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Terrakineticist (3.5e Prestige Class)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 22th February 2014
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A terrakineticist control earth and stone through psionic concentration. 5 Psionics Other


Terrakinesy is the fine art of moving rocks and crushing peps with them.
—Jesk 'Tremors' Logadon, Human Terrakineticist

Terrakineticist are warriors with psionic powers over the earth, although not proper psionics like psions or wilders their powers still stern from their incredible mind. Terrakineticist are better able to control certain stone over other, often referred as focus stone. Those who wishes to be terrakineticist need a powerful mind, either through high intelligence, wisdom or charisma.

Becoming a TerrakineticistEdit

Entry Requirements  
Base Attack Bonus: +4. 
Skills: Concentration 8 Ranks, Knowledge (Geography) 8 ranks, Knowledge (Psionic) 3 ranks. 
Feats: Blood of Stone, Psionic Meditation
Manifesting: Must have a power point reserve of at least 1 power point.. 
Special: Must have established a link to the earth through intense meditation, this process take 24 hours and require a DC 20 concentration check.
Table: The Terrakineticist

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Terrakinetic
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Focus Stone, PSAs (Stone Volley), Geokinesy 3
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Focus Stone's Power I, Tremors 3
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 PSAs (Shard Armor and Stone Construct) 4
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Focus Stone's Power II, Earthstill Meditation 4
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 PSAs (Rock Sphere and Pebbles Storm) 5
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Greater Geokinesy 5
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 PSAs (Stone Burst) 6
8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Focus Stone's Power III 6
9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 PSAs (Crystallize) 7
10th +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Master Terrakineticist, Superior Geokinesy 7

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level)
Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Psionic) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Psicraft (Int), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

Class FeaturesEdit

The DC of a terrakineticist's abilities is based on their highest mental ability score.

All of the following are class features of the terrakineticist.

Terrakinetic Points: A terrakineticist has the ability to telekinetically control earth to a point impossible to achieve to other psionics. Her abilities does not work with power points, instead it work using terrakinetic points. She has a number of terrakinetic point equal to half her highest mental ability score modifier and she receive one of point each odd class level. She recover her terrakinetic point by spending a full-round action meditating on natural ground (or a large chunk of rock) or by spending 1 minute resting without interruption, both require her to expend her psionic focus.

Focus Stone: At 1st level a terrakineticist must choose one of the following earth focus:

  • Ancient Stone: The terrakineticist's natural attacks, unarmed attacks and attacks with manufactured weapons count as being made of thrudstone. She is automatically proficient with thrudstone armor and weapons even if she normally wouldn't be proficient with the weapon or armor.
  • Crystal: The terrakineticist's natural attacks, unarmed attacks and attacks with manufactured weapons count as being made of deep crystal, additionally the terrakineticist is more in tune with her psionic self; at each terrakineticist level she gain a number of power points equal to her terrakineticist level.
  • Obsidian: The terrakineticist's natural attacks, unarmed attacks and attacks with manufactured weapons count as being made of runed obsidian. Her attacks become extremely sharp, whenever she deal twice a creature's hit dice in slashing damage during one round, that creature take 1 point of constitution drain (only trigger once).

Psi-Like Abilites: A terrakineticist possess great power over the earth, she is able to shape it with her willpower alone. Throughout her class progression she will gain a number of psi-like abilities, the manifester level of these psi-like abilities is equal to her character level.

Stone Volley (Ps): By spending one terrakinetic point, the terrakineticist can fire a volley of hard rocks, this ability behave like energy missile except it deal physical damage and lose it energy modifier. If the terrakineticist's focus is ancient stone it deal bludgeoning damages, if the terrakineticist focus is crystal it deal piercing damage, if the terrakineticist focus is obsidian it deal slashing damage. Despite being a psi-like ability it does not allow power resistance.

Shard Armor (Ps): By spending two terrakinetic points, the terrakineticist can call upon shards of stones, replicating the effect of thousand blades stance.

Stone Construct (Ps): By spending two terrakinetic points, the terrakineticist can replicate the effect of astral construct. The astral construct count as wearing an heavy armor (with no reduction in speed) made of the terrakinetic's focus (thrudstone, deep crystal and runed obsidian) and it natural attack count as being made of the same material. She may only have one of such construct made at any time.

