3.5e Warlock Invocations
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This page contains the homebrew class invocation list for the Warlock class.
Warlock Invocations
Least Warlock Invocations
All-Seeing Eyes, Balmz: See things around you better
Bane of Balance: Knock a foe off-balance with your eldritch blast (or ki volley or wind bullet), uncentering him and imposing a −2 competence penalty to Balance and Tumble checks until the condition is cleared.
Beguiling Influence, Revised: A revised version of Beguiling Influence which isn't just numbers.
Black Vines: Harnessing the black force of nature, called the Seed of Evil, you spawn roots, vines and low branches, all dark and twisted in appearance, that entrap your foe, damaging and poisoning them.
Blear: Become hard to see and attack
Burglar's Boon: You call on forces of darkness to slip through locked doors and under watchful eyes
Caramel Apple Blast: Your eldritch blast becomes a candy apple and inflicts a similar state on those it hits
Charged Shot: Charge up your laser for increased damage.
Cloak of the Abyss: Surround yourself in smoke that can obscure, hide, or burn as you command
Crown of Crows: You invoke the aid of crows, as they are tied to dark magic.
Crown of Crows, Variant: You get a raven familiar, with some special abilities
Crystalline Cortex: Your cerebral cortex hardens, shimmering faintly through your skull.
Dance of the Fireflies: Summon sparkling living lights that illuminate and dazzle targets, create light, briefly blind, or expend themselves all in a single bright flash.
Dark Arcana: You invoke this ability to become adept at all things magical.
Dark Crafting: You gain a bonus on all craft checks and may craft much faster.
Dark Elocution: Make yourself understood by and understand another intelligent creature.
Dark Minion: You gain a skeletal minion who obey your every whims.
Dark Spiral Aura: You've learned to create and manipulate orbs of life essence.
Daunting Realization: A creeping conviction of failure affects your target.
Deceptive Shadow: Disguise yourself as a shadowy creature, and blend into the darkness.
Demon Howl: With an inhuman howl you shove away nearby creatures away from you.
Dreamer's Dust: You extract fine dust from the Plane of Dreams to blind and send to sleep your opponents.
Eldritch Claws: You grow claws that can deliver your eldritch blast as a melee attack.
Eldritch Craft: You gain a preternatural skill in crafting and arts.
Eldritch Flurry: Make a full attack with your eldritch blast, fire bolt, or wind bullet.
Eldritch Grenade: Your eldritch blast explode outward, dealing splash damage to all creature adjacent to the target.
Eldritch Interface: Become the ghost in the machine...
Eldritch Shield: Your blast's energy can instead form a glowing shield around your body.
Eldritch Shove: Make a touch attack in melee with your eldritch blast, and bull rush them away.
Eldritch Spray: Release a flamethrower-like spray of eldritch energy that lasts for 1 round.
Eldritch Summon: You use your dark magic to summon minions to aid you mid battle.
Emotional Crisis: Your target out to 60 ft suddenly stops what they are doing as they question what they even want in life.
Encyclopedia Maleficiorum: "Evil will always triumph, because Good is dumb."
Esoteric Cognition: An invisible veil of mystic force floats around you, granting a better perception and understanding of subtle emotional changes.
Fell Archery: Blast is carried on your ranged weapon, striking in addition to it.
Fell Speech: You learn the language of Evil, the Dark Speech
Fey Artifice: Spin straw into gold! Make shoes in a single night!
Force Blast: The eldritch blast is considered for all purposes to be a force effect.
Frightful Blast, Revised: Improved version of the standard Frightful Blast.
Gloom Missiles: Fire magic missiles that leave the targets illuminated.
Gordian Knot: Your body becomes slightly more flexible and the coiled figure in your mind reveals its secrets.
Hammer Blast, Revised: Hit objects and certain creatures harder
Hellfire Breath: Upon casting this Invocation you gain a powerful breath weapon, replicating the effect of flame breath except it last 24 hours.
Heretical Healing: You have the ability to cure wounds with a touch.
Hexing Blast: Your eldritch blast curses your target, allowing you to inflict several small sorrows upon them.
Hideous Blow, Revised: Improved version of standard Hideous Blow
Hot Caramel Cone: A spray of malignant caramel to burn and trap your enemies. A gift from the Candyman.
Ignitable Spirit: Gain Fire Resistance
Inborn Own Luck: Improve your saves with your charisma
Infernus's Care: You gain resistance to fire and heat, any fire damage actually dealt to you in nonlethal damage.
Injection Blast: Your eldritch blast turns into a solid needle used to inject poisons or potions.
Insidious Allure: A faint and subtle glamour envelops you.
Insidious Impulsion: With a few words you cause a creature to obey you on an impulse.
Invoke Nightmare: With a burst of unholy flame a clearly demonic horse arises from the pit to serve you.
Killing Flames: The flame of agony you inflict leaves your target's soul chained to your bidding.
Kooky Tendrils: Stop and entangle foes with tendrils
Land Communion: You call for the help of Nature and it responds with its blessing.
Leaps and Bounds, Balmz: Increase tumble, jump and balance
Leaps and Bounds, Revised: You are capable of extreme jumping capacities, allowing you to make impossible leaps.
Leeching Blast: You convert the blast power to be a conduit of energy from your target to you.
Lunatic Mouth: You channel the power of a cosmic force, called the Mouth of Madness, into a small, yet disturbing, fake mouth.
Miasmic Cloud, Balmz: Better version of miasmic cloud
Miniature Eldritch Bombs: Set up a number of delayed explosions with your eldritch blast
Phantom Blast: Your eldritch blast can travel through walls and attack ghosts.
Physical Blast: Your eldritch blast becomes a physical substance, ignoring spell resistance but now being subject to damage reduction.
Precise Blast: No penalty for blasting into melee.
Precise Senses: You invoke this ability to become adept at perception.
Prismatic Energy: Turn your eldritch blast into a prismatic blast. The element is random, but it has special effects on a critical hit.
Recreant Blast: Cause fear on foes
Scatter Rain: You fire your eldritch blast into the air. A round later it comes splashing down in a wide area.
Sealing Blast: Instead of killing a target, your eldritch blast can seal them away in a time-locked crystal.
See the Unseen, Balmz: See Though hidden things
Serpent's Power: Call on serpents to gain their power
Shadow Cover: Shadowstuff is faintly grasping your body, partially covering you.
Shape Lightforce: You can shape lightforce with your whims, allowing you to create small objects made of solid light.
Slipskin: Disguise Self, but only for other seen creatures
Sortilege: The warlock form of prestidigitation and more
Sound of Silence: Your body emits sounds to counteract noise that you produce
Spider Weave: Fire webs out of your wrists, thwippt!
Spidersilk Blast: Your eldritch blast becomes sticky web-like threads which you can manipulate after firing.
Spiritual Slave: A barely visible shadowy spirit is called to your aid.
Splitter Blast: Split your eldritch blast into multiple beams. Gain a small boost in damage as you grow in power.
Stygian Rime: Release freezing ice slicks, snow, or grant yourself icewalking.
Subdual Strike: Gray blast does subdual damage instead of lethal.
Summon Phantasmal Feeders: Summon one to five phantasmal feeders which slowly but surely drain away your opponent's health.
The Livery and Armory of Shadows: a set of abilities thematically tied to shadow and darkness
Thief's Intent: You beg dark forces for the necessary abilities to steal and infliltrate.
Touch of Hate: You channel the Hand of Hate, the concrete force of wrath and rage, to change the your foes' mood, blurring the line between friend and enemy.
Turbulent Blast: Your eldritch blast invokes penalties upon your opponent from chaotic energy tumbling over them.
Unctuosity: Warlock form of grease
Unstable Reconstruction: Under you skin you feel a renewed strength, albeit inconstant in nature.
Vampiric Embrace: You can siphon life from your target.
Vile Toughness: The durability of your dark ancestors flows within you.
Voice of the Antique: Ancient spirits lend you their expertise and old artifacts reveal their secrets.
