User:Snafusam/Mewtwo (3.5e Monster)

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Adopter: Snafusam (talk)
Original Author: FrankTrollman (talk)
Date Created: 12/21/2014
Status: Complete
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Mewtwo from FireRed/LeafGreen.


CR 24

Sorcerer 24/Pokémaster 12
Medium Aberration (Psionic)
Init/Senses +4 (+4 Dex)/True Seeing (120ft), Greater Arcane Sight (120ft) (extraordinary, continually active, no concentration); Listen +38, Spot +38
Aura Blur, Mage Armor, Mind Blank
Languages telepathy 200 ft.
AC +37, touch +33, flat-footed +29; Armored in Life
(+8 Dex, +13 Luck, +4 Armor, +2 Epic)
Miss Chance 20% Blur
hp 240 (24d8+120 HD); DR 12/epic
SR 24
Fort/Ref/Will +14/+14/+32
Speed 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (perfect); Speed of Thought
Melee Gauntlet +35/+35/+30/+30/+25/+20 (1d4+1)
Ranged Telekinetic Thrust +38 ranged (by object)
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +30/+25/+52
Atk Options Precise Shot,Telekinesis, Mind Blast, Psionics, Spells, Aura Sphere
Special Actions Psionics, Mind Blast, Telepathy, Keen Sight, Pressure, Aura Sphere, Armored In Life, spellcasting
Arcane Epic Spells Known (CL 24th, 1d20+32 to overcome SR, 4/day):
mass devastation (DC 74), steal all Pokémon (DC 74), clone portal (DC 78)
Epic Powers Known (ML 24th, 1d20+32 to overcome PR, 4/day):
as epic spells
Abilities Str 12, Dex 26, Con 21, Int 54, Wis 32, Cha 36
SQ Sorcerer and Pokémaster
Feats Combat Casting, Point Blank Shot (1 HD), Improved Combat Casting, Two Weapon Fighting (4 HD), Improved Counterspell, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (8 HD), Iron Will, Precise Shot (12 HD), Spell Penetration, Quick Draw (16 HD), Greater Spell Penetration, Speed of Thought (20 HD), Spell Stowaway (Time Stop), Epic Will (24 HD)
Skills Bluff +40, Concentration +32, Craft (Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Glassworking, Masonry) +49, Escape Artist +35, Forgery +49, Handle Animal +105, Heal +38, Hide +32, Knowledge Arcana +114, Listen +38, Move Silently +35, Spellcraft +114, Spot +38, Survival +38

Mewtwo is narcissistic and very prideful. Usually avoiding contact with humanoids of any race, He prefers the company of other clone-Pokemon while searching for opponents. If Mewtwo considers an opponent to be even vaguely challenging, he will usually take time to bait and imprison them.


Pressure (Su): Anyone who makes an attack against Mewtwo must make a Will save vs. DC 24 (HD) after the attack is resolved. If they fail, they become fatigued for 3 rounds. If already fatigued, they become Exhausted instead. This applies to any harmful ability, whether it be a regular attack, a spell, a supernatural ability, or anything else that targets Mewtwo or includes it in the area of effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

For reasons that will never be explained, Cranidos, Rampardos, Reshiram, Zekrom, White Kyurem, Black Kyurem, and some specimens of Pinsir are immune to this. Scholars and loremasters, if they even know of this, would be puzzled for many years.

Telekinesis (Su): Mewtwo can psychically manipulate objects without conscious thought. Any number of objects within 1600 ft. of him totaling 6 tonnes in weight can be moved 20 feet per round by Mewtwo. Mewtwo may move separate objects in different directions. Mewtwo can force open doors or bull rush creatures in his general vicinity as if he was a Medium sized creature with a Strength equal to his Intelligence. He can only act on each creature or object once per round, but it does not require any action on his part to do so.

The save DC for Mewtwo's Telekinesis is 34 (10 + HD)

Mind Blast (Sp): This attack is a cone 60 feet long. Anyone caught in this cone must make a Will save (DC 14 + charisma bonus) or be stunned for 3d4 rounds. Mewtwo can mind blast once per round as a free action; this is in addition to his quickened spells. Mewtwo's save DC for mind blast is 27.

All of Mewtwo’s spells and psionics are Empowered and Quickened. Mewtwo can use 3 quickened spells (1 naturally and 2 multispell epic feat) in a round - so Mewtwo will usually be able to cast 4 spells in a round.

Psionics (Sp): At will - dancing lights, ghost sound, mage hand, mending, prestidigitation, endure elements, erase, feather fall, hold portal, mage armor, magic missile, message, shield, true strike, ventriloquism, blur, detect thoughts, knock, locate object, magic mouth, misdirection, obscure object, protection from arrows, shatter, greater magic weapon, protection from energy, shrink item, slow, confusion, dimension door, dimensional anchor, greater invisibility, locate creature, dream, nightmare, permanency, telekinesis, wall of force, analyze dweomer, disintegrate, globe of invulnerability, greater dispel magic, greater shadow evocation, haste, mass suggestion, move earth, permanent image, programmed image, shades, true seeing, instant summons, forcecage, greater scrying, prismatic spray, shadow walk, spell turning, greater teleport, vanish, demand, dimensional lock, mind blank, telekinetic sphere, trap the soul, dominate monster, foresight, imprisonment, mind rape, temporal stasis, wail of the banshee, and weird.

Caster (or manifester) level is 24. Save DCs are 10 + Spell level + Int Modifier.

Spells (Sp): Mewtwo casts spells as a Sorcerer, caster level 24th. Spells per day 12/12/11/11/11/11/10/10/10/10, with 4 Epic Spells per day. Mewtwo knows: [[SRD:Arcane