Buzzing Fly (3.5e Maneuver)

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Revision as of 23:41, 15 November 2012 by Luigifan18 (talk | contribs) (Simplification and elaboration (namely, shifting around the fluff for this maneuver's distraction mechanism as per TarkisFlux's suggestion))
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Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: November 11, 2012
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Buzzing Fly
Occult Sovereignty (Rush) [Sonic]
Level: 5
Prerequisite: Two Occult Sovereignty maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: Personal
Area: You
Duration: 1 round/4 initiator levels
Saving Throw: Will partial, see text

You run about the field like a madman, making bizarre and inane humming noises that draw everyone's attention to you. Your enemies are quickly annoyed beyond belief and start swinging wildly at you, trying to make you stop. The spellcasters cringe and their faces screw up in concentration as they try to maintain their spells, but their efforts are in vain - you are simply too irritating to ignore. Just as planned.

When using this maneuver, you may move up to 3× your speed. If you are under any effects that would increase or decrease your running speed multiplier (such as having the Run feat, wearing heavy armor, or carrying a heavy load), you apply those modifiers to your movement speed multiplier for using this ability, in the same way as you would for running. For instance, if you are wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load, you may move up to two times your speed with this maneuver. If you have the Run feat, this maneuver instead allows you to move up to four times your speed (or 3 times your speed if you are wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load).

You provoke attacks of opportunity for your movement under this maneuver, but that's actually a good thing. You have a +4 dodge bonus to AC (which increases to +6 against attacks of opportunity) while using this maneuver, and whenever you provoke an attack of opportunity using this maneuver, the foe who you provoked must succeed on a Will save (DC = 15 + your Int modifier) to not make the attack of opportunity.

Every time you pass through a creature's threatened area (or the area that they would threaten if not occupied with an activity such as spellcasting), your inane banter greatly disturbs that creature and makes it hard for it to focus its attention on any task other than smacking the crap out of you. (Tasks other than "smacking you" include zapping you with a spell.) This means that every time you pass through a creature's threatened area, if that creature is doing anything that requires concentration (including casting a spell or manifesting a power), it must succeed on a Concentration check (DC = 15 + your initiator level + your Int modifier + the spell level of the spell being cast or power being manifested (if applicable) + ½ the total number of spaces you have moved during this maneuver + the total number of attacks of opportunity attempted on you during this maneuver) to maintain their concentration and continue or complete their action. Failing on this Concentration check causes the action to fail and be wasted - the spell or power is lost, the skill use fails, et cetera. (Note that a creature in the process of casting a spell is not considered to actually threaten any squares, and thus is not forced to make a Will save to avoid making an attack of opportunity against you, unless it has an ability that allows it to continue threatening an area during the act of casting a spell.)

You may continue using this maneuver for a number of rounds up to ¼ your initiator level. Each round that you continue the maneuver, you use a full-round action to move as described in the first paragraph. You add ½ the number of spaces you move plus the number of attacks of opportunity that enemies make on you to the Concentration DC you force spellcasters/psions/skillmonkeys to succeed on each time you move through their threatened area. The DC is based on the number of spaces you've moved and the number of attacks of opportunity made against you over the course of the entire maneuver, which means that concentration can become nigh-impossible if you keep this maneuver going long enough. The maximum number of times you can force a single creature to make a Concentration check via this maneuver in a single round is ¼ your initiator level (rounded down); you can only dash in and out of a creature's threatened area only so much in a short span of time before it begins to tune you out.

If you move into a creature's threatened area even once during a round, it must succeed on a Concentration check to perform any tasks requiring intense focus on its turn for that round. (As explained in the combat rules, all of the action in a round is actually assumed to be happening more or less simultaneously; since you are deliberately trying to annoy your enemies when you initiate this maneuver, you time your antics in the enemy's face to take place at the precise moment that he or she is actually trying to concentrate on something.) This does not count against the limit for how many times you can distract a creature by moving into its threatened area during your turn.

If you are struck while performing this maneuever, you must make a Fortitude save (DC = 15 + damage taken) or immediately stop moving. If you are forced to stop moving in any fashion (including failure on the aforementioned Fortitude save or the Stand Still feat), the maneuver immediately ends. (You've been swatted.)

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Luigifan18's Homebrew (383 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLuigifan18 +
DescriptorSonic +
DisciplineOccult Sovereignty +
Identifier3.5e Maneuver +
Level5 +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryDash about the field while making inane noises that make it really, really, really, really hard for enemy spellcasters to concentrate. Just like a housefly, only about a hundred times more aggravating! +
TitleBuzzing Fly +
TypeRush +