Talk:Gentleman Explorer (3.5e Class)

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Revision as of 00:57, 23 August 2012 by Tarkisflux (talk | contribs) (Comments)
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RatedFavor.png Aarnott favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
Fantastic! The class has a humorous read, but is very well balanced and looks like it would be fun to play. There are plenty of fluff features that flesh out the class. Great work!
RatedLike.png Foxwarrior likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
It's a very entertaining read backing a solid and unusual combat class.
RatedFavor.png Jay Freedman favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
Fun to read and fun to explore. So few classes can offer such dedicated components, entertaining abilities, tested details, and straight-forward results amid a torrent of 'tea-induced' literary bamboozle'ments.
RatedFavor.png Ghostwheel favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
Very flavorful, good damage, I like this article very much.
RatedFavor.png Eiji-kun favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
The flavor! The mechanics! The flavor! Mmmm mmm!!! The flavor really does sell this, and I want to play one (and you inspire me to other things). Let's make this a favored article!


Some ability comments and clarification questions:

  • Can someone interrupt Elephant Gun while it's still a 1-round action? The text refers to intense focus, and that sort of thing is often spoiled by taking damage during the action (unless concentrated away), but there's nothing in here about it.
  • Fight Me Like A Man seems a bit weak for its level. Is there an interaction that I'm missing?
  • The endure elements part of Pith and Vinegar seems a lot past its prime. Is there a reason it's so late?

The ToP adjustments seem solid btw. I'm rather flattered you put them in; thanks for that :-). - Tarkisflux Talk 22:48, 22 August 2012 (UTC)

As written, Elephant Gun cannot be interrupted — unless, of course, something like a disarm or newfound total cover actually prevents him from making the attack. I figure the AoO of a ranged attack combined with the time limitation are enough punishment. Those other two abilities are placed where they are solely because I needed an ability at each level to satisfy the maxim of "dead levels are bad." I wrote each ability individually before placing them in levels, so I'm certainly open to suggestions on how to rearrange them. --DanielDraco 23:37, 22 August 2012 (UTC)
Fair enough on Elephant Gun, just wanted to be clear. As for the others, you could split the Endure Elements portion of Pith and Vinegar off and put it down somewhere if you wanted, and similarly put Fight Me Like a Man down somewhere else as well. The hole there could be filled with a 1/hour upgrade to Gentlemen Don't Ask Directions, since they may need to use it more than 1/day at that level. While they don't get a lot of travel powers (and ignore party contributions on that point), getting a special mount wouldn't be out of line and they could fly outside of their range without too much difficulty, particularly in games with any sort of bonus limitations.
And don't worry about extra ToP skills; you could probably even bring them up to 12 skills if you wanted. As a High balance non-caster, my first instinct would be to give them 6 or 8 points per level (depending on how many and what sort of combat and utility options they get) and 12 class skills. I should probably go rewrite that section to be more helpful outside of published classes since people are using it for homebrew and whatnot...- Tarkisflux Talk 00:57, 23 August 2012 (UTC)
FavoredAarnott +, Jay Freedman +, Ghostwheel + and Eiji-kun +
LikedFoxwarrior +