Vulnerable Blast: Your eldritch blast weakens the bodies of others, causing them to take more damage from other effects.
Warlock's Curse: Curse your foes, much like a Hexblade, but better.
Wild Whisperer: Your voice becomes animalistic and animals respond to your calls more readily.
Willing Flesh: Let your enemy's boundaries down. The will of the Voluptuous Flesh.
Winged Flight: This invocation grant the ability to glide and fall slowly, eventually also grant limited flight. Become more powerful when paired with fell flight.
Witch's Heart: Your heart is wood, which surprisingly doesn't kill you.
Witching Light: The warlock create a bright gloomy light, which enthrall and hypnotize those who see it to her will.. and scare those who resist.
YinYang Blast: Your eldritch blast can deal either positive or negative energy damage.
Lesser Warlock Invocations
Armory Of Darkest Shadow: Your previous knowledge of manipulating darkness allows you to shape shadow into armor, weapons and other combat effects.
Armory of Acheron: You draw on the eternal battlefield of Acheron, calling to you an array of weapons
Baleform Curse: A typical trick of witches and warlocks, you turn a poor innocent bystander into a frog or something.
Baleful Wind: Blow enemies away, and sap their Dexterity while you're at it.
Beshadowed Blast, Balmz: Blind foes with your blast
Binding Blast: Your eldritch blast or wind bullet prevents creatures from teleporting away.
Blackbolt Blast: Your eldritch blast deals electricity damage, and may disrupt others' actions from minor paralysis.
Blackout: supernatural shadow seeps from you to coalesce into a sphere of utter darkness
Blades Of Vanquished Armies: Conjures a whirling field of blades for both offense and defense.
Bonemelting Blast: Turn you eldritch blast in a terrible acid blast which melt armor plate, skin, bone and pretty much everything.
Brimstone Blast, Balmz: Burn those foes and cauterize them to prevent healing
Buff Lockdown: Stop enemies from benefiting from buff spells.
Call Upon the Bloodline: You call upon the power of your bloodline, granting you fantastic power.
Constraining Blast: Afflicts 1d4 Spellstrained (3.5e Condition) levels
Critical Blast: Range of critical hit increases by two steps
Curse of Transience: This invocation disrupts the connection between the body and the soul of an enemy, making its existence flickers.
Dark Medium: You've been granted power to communicate with the other side. Use it wisely.
Dark Possession: Possess the body of a weak creature.
Deathless Blast: Turn your eldritch blast into an essentially 'nonlethal' attack.
Detachable Head: "And since I am dead, I can take off my head!"
Eldritch Cannonball: You turn your eldritch blast into a normal attack but deal more damage and knock your opponent away.
Eldritch Capture: You use your eldritch power to grapple a creature from afar and keep it pinned.
Eldritch Circle: Blast hits everything that is a certain specified distance away from you.
Eldritch Drifter: Your eldritch blast becomes a slow drifting sphere of destruction. Fill the battlefield with them!
Eldritch Escape: Teleport a short distance, dealing area damage both where you teleported from and where you land.
Eldritch Eye: Blast emanates from eye acting as stilled metamagic.
Eldritch Needles: You fire you eldritch blast as a swarm of needles, making it all but impossible to avoid.
Eldritch Reflector: Your eldritch blast bounces off objects, and can be reflected by yourself or those wielding magic weapons.
Eldritch Retort: Retain floating eldritch orbs which fire into eldritch blasts when you are attacked.
Eldritch Serpent: Create an eldritch blast construct which attacks for you, but you can't use your eldritch blast while it's present.
Eldritch Steed: Turn your eldritch blast into a mount which fires eldritch blasts.
Elemental Blast: Energy Blasts; As Psionic "Energy Ray"
Enticing Command: You can force your lesser to do as you ask, charmed creatures are much more susceptible.
Entropic Blast: Your Eldritch Blast is infused with the deterioration-inducing power of time.
Essence Blast: Chance your Eldritch Blast to deal Essence damage.
