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Half-Dragon (3.5e Racial Paragon Class) 3, Half-Lunar Paragon (3.5e Racial Paragon Class) 3, Star (3.5e Class) 2, True Fiend (3.5e Class) 1, Death Knight (3.5e Prestige Class) 1 gain Revenant (3.5e Template), Raziel (3.5e Class) 12, Psychic (3.5e Class) 20, Conduit of the Lower Planes (3.5e Class) 9, Elemental Weird (3.5e Class) 9

Fiendish Heritage (3.5e Feat), Better Lucky than Good (3.5e_Feat), Skill Muse (3.5e Feat), Magical Attacker (3.5e Feat), Infusion of Elemental Essence (3.5e Feat), Unlimited Potential (3.5e Feat) wizzard level, Infallible (3.5e Feat), (Harmless Form (3.5e Feat), Large Size (3.5e Feat), Huge Size (3.5e Feat) these are for the atribute bonuses and then made to lok normal :P but it is just a feat posibility, this is to burn bonus fiend feats, would be nice to sub for BoE sizes), Adept Flyer (3.5e Feat) <- more fun than needed, Primal Armor (3.5e Feat), Aquafiend (3.5e Feat), Anima Toughness (3.5e Feat), Improved Anima Toughness (3.5e Feat), Greater Teleport (3.5e Feat), Femme Fatal (3.5e Feat), Magician (3.5e Feat), Wanderer (3.5e Feat), (Arcane Bore (3.5e Feat), Energy Reshaper (3.5e Feat), Flare of Magic (3.5e Feat), Persistent Spell (3.5e Feat) <- if can be aplied to sphere spells)

Air (3.5e Sphere), Electricity (3.5e Sphere), Carnage (3.5e Sphere), Creation (3.5e Sphere), Gravity (3.5e Sphere), Shadow (3.5e Sphere), Violation (3.5e Sphere), Death (3.5e Sphere), Oracle (3.5e Sphere) <- the choices

Author: Sergejsvk (talk)
Date Created:
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Immune to fire, cold, acid, electricity, sonic, paralisis, stuning, criticals, poison, disease... I dont know how the undead type works, does it give the traits with the template noted changes?


  • Unearthed Arcana

Game Rule Components

Spells, Powers, Soulmelds, Stances, etc...


Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments):

Race (Templates):

Half-Lunar scaling


ECL Class/HD/LA Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Feats Class
Fort Ref Will
1st Half-Lunar Paragon 1/Psychic 1 +0 +2 +2 +2
2nd Half-Lunar Paragon 1/Psychic 2/Half-Dragon 1 +1 +4 +4 +4
3rd Half-Lunar Paragon 1/Psychic 3/Half-Dragon 2 +2 +5 +5 +5
4th Half-Lunar Paragon 1/Psychic 4/Half-Dragon 3 +3 +6 +6 +6
5th Half-Lunar Paragon 2/Psychic 5/Half-Dragon 3 +4 +7 +7 +7
6th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 6/Half-Dragon 3 +5 +8 +8 +8
7th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 7/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 1 +6 +8 +10 +10
8th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 8/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 2 +7 +9 +11 +11
9th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 8/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 3/True Fiend 1 +8 +11 +13 +13
10th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 9/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 4/True Fiend 1 +9 +11 +14 +14
11th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 10/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 5/True Fiend 1 +10 +12 +15 +15
12th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 11/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 6/True Fiend 1 +11 +13 +16 +16
13th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 12/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 7/True Fiend 1 +12 +14 +17 +17
14th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 13/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 8/True Fiend 1 +13 +14 +18 +18
15th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 14/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 9/True Fiend 1 +14 +15 +19 +19
16th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 15/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 10/True Fiend 1 +15 +15 +20 +20
17th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 16/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 11/True Fiend 1 +16 +16 +21 +21
18th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 17/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 12/True Fiend 1 +17 +17 +22 +22
19th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 18/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 12/True Fiend 1/Death Knight 1 +18 +18 +23 +24
20th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 19/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 12/True Fiend 1/Death Knight 1/Star 1 +18 +21 +26 +27
21th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 20/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 12/True Fiend 1/Death Knight 1/Star 2
22th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 20/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 12/True Fiend 1/Death Knight 1/Star 2/Conduit of the Lower Planes 1/Elemental Weird 1
23th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 20/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 12/True Fiend 1/Death Knight 1/Star 2/Conduit of the Lower Planes 2/Elemental Weird 2
24th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 20/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 12/True Fiend 1/Death Knight 1/Star 2/Conduit of the Lower Planes 3/Elemental Weird 3
25th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 20/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 12/True Fiend 1/Death Knight 1/Star 2/Conduit of the Lower Planes 4/Elemental Weird 4
26th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 20/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 12/True Fiend 1/Death Knight 1/Star 2/Conduit of the Lower Planes 5/Elemental Weird 5
27th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 20/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 12/True Fiend 1/Death Knight 1/Star 2/Conduit of the Lower Planes 6/Elemental Weird 6
28th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 20/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 12/True Fiend 1/Death Knight 1/Star 2/Conduit of the Lower Planes 7/Elemental Weird 7
29th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 20/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 12/True Fiend 1/Death Knight 1/Star 2/Conduit of the Lower Planes 8/Elemental Weird 8
30th Half-Lunar Paragon 3/Psychic 20/Half-Dragon 3/Raziel 12/True Fiend 1/Death Knight 1/Star 2/Conduit of the Lower Planes 9/Elemental Weird 9

At level 30:

Items of Note


Combat Tactics

Further Optimization


DM Counters



Author: Sergejsvk (talk)
Date Created:
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CR 13

NG M Humanoid
Init/Senses 8/Listen 21, Spot -
AC 24, touch 22, flat-footed 24; +4 dodge bonus against attacks of opportunity

(+4 Dex, +5 wis, +2 class, +2 armor, +1 deflection).

hp 75 (13d8 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will 5/12/9
Speed 65'
Melee +2 Cane Sword +19/+19/+19/+14/+9 (d8+8 - 15–20/x2) slashing or piercing. or
Melee sheathed-Cane Sword +17/+12/+7 (d6+6 - x2) bludgeoning dmg. or
Melee Cane punching dagger +17/+12/+7 (d4+4 - x3) piercing dmg.
Base Atk/Grp 13/13
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 20, Cha 13
Skills Balance+11(1r), Diplomacy+9(8r), Gather Information+8(7r), Heal+11(1r), Jump+13(1r),Listen+21(16r), Sense Motive+12(7r), Sleight of Hand+11(7r), Tumble+28(16r); (64 total ranks)
Advancement by character class (Tenken (3.5e Class))

Me! - the godlike gestalt



Magic-Blooded: (a humanoid or monstrous humanoid race that has been infused with arcane energy) (DR306 p64)

Look like their Ancestor Race, except for odd little things, like different colored eyes, or sparkles falling from their hair. Strong tendency towards chaotic behavior.

Charisma +2, Wisdom –2

Low-Light Vision

Gain the following spell-like abilities at Character level. - Detect Magic, 1/day. - Nystul’s Magic Aura, 1/day. - Nystul’s Undetectable Aura, 1/day. - Read Magic, 1/day.

Favored class becomes ‘Sorcerer’.


UA:Poor Reflexes: You take a −3 penalty on Reflex saves.

UA:Noncombatant: You take a −2 penalty on all melee attack rolls.



Fiendish Heritage (3.5e Feat), Better Lucky than Good (3.5e_Feat), Skill Muse (3.5e Feat), Magical Attacker (3.5e Feat), Infusion of Elemental Essence (3.5e Feat)

Class Features

Alien Mind: