Mystic (Legend Track)
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Supporting and somewhat defensive track with a number of long range enchantments.
These wielders of mysterious power might not kill everyone you desire to see dead but they sure are handy to have when you want to see yourself and your comrades alive at the end of the day. Just make sure you plan ahead and don't allow your enemies to benefit as well, as this power is not always able to tell the difference between a friend and a foe.
With about 10 minutes you can place an enchantment that is centered on a point in space within [Medium] range. Enchantments have a range of [Extreme] (or lower if you so desire) and cannot be dispelled. Mundane matter is incapable of blocking an enchantment, but magical barriers might be able to do so. You can cancel enchantments with 10 minutes of concentration and they are canceled automatically if you are dead for more than a week unless you have made special preparations to make them permanent (i.e. ask your DM). In addition a Hallow spell can be cast to temporary suppress one enchantment for the [Scene] within its area instead of spell's normal effect. Hallow casted in such a way can still be dispelled.
Enchantments are learned at appropriate circles (all of them) and are usable at will but you cannot have more active enchantments than your KOM. Multiple instances of the same enchantment do not stack although they do stack with anything else if applicable.
Track Abilities
1st Circle - The WorldSU: you are never [Exhausted]. Anything that would make you [Exhausted] makes you [Fatigued] instead.
New enchantments:
- Dream: any creature in range can make a wish and it comes true. This enchantment is weak and can only grant simple "mundane" wishes that affect only the one who is making a wish. If a person mean it and is not forced to do it, wish is granted immediately and is irreversible unless he make another one to undo it. The problem is… only one wish can be granted per person in any given Dream enchanted area unless it is canceled and reinstated again. The following list is what this enchantment can do.
- Change hair color, hair texture, skin color, height, weight, and/or gender.
- +1 bonus to 1 skill. Only 1 skill can benefit from wish per person.
- Life: all living creatures in range gain [Fast healing] 1. This enchantment might be unappropriate for some games. It is weak but has implications.
- Resolve: all creatures in the area gain temporary hit points equal to twice your level at the start of each [Scene] until the end of the [Scene].
2nd Circle - InsightSU: you can see [Invisible] creatures. In addition as a free action you can share one of the vision modes you possess (including ability to see invisible beings) with another ally for as long as he is within [Close] range. You can also make him see, hear and/or feel anything you have previously experienced if he is willing. You can support a number of allies in this way up to a number of circles in this track you possess.
New enchantments:
- Clarity: all creatures in the area can roll twice and use better result when making Knowledge skill check once per [Scene].
- Protection: all creatures and plants inside the area are protected as with Endure Elements spell. Food and water within the area are automatically purified of poisons and diseases.
3rd Circle - Mystic ProtectionSU: you gain [Lesser resistance] to energy and magic damage.
New enchantments:
- Ward: choose [Force], [Negative], [Positive], [Acid], [Cold], [Electricity] or [Fire]. All creatures within area gain [Lesser resistance] to it.
4th Circle - Walking MysterySU: you gain [Fast Healing] equal to your KDM and can act as a mobile enchanted area. This allow you to target yourself instead of point in space with any one of your enchantments. This does not count against your maximum amount of active enchantments. Switching enchantment on yourself is a free action.
New enchantments:
- Commune: with about 10 minutes of contact any creature within area can form mental link with another willing creature as with World-Mind spell. Once formed it works as long as enchantment persists and both creatures are willing and within range. No creature can have more links than their KOM as a result of this enchantment.
- Still earth: all foes your perceive in the area take 1 point of damage per every 5 ft of their movement. This damage cannot reduce HP below 1, but otherwise it cannot be reduced, mitigated or redirected. If, however, foe didn't move in the [Round] at all he must, at the end of his [Round], make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + your KOM) or become [Slowed] for 1 [Round]. This is a [Binding] effect.
5th Circle - SafetySU: you gain [Immunity] to [Bleeding] and [Sickened] conditions.
New enchantments:
- Calmness: this enchantment makes violent weather less severe than it actually is. For example, hail becomes rain, while normal rain is still rain and water is still wet. In general, this prevents stone and stronger buildings from being seriously damaged by weather. In case of magical weather, like a Control Winds spell, this reduces power of the source by 1 step.
- Haven: for each active Haven enchantment you can designate one ally. While on your Haven ground they will receive effects of Sanctuary spell at the start of every [Encounter]. Save DC is based on your KOM.
6th Circle - ThoughtSU: as a move action you can [Teleport] yourself and up to your KOM of willing allies within [Melee] range up to your speed each. Once per [Encounter] you can do that as an immediate action.
New enchantments:
- Abyss walk: all creatures in the area are protected from harmful planar conditions. This enchantment erodes away in 1 day without your presence as plane overpowers it unless you have other means to make it permanent.
- Last bastion: this enchantment transforms an object into a symbol of indomitable will. Everything in the area but the ground itself has 20% [Miss chance] against attacks originating outside of it. This enchantment must be targeted at a Large or larger object (like an obelisk or statue) rather than point in space and as such it cannot be used with Walking Mystery. If this object is broken or moved this enchantment ends. In addition, this object must be placed outdoors for enchantment to work. Keep in mind that while you can enchant gigantic objects (castle, for example) with this, it will have its center as a point of origin (for the purposes of range) and if any part of it is broken (say, gates) so is enchantment.
7th Circle - Symbol of PowerSU: a potent magical field surrounds you that works as a Hallow spell except that it is always centered on you. In addition as long your Hallow effect in your square is not countered by another Hallow you can exchange your move action for a swift action once per [Round].