Exploding Blast: Your basic invocating projectile becomes a fireball in all but name.
Explosive Blast: Your eldritch blast blows up, knocking down enemies and dealing two types of damage.
Exsiccating Blast: Dry out your foes with your eldritch blast
Go To Pieces: You have a tendency to fall apart when the going gets tough. But it's useful.
Guilt Bite: Inflict pain and doubt to enemies.
Hellrime Blast: Chill your foes with otherworldly cold
Ice Slider: Gain the effect of air walk that leaves a temporary ice path in your wake.
Imitate Spellcasting: Your invocation can duplicate the effect of low-level spells with some limitations.
Knockdown Blast: You fire the eldritch lasers that knock people down!
Lesser Eldritch Cone: You fire a small cone of eldritch power. It also synergizes with Eldritch Cone.
Lightforce Armor: You create an armor of lightforce, protecting you from harms.
Lightforce Blast: Reshape your eldritch blast into a very.... creative shape.
Mental Probe: Using this invocation you can alter memories of a touched creature.
Miniature Blast: Negate most firing penalties.
Missing Shadow: Animate your shadow and have it go on an adventure without you.
Oblative Surge: A rare eldritch blast which heals with positive energy, at the expense of yourself.
Pale Blade: Using the shadows from the Plane of Shadows, laced with ethereal force and negative energy, you create a semi-solid mystic weapon that follows all of your commands.
Pathosis Blast: Spread disease with your blast
Phalanx of Fury: You summon single fingers from the Hand of Hate to confer the rage of barbarians to your allies.
Phantom Grasp: Grab things with close range telekinesis, and carry a great deal more.
Power of Emotions: You can use the lightforce to manipulate the emotions of others.
Projection of Power: This invocation comes in two forms; the first providing short range communication to any creature within line of sight as if you were next to them, and the latter acting more like scrying and sending.
Pumpkin Head: Your head is now an pumpkin, most people consider it scary.
Pyroclastic Blast: Your eldritch blast deals fire damage, and may produce clouds of choking smoke.
Ravages of Time: You warp the time around a target, causing it to age, decay, or end
Reckless Eldritch Charge: Charge and blast everyone with your eldritch blast
Shadow Puppet: You duplicate yourself with a shadowy copy that appears adjacent to you, allowing to act remotely.
Speculum: Play tricks on your foes with fake images
Spellbound Transformation: You have an alternate form you can switch between.
Spider Sense: You gain a spider's reflexes and evasion.
Stygian Frost Blast: Your eldritch blast deals cold damage, and may render the target immobilized.
Sugar Rush: Target surges with glucose and moves faster. Cavities are just a side effect.
T-Blast: Fire a line of energy, and make it split into a T-shape. Sometimes, multiple times.
Tearing Doubt: Shred your opponents mind and body apart.
The Dead Walk, Variant: With dark power, you make the corpses and bones of your enemies and fallen friends walk once more
Trick or Treat: Gimme a treat or I'll do you a trick
Unearthly Seeding: You plant sinister looking seeds into your opponents. These life-leeching particles are composed of the same material of the Seed of Evil.
Venomous Blast: Your eldritch blast deals poison damage, and can reduce constitution, or other effects.
Volcanic Resilience: Survive in the elemental planes of Earth and Fire.
Wind Blast: Launch your enemy backwards with your eldritch blast or wind bullet.
Greater Warlock Invocations
Abjure Magic: You can use your own baleful power to dispel magical effects and make a barrier of dispelling energy for a time.
Array of Arms: As you spread your arms wide, skeletal hands each holding a weapon phase into existence around you
Banishing Blast: Your eldritch blast can banish outsiders back to their home plane, and punish those who refuse to leave.
Blast of Defeat: Target cowers prone for a round.
Blastbind: You can bind a single-target spell into your Blast, affecting victims of your blast with the spell in addition to your blast.
Breath of Levistus: Your eldritch blast slows, stops, and freezes over targets.
Brimstone Scream: You set fire to the target's soul, and brimstone and sulfur pours out of their body.
