3.5e Other
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This list contains all homebrew diseases. For a list of SRD diseases, see: SRD:Disease.
Disease | Infection DC | Incubation | Damage | Description |
Agaric Spores | 14 | 1d3 Days | 1d6 Dex | Inhaled spores that cause Dexterity damage and possibly transformation into an Agarican creature. |
Arcane, Mutagen | See Bellow | See Bellow | Mutates Arcane ability into Psionic Aptitude | |
Astral Shudder | 20 | 1 hour | Fail chance (starting at 5%) and 1d6 damage. | A magical disease only picked up by those who travel the astral or teleport often, those afflicted become not quite stabilized in their home plane. |
Bloodcryst | 17 | 1 day | 1d3 Con and 1d6 Dex damage1 | Those who get this fatal disease inevitably have their blood harden into crystalline form. Extremely contagious. |
Boogie Fever | 15 | See text | Special (see text) | You're so sick, all you can do is cut up the dance floor. |
Caster Decay | 20 | 1d8 days | 1d4 spell slot loss (see text) | Caster decay afflicts spellcasters, causing them to lose spell slots and spells per day. |
Caster's Headache | 16 | 1 day | Special2 | You slowly gain Spellstrained levels and lose magic power. |
Cicada Rabies | 12 | 1d4 days | Paranoia and hallucinations; see below | Convinces its victims that murdering their friends is the most logical course of action. |
Common Flu | 10 | 1 day | Special1 | You becomes sickened. |
Corpseblood Mold | 17 | 1d4 days | 1d3 Int, Wis, and Cha1 | The reproductive stage of the corpseblood gel, those infected slowly become mindless corpseblood puppets, their internal organs replaced by slime. |
Demon's Blessing | 19 | 1 week | 1d8 Con2 | Demon disease that mutates you over time |
Enslaver Virus | 21 | 1d4 days | 1d4 Wis damage and Suggestion; Domination (see text) | Said to have been created as part of an illithid plot to dominate the world, the enslaver virus is a terrifying disease. Those infected lose their mind, and become controlled by a near universal disease mind. |
Eternal Waking | 15 | 1d4 days | Special (see text) | A dreadful disease which causes insomnia, physical exhaustion, and finally a madness which lingers beyond the extent of the disease. |
Foxbane Virus | 1 minute | See text | A hyperspecialized virus that's harmless to primates, but ludicrously lethal to canines. | |
Genesis Virus | 15 | 1d4 days | Special (see text) | The genesis virus is an insidious black liquid which acts as a mutagen, transforming a creature into a specific aberration. |
Gigasporium Disease | 15 | 1 day | Enlargement (see text); Burden (see text), 1d4 Dex damage/day; Stupor (see text) | Carried on the spores of a particular mushroom, the disease enlarges its user unwillingly without providing the same benefit to the user's equipment. |
Golem Rot | 18 | 1d6+1 days | 1d3 Str and various vulnerabilities (see text) | A supernatural disease which works on constructs, weakening them in spite of their immunities. |
Hypermalicious Neoplasmic Torque | 24 | See text | See text | A horrible mutative supernatural disease, it turns the body into out of control growth. |
Lifeburn | 20 | Instantaneous | Flammable body, then 1d6 hellfire damage/round. | A terrible curse and disease, it causes creatures to burn eternally with a fire which only consumes flesh. |
Malignant Growth | 21 | 1 day | 1d3 Con; special | An overgrowth of healing resulting in a Malignant Growth. |
Marsh Fever | 18 | 1d8+5 days | 1d6 Dex and Wis (see text) | This mosquito-borne parasite wrecks devastation to its victims, resulting in chills, fever, coma, and death. |
Moon Madness | 17 | 1 week 1 | Special2 3 | Makes you belive you are a Were-creature |
Neurotic Flatliner | 17 | 1 Day | 1d4 Wis | A psychic disease that makes your head have no thoughts, head empty. |
Post-Traumatic Savagery Disease | 18 | 1 day, or until next engaged in a stressful situation such as combat. | 1d3 Con, confusion | Take Con damage and possible confusion whenever you enter a stressful situation |
Red Dust | 10 | 1d3 Days | 1 Con1 | Contact with this dust will result in contracting Red Cloud disease. |
Rockjoint | 16 | 1d8+5 days | 1d6 Dex and 10% spell failure (see text) | Rockjoint stiffens the muscles and bones. You can often get it from rusty or corroded metal and certain creatures. |
Ruinous Hiveplague | 23 | 1 hour | Varies; See Text | A terrible magical disease that is part curse, it eats away at the body with a nearly sentient malice. Most die from it, but some begin to hear its whispers and become something unwholesome... |
Shadowfade Sickness | 20 | 1d8 days | 10% Reality Loss (see below) | You start to disappear into the plane of shadow. If you don't cure this soon, you might lose your reality. |
Starvation | 15 | None | Debilitation, see text | My Tummy Hurts!!!!! |
The Shrinks | 16 | 3 days | Special | A bizarre disease, possibly psychosomatic, that causes its victim's body to slowly collapse into nothing. |
Wavfloroid Infection | 16 | 1d6 days | Special | A psychic hive-mind of bacteria which keeps the technological progress of the world in a state of stagnation. |
Wild Plague | 18 | 1d4-1 Day | Special 2 | Magic Disease that make your magic uncontrollable. |
Xavier's Disease | 15 | 1d3 Days | 1d6 Dex (stage 1), Staggering and 1d3 Dex (stage 2), Crippling (stage 3) | A crippling disease which nevertheless awakens one's psionic potential. |
This list is all homebrew poisons. For a list of SRD poisons, see: SRD:Poisons.
