Noble (3.5e Social Archetype)

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Noble Archetype[edit]

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 11 October 2011
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Noble Advancement[edit]

Table: Archetype Name
Respect Bonus Archetype Feature
+1 VIP
+2 Legacy
+3 Noble Will
+4 Decadence
+6 Command, Full Heritage

Archetype Features[edit]

All saving throws DC granted by the Noble social archetype are (10 + half Noble HDs + noble charisma modifier)

Respect Bonus (Ex): The noble social archetype grant a bonus to all intimidate, diplomacy and sense motive checks made out of combat to creatures that respect to him.

VIP (Ex): A noble will always receive free food and lodging from creatures that respect him.

Legacy (Ex): A noble has listened to all tales of his past ancestor and their greatness. The Noble gain one free ranks in knowledge (nobility). If the noble already had a rank in knowledge (nobility) he gain a +2 bonus to it instead.

Noble Will (Ex): A noble gain a +1 bonus to his will save, in addition all humanoid creatures of CR 1 or less respect him by default.

Decadence (Ex): A noble know very well how debauchery and decadence can be common in the court, whether he embrace it or not he became resistant to it. A noble gain a +4 bonus on fortitude save against all bad effects of drugs, alcohol and ingested poison.

Followers (Ex): A powerful noble may turn a creature who respect him into a hardcore follower with a DC 15 + (3x the creature CR) diplomacy check (double the check if the creature is non-humanoid). A hardcore follower while not acting like followers granted by the leadership feat they will never betray the noble under almost any circumstance and will attempt to protect him. Followers will always attempt to help the Noble to the fullest extend of their abilities. You cannot make a creature with a CR higher one third of your ECL or with a CR of 5 or higher (whichever is the lowest) into a follower.

Command (Ex): A noble may use Command as a standard action as an extraordinary ability against creatures who respect him.

Full Heritage (Ex): A noble gain the variant leadership feat as a bonus feat.

Respect: Many of the noble abilities rely on if a creature respect the noble.

  • The creature/NPCs has inherent or gained respect of the noble (or his actions).
  • Any creature charmed by the noble is considered to respect him. (although it may not fit the description above).

How can I determine a creature respect the noble:

  • Any creature living in the kingdom/fief/territory the noble or his family hold sovereignty/vassalage will typically respect him her.
  • Creatures of the same alignment aware of his actions will typically respect the noble.
  • Ultimately the DM may decide if a particular creature or NPC respect the noble or not.
  • PCs decided if their character respect the noble or not, even if it contradictory with what was wrote above.

A creature ceased to respect the noble if:

  • You deal any damage to it and the creature can trace it back to you (although you can bluff an reattempt to attract it).
  • It enter combat against you.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4445 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Social Archetype +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitleNoble +