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Talk:Barbarian, Tome (3.5e Class)

I find this over powered. A 20th level barbarian can negate any magic aimed at him what so ever. He can defeat any melee fighter with a speed of 30ft because if he has spring attack with hit and run tactics. He can do an extra 10d6 damage. A 20th level half-ork can have up to 12d6+6 damage plus a stunning effect giving him time to get out of reach(imagine with Spring attack). If they can catch up he regenerates 20 a round. He is immune to criticals. 2 good saves that use constitution. The most optimized wizard can't harm him.-- Parakee 00:40, 31 December 2010 (UTC)

You're thinking the wrong way. You're thinking class vs. class. What you should keep in mind is what will be encountered on an adventure. At level 20, the party really is supposed to be able to take on four Old Red Dragons, or Four Balors, or four Pit Fiends...basically, four CR 20 challenges a day. Going by the as-written CR system. That's 'beat them handily'. Heck, by following the CR guidelines, a level 20 character should be able to solo a Cr 20 half the time by using all resources. I mean, obviously, different characters will be oriented at different things. The Barbarian's strength here is "Slugging it out one-on-one" Also, 12d6 + 6 damage? That' average of 48 damage an attack To give a quick check, an Old Red Dragon has 378 HP, can fly, has an AC the Barbarian won't be able to hit all the time. And its saves look like this: +23, +16, +21.
You really need to look at the game at the higher levels. Saying this is overpowered because at level 20 proves nothing. At level 20, everything had better be pulling some craziness. In fact, I'd say this fits right in at level 20, where you have such fun as Gate and you have Gargantuan or Colossal creatures you are expected to fight toe-to-toe with. Take a gander over here:
As a final note, you haven't run into the Tome stuff that much, have you. Go to the 3.5 homebrew on the side, then Sourcebooks, and take a look at Tome of Necromancy, Tome of Fiends, Dungeonomicon, and Races of War. This barbarian is seriously palling around with Fighter Monk and some other class rewrite to invite them to play the same game as everything else at high levels.--Genowhirl 01:56, 31 December 2010 (UTC)
I think I underestimated Wizard power. Sorry for ruining this talk board. --Parakee 02:16, 31 December 2010 (UTC)
Don't feel bad for asking a question you didn't know the answer to, Parakee. We've all likely reacted the same way when we first saw the Tome material. That's probably because the CR 20 challenges in D&D are usually very impressive, but, players tend to shove them to the back burner of their mind, almost as though a character isn't actually supposed to ever have to fight a Balor, a flight of Banshee's, or the Tarrasque. The truth of the matter is, however, that, at level 20, the CR 20 challenges are things you are supposed to be able to rise to, single-handedly, without any real fear. Many people tend to forget this as they make stuff. Don't feel bad about it, though, we've all been there. → Rith (talk) 04:35, 31 December 2010 (UTC)
"The Tarrasque": lol --TK-Squared 15:06, 31 December 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, Big T makes no sense as a creature and won't even show up in a game I run. Anyways, it's hardly ruined, Parakee. Eventually, maybe we'll get talk pages that answer most of the questions/comments people would have. --Genowhirl 19:32, 31 December 2010 (UTC)
I have just one question about this and that's the Fast Healing, it mentions that if you multiclass then you lose the ability but a multiclassing 4th barbarian keeps the ability. Is it me or are these two statements contradicting each other. --PixieDragon 09:57, 19 April 2011 (UTC)
The idea is that while fast healing is an important part of the barbarian chassis, you don't want to make it available too easily/cheaply as a dip. Therefore it requiring a certain commitment (four levels) to retain such an ability on a multi-classed character. -- Jota 19:48, 19 April 2011 (UTC)

Rage Dice and Two-Weapon FightingEdit

A question on Tome 2WF made me curious about something. The Rage Dice entry says that they "are not applied to any bonus attacks beyond those granted by Base Attack Bonus". If someone took 2WF on their barb, would rage dice would only apply to the primary hand weapon strikes since all of the off hand weapon strikes are granted by the feat and not by BAB? - Tarkisflux Talk 04:29, 14 August 2014 (UTC)

That is the interpretation I have always made. Surgo (talk) 04:31, 14 August 2014 (UTC)

Rage Dice and One With The BeastEdit

"At 19th level, a Barbarian no longer needs to be in a Rage to use any Barbarian ability." Does this include rage dice? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) at

That is an ability distinct from Rage, so yes. --DanielDraco (talk) 19:40, 19 October 2015 (UTC)


If One With The Beast Exists...there isn't much incentive for raging, because Fast Healing 20 is madness where DR 12/- could be achieved without much ceremony, with the right setup. Maybe have it give rage new bonuses? Maybe the original bonuses rage gave, like increases to Strength and Constitution? Something? Anything? -SecondDeath777 23:31, 29 January 2018

Barbarians as method for introducing new playersEdit

"As such, a Barbarian character can be a good method to introduce a new player to the game... "

However, that's only if they're the kind of player who likes bloodshed. A natural wizard wouldn't necessarily have a favorable view of the game after playing a barbarian.  ;^) Cedric (talk) 10:49, 30 January 2018 (MST)
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