Talk:Fivefold Phantasmagoria (3.5e Epic Spell)

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Revision as of 00:08, 16 June 2012 by Eiji-kun (talk | contribs) (On Action Economy)
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On Action Economy

So I loved this spell idea but the implication of action economy breaking was obvious. Five times actions, heck no. I'm not even worried about full attacks with your rare gish build, I'm thinking x5 spell spam. So this is how (I think) I fixed it.

First, clones are dealing 50% effectiveness either by loss of damage or loss of the spell going off at all. With that in mind you have yourself (100%) and four clones (200%) so I'm expecting a 300% increase... nasty. However, comparable to Twin Spell (200% output). The difference is being one costing +4 spell levels, while the other actually costs more spells. While the metamagic cost is gone, such a setup would quickly nova through their spells per day, and while they probably could cast nothing but high level spells in a flurry, it is arguably a higher cost than just +X spell levels. Now the bigger advantage is that you can mix and match spells, and mix combos of spells like Cloudkill + Solid Fog and the like. That one IS an advantage to this one, one balanced hopefully by the fact its a difficult epic spell and with short-ish duration you'll be casting it before battle rather than leaving it up all day.

Mix that with generally squishy clones who will probably get hit even if they were aiming for you, and I don't expect a full compliment of 4 clones to remain for very long. Hopefully it is enough of a balance to have it be like that. -- Eiji-kun 15:58, 15 June 2012 (UTC)

Look at this damage spell. Or this one. Also, does "other effects" include things like the effect of a potion? And do the clones get created with the caster's buffs? --Foxwarrior 18:24, 15 June 2012 (UTC)
For the first, everything has a 50% fail chance except any damage incurred, which is half. But you are right, I didn't mean for potion effectiveness to be halved, just their own casting, maneuvers, etc. It is stated that clones do have the buffs applied at time of casting, running normal duration as such. The most abuse I can think of there is applying a potent buff like Body of War and turning into an army of robots, but in that case its not really worse than an army of wizards the spell already grants. -- Eiji-kun 00:08, 16 June 2012 (UTC)