Rock Sphere (Ps): By spending three terrakinetic points, the terrakineticist can summon a sphere of stone to protect themselves or surround a creature, replicating the effect of ecto bubble. If the terrakineticist's focus is ancient stone the bubble hit point double and it DR become DR/-, if the terrakineticist focus is crystal it become extremely easy to move (move action to move the bubble, fly speed increase to 60'), if the terrakineticist focus is obsidian the sphere deal an extra 4d6 fire damage when manifested destructively.

Pebbles Storm (Ps): By spending three terrakinetic points, the terrakinetic can replicate the effect of charged bubbler except it does not allow power resistance (as it made of rock).

Stone Burst (Ps): By spending four terrakinetic points, the terrakinetic can send a large volley of stone, replicating the effect of energy cone except the damage is physical. If the terrakineticist's focus is ancient stone it deal bludgeoning damages, if the terrakineticist focus is crystal it deal piercing damage, if the terrakineticist focus is obsidian it deal slashing damage. Despite being a psi-like ability it does not allow power resistance. If any creature fail it save to resist this stone power it is knocked prone and become unable to take move actions for 1 rounds as it partially buried under heavy stone. Despite being a psi-like ability it does not allow power resistance.

Crystallize (Ps): By spending five terrakinetic points, the terrakinetic can replicate the effect of crystallize except the subject is turned into the terrakineticist's focus.

Geokinesy (Su): A terrakineticist is able to use improved telekinesis by spending 2 terrakinetic points. However it may only affect earth, stones, structure and object made of stones and creatures with the [earth] subtype.

A 6th level terrakineticist is able to move and change earth at a more fundamental level using her terrakinesy. She can replicate the effect of move earth, transmute mud to rock, transmute rock to mud or wall of stone by spending three terrakinetic points.

A 10th level terrakineticist is able to replicate the effect of earthquake and transmute rock to lava by spending five terrakinetic points.

Focus Stone's Power: A 2nd level terrakineticist gain a particular power related to her focus:

  • Ancient Stone I: As a swift action, spending one terrakinetic point you can call a thrudstone full plate armor (or any lighter armor at your choice) as rock gather around body forming a protective suit of armor. The armor automatically receive a +1 per four character levels enhancement bonus to AC. If removed the armor collapse into worthless gravels, dismissing the armor is a swift action.
  • Crystal I: You gain psicrystal affinity as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisites.
  • Obsidian I: As a swift action, spending one terrakinetic point you can cause the obsidian covering your attacks to become half molten. Your unarmed attack, natural attacks, attacks with manufactured weapon and psi-like abilities granted by levels in terrakineticist does an additional point of fire damage per character levels for 1 round.

At 4th level she gain another power related to her focus.

  • Ancient Stone II: The terrakineticist gain tremorsight out of 15 feet and tremorsense out of 30 feet while wearing her thrudstone armor. If she already possessed tremorsense/tremorisght it extend by 30 feet instead.
  • Crystal II: The Terrakineticist count all items made out of crystal (including effects created by herself) count as being one sixteenth of the weight when affected by her terrakinesy. If she telekinetically attempt to disarm a creature with a crystal weapon she gain a +20 bonus.
  • Obsidian II: The terrakineticist ignore fortification and treat immunity to critical hit as 50% fortification.

At 8th she gain another power related to her focus.

  • Ancient Stone III: The terrakineticist's thrudstone armor gain the unmoveable enhancement.
  • Crystal III: The terrakineticist gain telepathy out of 10 feet per character level and gain the mindsight feat as a bonus feat. If she is an environment made mostly out of crystal her telepathy's range double.
  • Obsidian III: All weapons (including unarmed strike and natural attacks) the terrakineticist wield gain the keen and wounding enhancement.

Tremors (Su): By spending 1 terrakinetic point, the terrakineticist can replicate the effect of tremors. If the terrakineticist focus is ancient stone, the tremor deal an additional point of damage per die. If the terrakineticist focus is crystal or obsidian, in addition of becoming difficult terrain, all squares affected by this abilities become covered in pointy crystal/obsidian shards, counting as caltrops, however these 'caltrops' use the terrakineticist attack bonus for their attacks instead of their own.

Earthstill Meditation (Su): A 4th level terrakinetic can replicate the effect of stone tell by standing perfectly still on either natural earth or unworked stone for an hour.

Master Terrakineticist : A 10th level terrakineticist regain one terrakinetic point at the beginning of each of her turn. Additionally once per year she may use sky iron fortress as a psi-like ability except her fortress is made of her focus stone instead of metal, this allow her to build a great fortress over years.

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