Saying Hello
Hello everybody! I got tired of looking at the red link whenever I did anything so I figured I'd say something here now that I'm attempting to start homebrewing. I've only just started homebrewing so be as harsh as you can so I know what I'm doing wrong.
Just to get this out of the way so I stop feeling the urge to say it whenever I have the chance to talk to one of y'all: I use your content in every one of my games, so here's my shoutout to all the creators on the wiki. I love this wiki and (almost) everything on it.
Fun Fact: I'm probably a contender for youngest person on this wiki from the various ages I've heard. There's content on here from when I was 9. Been playing for 4 years, DMed most of those games. Mostly 3.5 but also SW Saga, PF, and 5e D&D.
My Stuff
Putting my small collection here for my own convenience before I start forgetting what I've made (which I already may have. I can't tell if this is everything...). 31 total.
Races & Templates
Rogue Astral Construct (3.5e Race)
Classes and ACFs
Rogue Astral Construct Paragon (3.5e Racial Paragon Class)
Devilsouled (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)
Dwarven Lorekeeper (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)
Spells and other Class Components
Devilsouled Soulmelds
Shadow of the Dogai (3.5e Soulmeld)
Falxugon's Harvest (3.5e Soulmeld)
Crown of the Pit Fiend (3.5e Soulmeld)
Body of the Lemure (3.5e Soulmeld)
Cunning of the Imp (3.5e Soulmeld)
Gelugon's Blizzard (3.5e Soulmeld)
Visage of the Erinyes (3.5e Soulmeld)
Heart of the Cornugon (3.5e Soulmeld)
Kyton's Chains (3.5e Soulmeld)
Bones of the Osyluth (3.5e Soulmeld)
Pelt of the Hellcat (3.5e Soulmeld)
Hamatula's Barbs (3.5e Soulmeld)
Barbazu's Beard (3.5e Soulmeld)
Beauty of the Paelyrion (3.5e Soulmeld)