Fivefold Phantasmagoria (3.5e Epic Spell)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 6-15-12
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Fivefold Phantasmagoria
Illusion (Shadow)
Spellcraft DC: 99
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 120 ft.
Effect: Four clones of the caster
Duration: 20 rounds
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: 891,000 gp; 18 days; 35,640 XP. Seed: delude (DC 28), Seed: transport to ad hoc clones x4 (DC 27), Seed: conceal (DC 23). Factors: 1 action casting time (+20 DC). Mitigating factors: duration shortened to 20 rounds (-24 DC), change to personal range (-2 DC), ad hoc decrease range to 120 ft (-14 DC), ad hoc clones are 50% effective x4 (-40 DC).

A glowing pentagram illuminated the ground, and with a shimmer the party found themselves facing not one wizard, but five!

Fivefold Phantasmagoria duplicates the caster four times with quasi-real shadow energy, resulting in five versions of the caster able to move, feel, and act independently. They have no special connection to each other but have the same mindset and goals. Determining which is a fake and which is the real caster is difficult. Any divination attempts to determine which are illusions must succeed on an opposed caster level check to succeed. The clones must stay within 120 ft. of the original or they blink out of existence. Clones are able to act as soon as they are created.

The clones have several benefits, one being that they may all make their own separate actions on the original's initiative count. However any damage or healing they deal only deals half damage, and any spells or other effects which do not deal damage have a 50% chance to fail. Limited use abilities such as casting a magic spell or drinking a potion all come from a single pool; if one of the clones (or original) expends a spell, all clones/original have the spell spent. Clones have all the status effects as they were at time of creation, and afterwords are treated as separate entities.

Clones have 50% of the hp of the original, and they react to damage appropriately. If the original is targeted and struck by an attack, the attack has a 20% chance per clone to re-directed the damaging effect to one of the duplicates instead (or an 80% miss chance while all four clones are present). Once a clone loses all its hp it dissipates harmlessly.

At the end of the casters turn, he may switch places with any of the clones in range as a free action, so long as he has line of effect between them. This allows the caster to keep opponents guessing where the real one is after making an attack that was at full strength. Clones are subject to all the strengths and weaknesses as the original, as well as being able to be dispelled individually.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5669 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Epic Spell +
RatingUnrated +
SchoolIllusion +
Spellcraft DC99 +
SubschoolShadow +
TitleFivefold Phantasmagoria +