Caliginosity: In darkness we protect
Candy Beam, the bluez's variant: Shoot a cotton pink ray that transmutes targets into candies. Feed the Candyman!
Caress of Violence: The fleeting caress of the Hand of Hate that sends enemies into a mad rage.
Cold Eye Gazer: Summon up to three "eyeballs" that emit beams of cold that slow opponents.
Comburent Brume: Use fiery clouds on foes
Crown of Insanity: An invocation that calls the power of ancient illithids, through the force of the Mouth of Madness.
Deadly Shrub: Create a bush of thorns that sap energy and rolls around.
Delayed Blast Mine: You launch your eldritch blast but only deal half damage, yet leave a glowing mine which explodes later for massive damage.
Discomfit Appearance: Your appearance is confusing to foes
Dolor Counter: When you suffer your foe suffers
Dreadful Wind: Blast your enemies with a sustained wind that fills them with fear.
Dreadful Wind/Original Edition: Blast your enemies with a sustained wind that fills them with fear.
Efficacious Blast: Hurt your foes with positive energy, this is not a nice healing effect.
Elder Webway: Connect to points in space and teleport or plane shift between them. Alternatively, use it to make a magical trap instead.
Eldritch Claws, Greater: You grow claws that can deliver your eldritch blast as a melee attack, plus additional attacks from a high BAB.
Eldritch Eruption: You cast earth power, except it has the properties of your basic invocating projectile.
Eldritch Rigor: You are always under the effect of adapt body and gain fast healing 2.
Eldritch Spikes: Cover yourself in spikes which deal your eldritch blast damage, or dismiss them to cause them to explode!
Eldritch Stream: Fire a continuous beam of energy. You can sweep it in an area, and the damage increases the more you focus upon it.
Eldritch Web: Generate a web of energy which slows movement and damages those inside.
Enrapture Minions: With a flourish of terrifying evil power, you bend other evil creatures to your will.
Evasive Spirit: Grant Evasion or Mettle
Evasive Swarm: While under the effects of evasive swarm, you can dodge out of the way of attacks as an immediate action.
Goodbye Limbs: Strip an opponent of their limbs.
Haunted Telekinesis: This invocation behave as telekinesis, except that it can do stuff on it own.
Infernal Labyrinth: The victim is trapped in a hellish maze of great suffering.
Inner Demons: You bind a demon, devil, or fey to your body which grants you fantastic power and protects you from death... for a while.
Lightforce Coil: Create a coil of solid light, immobilizing a creature in place.
Lightforce Incarnation: Create any objects with lightforce or even create creatures to fight for you.
Maggot Ravage: Attack foes with maggots
Mephitis Adumbrate: Warlock version of cloudkill
Mindrending Blast: Use your eldritch blast to drive your enemies mad.
Move Undetected: Be unseeable and muffled
Painful Slumber: Force a unending sleep
Peerless Eldritch Charge: Move and attack with your Eldritch blast at the same time
Penance Stare: You stare directly into the soul of the target, making its sins come to the surface and overwhelming it with guilt.
Personal Transformation: Turn yourself into another creature as per Polymorph Self, Tome
Power of the Wild: The warlock call upon her heritage to command lesser creatures.
Prismatic Blast: Your eldritch blast is all colors of the rainbow, and deals random effects.
Ritual of the Three Circles: Either travel to the lower plane summon a number of weak fiendish creature or summon a particular fiend.
Sentinel Blast: Your eldritch blast sticks around to threaten those it strikes.
Shaping Blast: Your eldritch blast can destroy, repair, or mold terrain, objects, and constructs.
Shun the Weak: Your aura is so overwhelming, weaklings cannot even stand in your presence.
Sloughskin Blast: Your eldritch blast softens the skin and reduces natural armor. It can even curse the creature with an aboleth-like need to remain moist.
Soulbind Eldritch Horror: Summon a phantom eldritch monster which aids you in battle.
Soulbind Hellfire Devil: Summon a phantom devil spirit which aids you in battle.
Soulbind Pale Haunt: Summon a phantom undead spirit which aids you in battle.
