Elf, Snow (MC Race)

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Author: Xeadin (talk)
Date Created: 3-22-11
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Snow Elves pic.png

Snow Elves

Quick and resourceful, Snow elves are crafty and extremely charismatic.

Racial Traits
Average Height: 4'2" -- 4'8"
Average Weight: 80 -- 155 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity; +2 Charisma or Intelligence
Size: Small
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Elven
Skill Bonuses: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Streetwise
Cold Step: You ignore difficult terrain while in cold environments (even when shifting).
Daring Spirit: You gain a +2 racial bonus to Endurance checks while in cold environments.
Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
Snowstorm: You can use snowstorm as an encounter power.

With each passing day, life at the poles seem almost as silent as the deserts. It was as if it was a miracle to see a small elf-like creature-- dressed in favorable winter clothing-- approaches you with nothing more than a small sword on his side and a warm smile on his face. A snow elf works in harmony and likes to travel with others. They are resourceful and crafty builders-- many stories and folktales tell of an elven community within the far north. Snow elves love the cold, and their favorite season is-- undoubtedly-- winter.

Play a Snow Elf if you want...

  • To be nimble and quiet, and survive through harsh winter storms.
  • To blind your enemies and make your next move without warning.
  • To be a member of a race that favors the Argonaut, Dragoon, and Marine classes.

Physical Qualities

Snow elves are the direct cousins of their woodland kin, and there is evidence that they were once a single race of elves. How the race split up is far beyond superstition and belief, but some say that lords of the elves went their own separate ways after a huge war that decimated their old kingdom—thus leading to the decision to find a favorable place to settle and cultivate. The snow elves went north to try and find a temperate location that resembled their homelands.
Snow elves are smaller than their woodland cousins—mainly because of their close heritage to the halflings that had once lived in harmony with the elves. Now a nearly extinct race, it is up to the snow elves to live on the heritage of the halflings—and to carry their spirits towards spiritual enlightenment. Snow Elves have pretty much the same skin tones as halflings, but most snow elves have either dark or light brown hair.
A snow elves life spans at about 135 years, but some can live up to 150 years. Their long life span is due in part to the elven heritage, and they do remain vigorous until the end as well.

Playing a Snow Elf

Many snow elves are warm and funny, and some can be charming and clever—it all depends on their personality. All snow elves are hard-working and highly charismatic. Their ability to create things with exceptional quality is extremely invaluable, and with no better timing than the uprising of the folklore surrounding Santa Claus and his elven community.
Since the rise of the civilization, the snow elves have contributed their efforts to not only to the common folk of the civilizations, but they are also responsible for the construction of arms for the military forces. This has, in turn, made some snow elves militaristic. Some say that a small group of snow elves were responsible for aiding the rebellion several years ago.
In any case, snow elves have become aware about the Elements and their powers. Many snow elves have become reliable loremasters and powerful arcanists—utilizing the elements as a way of preserving both the elven and Halfling traditions alive.

Snow Elf Characteristics: Agile, charismatic, creative, curious, elegant, friendly, militant, nimble, opportunistic, resourceful, warm

Male Names: Aken. Brenan, Calen, Fredan, Harin, Klein, Lakin, Neral, Orson, Rakel, Samel, Teran, Vapil, Welar

Female Names: Alina, Celia, Delina, Erica, Gina, Iida, Juna, Lenura, Pelika, Sali, Tara, Vani, Yina

Snow Elf Adventurers

Three sample Snow Elf adventurers are described below.

Brenan, a snow elf marine, is a quick runner and an invaluable asset to his forces. He protects the elven communities from the threat of the Rygoliths and other creatures that live in the tundra. His depth of knowledge of the tundra have given him the advantage of detecting danger even when his comrades can’t tell. When he gets caught in battle, he can weave through the fray and distract his enemies with a simple snowball to give him the upper hand.
Erica, a snow elf dragoon, is a spiritually guided individual and she keeps the elven traditions alive by contributing her devotion to the deities of the elemental powers. Her combat skills mixed with the lore of the arcane arts have made her into a defender of her kind, and no one shows better esteem than she does.
Orson, a snow elf Argonaut, is a cunning fighter who knows how to handle tough situations and his advantage of being a tactical wizard has given him in-depth knowledge of exploiting his enemies’ weaknesses, whether it be a couple of spells or just a quick strike to fell a titan almost four times his size. With such skills, he is a feared individual, but he is a great and charming friend and a reliable ally.

Being Small

Small characters follow much of the same rules as Medium characters, with the following exceptions.

  • You can’t use a two-handed weapon, such as a greatsword or halberd.
  • When you wield a versatile weapon, such as a longsword, you must use it two-handed, but you don’t deal additional damage when doing so.

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Facts about "Elf, Snow (MC Race)"
AuthorXeadin +
IdentifierMC Race +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryQuick and resourceful, Snow elves are crafty and extremely charismatic. +
TitleElf, Snow +