Valkyrie Herald (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)
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Valkyrie Herald
A valkyrie herald is a mortal spiritualist who acts as a living valkyrie, using her connection with the dead to connect with the valkyries beyond. Instead of binding a single phantom, the valkyrie herald enlist the service of one or more einherjar, deceased warriors who lives in spirit, to fight alongside her.
Class: Spiritualist
Level: 1st-20th
Replaces: Spellcasting, Phantom, Shared Consciousness, Bonded Manifestation, Detect Undead, Phantom Recall, Fused Consciousness, Dual Bond, Empowered Consciousness
Benefit: A valkyrie herald gain the following class features:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A valkyrie herald is proficient with all simple weapons and martial weapons, as well as with light armor, medium armor and all shields (except tower shields).
Spellcasting: A valkyrie herald casts divine spells from the cleric/oracle spell list, spells of 7th level or above does not count as being on the valkyrie herald's spell list. The spiritualist's spellcasting is otherwise unchanged.
This ability alters the spiritualist's spellcasting.
Einherjar (Su): A valkyrie herald does not employ a phantom, like an ordinary spiritualist. Instead she has a collection of einherjar that she had previously enlisted to her aid. An einherjar has an emotional focus depending on their personality and retains some of their mortal abilities, determined by their mythic archetype. At the start of the day, the valkyrie herald selects a single einherjar to commune with. An einherjar is never confined to the consciousness of the valkyrie and must be manifested in ectoplasmic form. The act of channeling an einherjar requires 1 minute of concentration. A slain einherjar is banished, as normal for a phantom.
Champion: The einherjar gains Weapon Focus as a bonus feat. At 12th level, it gains Greater Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization as bonus feats.
Guardian: The einherjar gains a +2 natural armor bonus to AC and proficiency with a tower shield. At 12th level, the phantom increases its maximum hit points by twice its number of Hit Dice.
Marshal: The einherjar can fill its allies with its triumphant spirit as a standard action, granting them a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls for a number of rounds per day equal to 2 + its Charisma modifier. These rounds need not be consecutive. At 12th level, if the einherjar is hit by an attack of opportunity, it can use an immediate action to allow an ally to make an attack of opportunity against the creature that attacked the phantom if it’s within the ally’s melee reach.
Trickster: The einherjar gains the sneak attack rogue class feature as a rogue of a level equal to the einherjar ’s Hit Dice. It can use the sneak attack ability a number of times per day equal to its Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). At 12th level, whenever the einherjar is in darkness or dim light, it can move at full speed without taking a penalty on Stealth checks.
An einherjar does not possess a slam attack or slam damage progression. An einherjar is proficient with all simple and martial armor, all armors and shields (except tower shield). When manifested, an einherjar appears with a weapon of her choice, an armor of her choice and a shield or secondary weapon, all of which are masterwork. Starting at 6th level, the einherjars’ weapons are under a constant greater magic weapon effect and their armor a constant magic vestment effect, both at a caster level equal to the valkyrie herald’s class level. The einherjar's gears vanish with them if they are sent away or vanished. An einherjar treats their weapon attack as slam attack, whenever doing so would be beneficial. Each has its own feats and skills.
A valkyrie herald starts the game with a single einherjar enlisted to her service, she gains an additional einherjar at 4th level, 10th level and 16th level. At the GM's discretion, if the valkyrie herald encounters a dying warrior, she may enlist them as einherjar, replacing one of her previously enlisted einherjar.
This alters phantom, replaces shared consciousness and a phantom ectoplasmic lurch.
Spirit of War: At 3rd level and every 5 spiritualist levels thereafter, a valkyrie herald gains a bonus combat feat. The spiritualist must meet the prerequisites for these feats, but she treats her spiritualist level as her base attack bonus (in addition to base attack bonuses gained from other classes and racial Hit Dice) for the purpose of qualifying for these feats. The valkyrie herald also treats her spiritualist level as her fighter level for the purpose of selecting feats with a minimum number of fighter levels as a prerequisite.
This replaces bonded manifestation.
Valkyrie’s Sight (Su): A 5th level valkyrie herald is under a constant deathwatch effect. She may suppress or resume it as a free action.
This ability replaces detect undead.
Herald’s Call (Su): At 6th level, once per day, a valkyrie herald can summon a fully manifested einherjar from the Ethereal Plane as a standard action. If she already has an einherjar manifested, that phantom vanishes back to the Ethereal Plane.
This replaces phantom recall.
Twofold Binding (Su): At 10th level, the valkyrie may choose two of her einherjar at the start of each day instead of one. She is still limited to only one manifested at any time.
This alters fused consciousness.
Rapid Manifestation (Su): A 17th level valkyrie herald may manifest an einherjar as a standard action.
This replaces dual bond.
Herald of Ragnarök (Su): At 20th level, a valkyrie herald no longer needs to select an einherjar at the start of the day. She gains access to all of her enlisted einherjar, although only one may be manifested at any time. Additionally, her currently manifested einherjar gains fast healing 5.
This alters empowered consciousness.
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