User talk:Brainduster
Hi, and welcome to the wiki.
Wanted to let you know that your new spellcasting feat was missing a few things. It didn't have the author template on it (which we require on all homebrew pages), any breadcrumbs, or any categories... so it wouldn't have shown up in any navigation pages and would have sat there all alone for a long long time. I've added them for you already though, and also specified a balance in the author template that you should adjust if you were aiming for something different.
If you want to add any more material, you may want to use our handy preloads so you don't miss anything that needs to be there. The tome feat preloads are here, and you can find links to preloads for adding other types of materials at the top of the navigation pages for that type.
And if I can help you with anything else, let me know :-). - Tarkisflux Talk 17:01, 25 March 2013 (UTC)
- Thanks for the welcome! I actually used the preload to add the feat in the first place, and it was missing the bits. Not sure if it's 'cause I had an unconfirmed e-mail address at the time or what. Thanks for adding the templates and categories all the same. :D Also I have no idea if I'm responding to this right. - brainduster
- Ah, then congrats! You found a bug, which I have fixed. So thanks for pointing it out. And yes, the indent and reply is the accepted wiki format :-). - Tarkisflux Talk 17:58, 25 March 2013 (UTC)
You have amused me!Edit
Heh heh heh... Also Merry Xmas!-- Eiji-kun (talk) 17:15, 25 December 2013 (UTC)
Sandbox LinksEdit
Here's a sandbox link for you so it doesn't get lost. --Ganteka Future (talk) 11:07, 9 January 2019 (MST)