Publication:Unearthed Arcana/Stench of the Dead (Feat)

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Stench of the Dead [Spelltouched] The odor of decay hangs heavy on you, causing others to gasp and retch.Prerequisites: Exposure to ghoul touch or vampiric touch spell.Benefit: You exude a carrion stench that causes any creature adjacent to you to make a Fortitude save (DC 12 + your Cha modifier) or become sickened as long as it remains adjacent to you and for 1d4 rounds thereafter. You can't suppress the stench voluntarily.

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IdentifierFeat +
PrerequisiteExposure to ghoul touch or vampiric touch spell. +
SummaryThe odor of decay hangs heavy on you, causing others to gasp and retch. +
TitleStench of the Dead +
TypeSpelltouched +