Poison | Description |
Acute Heavy Metal Poisoning | The result of consuming a lot of toxic heavy metals at once. If not treated immediately it may have serious long term effects. |
Blackmoss | A fluffy dark moss with mildly hallucinogenic spores. |
Brittlebone Powder | This powder makes one's bones brittle and easily subject to critical hits. |
Cachin | Contact poison that causes the victim laugh uncontrollably in a paralytic fit. |
Chloramine Gas | The result of mixing common cleaning chemicals, this gas is both corrosive and toxic. |
Cloud of Indolence | Inhaled poison that makes the victim sluggish. |
Dream Haze | Technically a poison, this powerful hallucinogen can show you the future... or bring you on a bad trip. |
Dreg Venom | Injury poison that quickly rots the afflicted creature's insides. |
Ghost Tears | This poison contains the essence of sorrowful heartbreak. |
Goblin Bomb Maker | A quick goblin-like ending for any foe. |
Hag Wart Dust | A long-lasting, but weak, contact poison derived from actual hag warts. |
Limpbile | A poison which attacks the legs and lowers movement speeds. |
Liquid Truth | Liquid truth is a nasty little drug that makes its imbiber unable to lie and gives them a euphoric sensation for its duration. |
Local Anesthetic | Technically a useful poison employed by medics, local anesthetics dull the pain in an area. |
Myofasciotic Serum | This poison is weak, but very reliable at dealing Dexterity damage. |
Nonverdure | The result of salt and vinegar combined against plants |
Sandman Soup | Contact poison that causes immediate unconsciousness. |
Shutdown Serum | A poison that systematically strips victims of their mental faculties, leading to unconsciousness. Psionic characters can manipulate this poison to control a victim's brain, and ultimately their very thoughts. |
Squalid Ambrosia | A foul and unnatural brew which is a deadly poison, but typically used in vile rituals due to the difficulty in getting someone to willingly ingest it. |
Sunvenom | Those afflicted by this poison glow brightly, and eventually go blind! |
Tiny Viper Poison | Poison from the tiny viper, now with a price. |
Tranquilizer | Injury poison. Tranquilizers inhibit creatures and often render them unconscious. |
Truth Serum | An injected or ingested poison which compels the victim to speak only the truth and reveal secrets. |
Turpentine | This alchemical concoction reacts quite violently when released, and can be used to set objects and weapons ablaze. |
Zed Ichor | Could it be... THE T-VIRUS!? *Dun dun dun!* |
Name | Description |
Fog | An atmosphere in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of some substance |
Rain of Blood | Blood rains down all around you. |
Truedeath Fog | Fog, by which creatures that die in, stay dead. |
Miscellaneous Materials[edit]
Article | Description |
100 Far Realm Occurrences | |
100 Female NPC Names | A chart with 100 first and last names for humanoid female NPCs. |
100 Male NPC Names | A chart with 100 first and last names for humanoid male NPCs. |
100 Traits | A list of 100 character traits that's fairly different from the one in the DMG. |
20 Misfortunes | 20 curse-like effects to add some flavor to traps, curses or other bad stuff. |
Aberrant Attribute Table | |
Additional Elemental Damage | Three new types of elemental damage, Air, Earth and Water, to complement the traditional elements of D&D |
Aetherion | Magical energy that breaks the mind and rends the soul. |
Alignment Damage | Damage dealt by holy, unholy, anarchic, and axiomatic sources. |
Armor Piercing Weapon | |
Awakening Soul | As the soul awakens the understanding of the world and its laws grand indsight and power with it |
Bar Name Chart | Generates names for drinking establishments with some d20 rolls. 8,000 combinations. |
Becoming a Lich | Enumerates a process to become a lich without the level adjustment. |
Body Language | A special kind of language, based on non-verbal communication |
Channel | Spells that get stronger with casting time. |
Continual Fire | |
Elemental Spheres | |
Entropy | The degradation of all by time, Entropy is a form of energy all around us but usable by very few. |
