User talk:Luigifan18/Spiral Dagger (3.5e Equipment)

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Revision as of 04:42, 6 November 2015 by Luigifan18 (talk | contribs) (Ratings: One problem: I don't have Stormwrack. I'll have to look for a .pdf version of it to download.)
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RatedOppose.png Undead Knave opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
You're joking, right?
RatedOppose.png Ghostwheel opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
17-20 base crit range is a no-no.
RatedOppose.png Surgo opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
Completely imbalanced stats. The tiny downside does not make up for the huge upside.

The spiral dagger's supposed to be extremely fierce and menacing, so I don't want to nerf it. The biggest downside compared to the normal dagger is, in my opinion, the lack of piercing damage, which can be extremely useful (you're going to miss piercing damage a lot when you find yourself dealing with a monster whose damage reduction can only be bypassed by piercing attacks). However, it's not really hard to deal with if you know how to handle it (it's really fragile and is vulnerable to sundering, so just smash it and make your opponent cry). Really, the only things I can think of to "balance" it are increasing the cost and including a "grapple backfire" of some sort where the spiral dagger gets yanked out of your hands if you fail a grapple check badly enough.

Also, notice how easily the spiral dagger is sundered and broken, relative to its cost. Few things suck more than plunking down a lot of gold for an amazing new weapon, only to have it smashed and rendered useless before you can kill anyone with it. --Luigifan18 (talk) 01:23, 6 November 2015 (UTC)

Dwarvencraft Hardening Adamantine Riverine.
You can do better than this. Balance, don't fanwank. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 01:29, 6 November 2015 (UTC)
It's certainly possible to offset a spiral dagger's inherent fragility by using the right materials and production processes when you craft it. This is intentional; as with any weapon (or anything, really), those who love to use it will want to make sure that it lasts them a long time. However, that's bound to be extremely expensive, and it'll still be more fragile than another weapon made using those same materials and production processes. And even with the right materials and processes, a spiral dagger still has penalties to resist being disarmed or sundered, making it more easily messed with than other weapons.
I am extensively reworking the spiral dagger to try to rebalance it (including a few "fun" new downsides, mostly involving the spiral dagger being a bit too good at its job and a victim being able to use that to their advantage), but the edit is taking a while. (Note that I am not nerfing the crit range or crit multiplier any more; I mean, just look at that spiral tip! It's going to hurt a lot if it hits you right, and that can happen pretty easily. The threat range and crit multiplier being a touch superior to a normal dagger is completely intentional.) --Luigifan18 (talk) 02:09, 6 November 2015 (UTC)
By the way, what's Riverine? --Luigifan18 (talk) 02:10, 6 November 2015 (UTC)
At any point where you can afford to worry about losing your super special +5 weapon to the "balancing factor" of fragility, you have long been able to afford making the weakness not a weakness at all. Assuming you run into someone with Improved Sunder, and willing to sunder (no one sunders, why would you destroy your own loot?), or willing to take an AoO and possibly lose their sunder attempt in the first place. I'm saying that this is no balancing factor at all. It's like what you were saying with the Megeko, "but they can be stabbed by knives!" Big whoop, they are weak to stabbing... like everything else. Even with higher hardness and hp, ALL weapons are weak to sunder unless they're made out of something special. The fact that everyone, not just fighters (who would do the sundering anyway) can reasonably sunder, isn't a factor.
With exotic weapons you can get away with more. Usually you can give it big numbers (which in this case are TOO big, even if this was the only factor), or you can give it something special (which you have actually). This weapon basically gives you Improved Grab. Well yeah, I'd burn a feat for Improved Grab. Big numbers are not needed at all, it was already worth it for that, and contains the flavor you need without also needing to say "it's sharper than the sharpest katana, as deadly as a battleaxe, and can be wielded with the ease of a switchblade". You simply have too much here.
You'd do fine dropping the big numbers, keeping the Improved Grab thing, and there you go.
As for Riverine... Stormwrack, weapon is basically made out of force, and is invulnerable (except to Disintergrate... easy way around that.). Oh, and I forgot Auronum, so you can repair things if it does break with no problems.
I think all of those things is more than enough to say Sundering is a non-issue of a non-issue. You can do better. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 02:21, 6 November 2015 (UTC)
Pre-emptive assist! Higher cost and more text, NOT helping! -- Eiji-kun (talk) 02:34, 6 November 2015 (UTC)
Uh, then what am I supposed to do? I really don't want to lower either the damage or the crit range or the crit multiplier, as the point of this weapon is that its shape makes it much more damaging than a regular dagger. It's like a serrated sword versus a non-serrated sword; the former's shape allows it to do terrible, terrible things to the flesh, so someone cut with a serrated sword will be injured much more severely than someone cut with a non-serrated sword. (However, the serrated sword does have disadvantages, like being more difficult to create and maintain... just like the spiral dagger). Really, the grappling stuff is a secondary function that's a natural function of the spiral dagger's tip having a penchant for burying itself in the flesh of others. One could argue that it's more effective as a torture device than as a weapon. --Luigifan18 (talk) 03:27, 6 November 2015 (UTC)
Also, the thing with the Mogeko is that they're weaker to stabbing. They're frail, hence the Constitution penalty. (Heck, it was originally going to be −4 Constitution and −2 Intelligence, but after watching a bit more of Mogeko Castle, I decided that the Mogekos aren't horrendously frail, but they are complete morons.) --Luigifan18 (talk) 03:30, 6 November 2015 (UTC)
Well you gotta cut something. Even if the source material justified the insane stats (it doesn't), the mechanical balance is more important. I won't get into why the weapon is actually a bad idea from a logical standpoint since it doesn't matter; exotic weapons are the home for crazy stuff that doesn't work, so bring on the bearchucks and the chainsaw flails. But no matter how crazy, even if I make flamethrower double-spears, I need to make it mechanical balanced or no sane DM will ever allow your homebrew in. And having your stuff be used by someone is the point, right?
You have a perfectly viable weapon idea in here. Improved Grab is GREAT! It's a thing normally reserved for monsters and is almost impossible to get normally, so being able to grab it by a feat/item, good deal! High damage is irrelevant; most of your damage will come from strength if you are optimized for this task. With the clause about damaging the creature when it is pulled out, this is also another source of damage which already puts it up and above any other weapon even if it was at a 1d4. There is only one weapon with this mechanic, the HarpoonStormwrack. You should steal the wording directly from it, it would help, and make this the melee harpoon. With that crit range and that multiplier, you just invite crit fishing abuse en masse.
If it is a better torture device than a weapon, then that's even more reason that its weapon stats are lackluster combat stats, and probably some flavor ability to justify it. +4 to Intimidate checks, or something of that sort.
Complete side note: That's not weakness to stabbing, that's just weakness to everything. And more susceptible to disease. And saves vs death. And most polymorphs. And...
And you should see a pattern here that messing with ability scores directly actually influences a lot of things. If they were really weak to stabbing in particular, perhaps consider damage susceptibility, or the fear of needles flaw. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 04:04, 6 November 2015 (UTC)
One problem: I don't have Stormwrack. I'll have to look for a .pdf version of it to download. --Luigifan18 (talk) 04:42, 6 November 2015 (UTC)

That Crit

The weapon is neat and 1d8 light weapon is notable on its own, but that crit range is a baaaaad idea. Tone that down, you're making the Minotaur Greathammer cry. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 20:02, 28 October 2015 (UTC)