage 3.

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