Epic Spells from a Practical Viewpoint | Not all epic spells are equally practical. Here's the lineup of the good, the bad, and the ugly. |
Essence | A new damage type, damage dealt directly to the soul, draining XP from the target. |
Event List | <--Write a short one or two sentence summary of the article. This is visible on navigation pages.--> |
Expanded Languages | An expanded set of languages, these are general non-racial languages which can work in filling out your campaign. |
Expanded Profession Options | An expanded list of Profession options suitable for a high fantasy setting, for character creation use. |
Expanded Slimes, Molds, and Fungi | An expansion to slimes, molds, and fungi that are hazards or of interests, but are not themselves creatures. |
Ghostflame | The flame that consumes the dead, this spectral memory of fire is freezing cold. |
Greater Character Sizes | |
Jester Jokes | Some jokes, bad jokes and other potentially comedic bits, though I make no guarantees. |
Limiting Points | In contrast to spellcasters' spell slots, lots of classes and creatures have limiting points of some type to regulate the use of their abilities. This is a page where we list all the limiting point types, give a quick summary of how they work, and list the classes and creatures that use them. |
Lumichorion | An alien substance both energy and matter, which is incredibly destructive to all things organic. |
Methods of Immortality | A list of ways to make yourself immortal (or at least non-aging) in Dungeons and Dragons. |
Monster Level Equivalency Theory | All monsters should have HD equal to their CR. Without exception. Ever. |
More Subschools | More subschools, because why not. |
One More Word on Economy | One more lingering issue with the Wish economy |
Permanency Spells | a list of spells that can be affected by permanency |
Poison | A damage type for HP damage dealt by poison. |
Potion Taste Chart | So, everyone should have an idea of what their favorite magical beverages taste like. |
Project Patron | In D&D 5e warlocks have patrons, eldritch entities that grant them powers. This variant rule adds them to 3.5e warlocks, granting them access to custom invocations |
Project Patron/The Harvest King | |
Psychic | Damage caused by mental attacks, fatiguing the body and clouding the mind. |
Race Cultures- Humor | |
Race Cultures- Romance & Sexuality | |
Radiance | A type of damage based on Light. |
Random Artifact Weapons | A collection of tables and descriptions for generating custom artifact weapons. |
Random City and Region Names | Need a name for a various region, city, country, or like? Well, here is a list of sample names. |
Random MTG Plane | Generates a random plane from MTG cosmology. |
Random Mutation | Generates Random Mutations for whatever reason you need a random mutation. |
Random Planescape Plane | Generates a random plane from the Planescape cosmology. |
Random Race and Class Generator | If you need help choosing a race or class, the following charts should help choose a class and race, both published and homebrew. |
Randomized Point Buy | |
Ray Weapons in Eberron | A ray weapon that can be loaded with, and fire, a single item of Fine size., A weapon that permanently shrinks its target to Fine-size., A bizarre weapon that fires a bound fiend into a victim, allowing the fiend to possess them., Allows a wand to be slotted into a gun, granting attacks with the wand the benefit of any enhancement bonus or special ability that the gun has. |
Seduce to Deceive | A remake of Seduce to Learn, which is more versatile and make more sense. |
Skill Boosting Items | This page presents a comprehensive treasure table for skill boosting items. |
Sorcery Traits for the GT Mage | <--Write a short one or two sentence summary of the article. This is visible on navigation pages.--> |
Strain Cost Lists & Spell Fatigue Saves | Tables with spell costs for non-wizard classes using the straincasting rules. |
The Bogey Chart 3 | Characters gain minor boons, penalties and traits rolled on charts. |
Tome Material | |
Weapon Arts | A special ability inherent to a specific type of weapon. |
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