Soulbind Phantom Wyrm: Summon a draconic spirit which aids you in battle.
Soulbind Wild Spirit: Summon a phantom fey spirit which aids you in battle.
Spelldraining Blast: Your eldritch blast weakens the effect of magic on a target.
Spooky Face: You can make your face really really spooky, or really really ugly.
Subconscious Blast: Your eldritch blast targets the subconscious mind of your targets.
Susceptible Strike: Gives creatures Susceptible Condition
Unearthly Shape: Turn into a combat creature
Vampiric Blast: Use your blasts to heal yourself while hurting your foes.
Voidcall: You call the substance of the Deep Void to your current plane. This invocation imitates the feeling of dread of an infinite fall.
Dark Warlock Invocations
Apparition of the Master: As the greater project image spells, except you can use your spell-like abilities and the image can be destroyed.
Baleful Transformation: Turns a creature into a object. Very difficult to reverse.
Binding Blast, Balmz: Stop your foes in their tracks
Claw of War: You summon an aspect of the Hand of Hate, channelling ancient enmities and bloodlust. A clawed hand appears, red with black nails, and soon dripping with blood.
Corrosive Blast: Creature takes damage on next turn.
Create Witchstone: You imbue a foci with power over youth and life. As long as you wear it, it will keep you eternally unaging and even save you should you be at risk of being killed.
Deathmark Blast: Apply cursed marks on your foes which you expend to damage, hinder, or even kill.
Eldritch Doom: Attack enemies around you with your blast
Eldritch Riverflow: Convert your eldritch blast (or fire bolt, wind bullet, sand blast, or paint shot) into a stream of energy that flows down hills like a river.
Eldritch Star: Create a blazing eldritch star to utterly annihilate your foes.
Empyrean Incarnation: Your soul leave your mortal body allowing you to roam around as a ghost.
Enslave Soul: You dominate a target for a short period of time.
Eyes of Horus: You create three floating eyes of lightforce, each capable of using invocations and firing eldritch blast at your command.
Fiendmarked: Force a creature to host a fiendish spirit, which toys with them and makes hell around them.
Heart Asunder: An invocation that tears the heart both figuratively and literally.
Horror Vacui: You manipulate the mind of your target, to emulate a vision of the Deep Void, sending fear to its heart.
Lapidify: Turn the target to stone
Lightning of the Abyss: The lightnings of the abyss carry you physically around the battlefield.
Maleficent Curse: Throw a powerful curse one someone with this nasty invocation.
Malevolent Cultivation: Transform targets in dead trees.
Maws of Madness: A rift in space appears and squirming maws exit it, enveloping the victim and taking it in the Mouth of Madness.
Mindwipe: This invocation allow you to alter subject memory, possibly causing mental damage in the process.
Molasses Flood: Conjures a sticky and sweet substance that overwhelms enemies.
Mystic Bane: Stop magic effects on a target
Nanyth Surge: You enhance your blast with nano-sized constructs made of eldritch energy, destroying your foes utterly.
Obliterating Blast: Your eldritch blast deals vile damage, and disintegrates all it touches.
Omega Blast: This blast shape turn your eldritch blast into an inter-dimensional homing missile.
Phoenix Blast: Your eldritch blast heals damage instead of causing harm.
Realm of Shifting Frost: Create structures and redefine the terrain as you see fit with constructions of ice and snow.
Repeating Blast: Your eldritch blast does damage again and again and again...
Soul Scorch: Burn your enemy's soul.
Spider Cocoon: Those hit by your eldritch blasts risk entanglement, cocooning, and death.
Stalwart Rondure: Enclose targets in a sphere
Vines of Aubrey: Massive carnivorous plants erupt from the ground and attempt to eat your enemies
Adding New Invocations[edit]
To add a spell to this list, make certain that the article belongs to Category:3.5e, Category:User, and Category:Invocation. The spell must also have "Warlock {Level}" in it's level entry. It may take up to 24 hours after these steps are completed for your spell to be listed on this page. If you have any issues, please contact an admin.