Nidoking (3.5e Monster)

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Adopter: Quantumboost (talk)
Original Author: Koumei (talk)
Date Created:
Date Adopted: 3/29/2010
Status: Complete
Editing: Spelling and Grammar only
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Nidoking from Fire Red/Leaf Green
Size/Type: Medium Magical Beast (Earth)
Hit Dice: 12d10+60 (126 hp)
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 23 (+1 dexterity, +12 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+17
Attack: Gore +17 melee (1d6+7, 19-20/x4) or Poison Dart +13 ranged (1d3 plus poison, 30 ft. increment)
Full Attack: Gore +17 melee (1d6+7, 19-20/x4) or Poison Dart +13 ranged (1d3 plus poison, 30 ft. increment)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Poison, Poison Darts, Flamethrower, Earthquake, Megahorn, Stone Edge
Special Qualities: Poison Point, Egg Move, Substitute, Sandstorm
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +10
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 20
Feats: Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Ability Focus (Poison), Power Attack, Ability Focus (Flamethrower)
Environment: Temperate plains
Organization: Solitary or posse (up to 4)
Challenge Rating: 11
Treasure: Standard.
Alignment: Neutral
Advancement: 13-16 HD (Medium), 17-20 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment:

The hunched violet beast is the height of a man and relative girth of a dwarf, and bears only cursory resemblance to the porcupine-thing it once was. The earth shakes while it walks, more than its girth alone would make possible.


Poison: Injury, Fortitude DC 22, initial damage 2d6 Con and Nauseated 1 minute, secondary damage 3d6 Con. The DC is Constitution-based.

Poison Darts (Ex): Nidoking can fire small venomous barbs up to 30 feet away. These regrow every day, allowing up to 4 to be fired per day.

Poison Point (Ex): Anyone who strikes a Nidoking with an unarmed or natural weapon attack, or grapples/is grappled by one, takes one point of damage and must save against its poison.

Substitute (Sp): Nidoking can cast mirror image at will and simulacrum once per day.

Flamethrower (Su): A Nidoking's flamethrower attack strikes in a 40-ft. line or 20-ft. cone and deals 1d6 fire damage per HD (maximum 20d6); this fire is hot enough to deal full damage to objects. Creatures in the area may halve the damage on a successful reflex save DC 10 + Nidoking's Charisma modifier + ½ Nidoking's Hit Dice. Nidoking may not use Flamethrower for d4 +1 rounds after having used it. The Sample Nidoking's Flamethrower attack inflicts 12d6 fire damage with a save DC of 21.

Earthquake (Sp): Nidoking can cast earthquake (caster level equals hit dice) once per 4 rounds.

Megahorn (Ex): Nidoking's gore attack is treated as though it has Augment Critical and Improved Natural Attack.

Stone Edge (Su): Nidoking can cast spike stones at will.

Sandstorm (Su): As a Standard action, Nidoking can summon a sandstorm, as per the sandstorm[1] spell.

Egg Move: Nidoking inherits the special power it had as a Nidorino:

  • Charm Person -> charm monster at will as a spell-like ability
  • Beat Up (Ex): Nidoking and all allies within 10 feet gain +1 to hit and +1d6 damage for every ally adjacent to their target.
  • Lesser Confusion -> confusion at will as a spell-like ability


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AdopterQuantumboost +
AlignmentNeutral +
AuthorKoumei +
Challenge Rating11 +
EnvironmentTemperate plains +
Identifier3.5e Monster +
Level Adjustment+
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SubtypeEarth +
SummaryThe hunched violet beast is the height of a man and relative girth of a dwarf, and bears only cursory resemblance to the porcupine-thing it once was. The earth shakes while it walks, more than its girth alone would make possible. +
TitleNidoking +
TypeMagical Beast +