Miniature Eldritch Bombs (3.5e Invocation)

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Author: Fluffykittens (talk)
Date Created: Aug 17 2016
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Miniature Eldritch Bombs
Blast Shape Warlock Least; 2nd

Choose two 5 ft squares plus one per 3 CL within twice close range (50 ft. + 10 ft./2 levels); these squares are filled with a glowing light that sheds light equal to a candle. At the start of your next turn, the lights explode, dealing your eldritch blast damage in a 5 ft burst, with a reflex save for half. If a creature would be suffer from multiple explosions, they only must save and take damage from one per casting of this invocation.

You may choose to have any particular lights you wish fail to detonate. In such case you may maintain up to 2+1/3rd your CL in unexploded bombs; you can detonate any number of them as a standard action; if you have any extra bombs placed over your limit, at the end of your turn, any number of them vanish, until you are at or below your limit.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewClass Ability ComponentsInvocationsWarlock

Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorFluffykittens +
Identifier3.5e Invocation +
LevelWarlock Least +
RatingUnrated +
SummarySet up a number of delayed explosions with your eldritch blast +
TitleMiniature Eldritch Bombs +