Template:5e Racial Traits/doc

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Description The 5e Racial Traits is used on articles that describe a playable race in 5th edition.


{{5e Racial Traits
|abilitynote= <!--blank, note such as Choice of-->
|age=<!-- the age that the race reaches adulthood, and life expectancy -->
|alignment=<!-- the most common alignments of the race, and a short reason why -->
|sizedesc=<!-- the average height of the race -->
|size=<!-- size category of the race, like "Medium" -->
|speed=<!-- base speed of the race, as a number like "30" -->
|speedtype=<!-- blank; or movement type if not walking -->
|additionalspeeds=<!-- any additional movement types that the race has -->
|darkvisionfluff=<!-- blank=no darkvision; or the reason why your race has darkvision.-->
|darkvisiondist=<!-- blank=30 feet; or distance of darvision -->
|darkvisioncolor=<!-- blank=gray; or color of darkvision -->
|trait1name=<!-- the name of the first custom racial trait of the race -->
|trait1desc=<!-- mechanics and rules of the associated custom racial trait -->

|trait2name=<!-- as 1 above -->
|trait2desc=<!-- as 1 above -->

|trait3name=<!-- as 1 above -->
|trait3desc=<!-- as 1 above -->

|trait4name=<!-- as 1 above -->
|trait4desc=<!-- as 1 above -->

<!-- this template supports additional traits, up to trait20name and trait20desc. add as many as you need -->

|languages=<!-- languages that you can speak, read, and write. defaults to "Common"-->
|languagedesc=<!-- a description of the racial language, options or descriptions -->
|subrace=<!-- y or blank -->


{{5e Racial Traits
|abilityscores=<!--Increase your {{SRD5|Dextierty}} score by +2 and your {{SRD5|Strength}} score by +1-->
|abilitynote= <!--blank, note such as Choice of-->
|age=The foo mature at 100 and live an average of 1 year past that.
|alignment=Foos tend toward neutrality.
|size=Medium <!--size of your race (small, medium, large)-->
|sizedesc= Foos are slightly shorter and broader than humans.
|speed=30<!-- base speed of the race, as a number like "30" -->
|speedtype=<!-- blank; or movement type if not walking -->
|additionalspeeds=<!-- any additional movement types that the race has -->
|darkvisionfluff=<!-- blank=no darkvision; or the reason why your race has darkvision.-->
|darkvisiondist=<!-- blank=30 feet; or distance of darvision -->
|darkvisioncolor=<!-- blank=gray; or color of darkvision -->
|trait1name=Fooishness <!--name of 1st trait-->
|trait1desc=A foo may reroll any {{SRD5|Wisdom}} check or save.
|trait2name=Barrishness <!--name of 2nd trait-->
|trait2desc=The foo can use a {{srd5lc|Bonus Action}} to bar any creature from approaching within 10 feet of it. The target creatures may make a {{SRD5|Wisdom}} {{srd5lc|Saving Throw}} ({{SRD5|DC}} 14) to overcome this effect.
|languages=Foos speak {{SRD5|Common}} and one other language of their choice.
|languagedesc=<!-- a description of the racial language, options or descriptions -->

produces: '

Creature Type. Humanoid
Ability Score Increase. Strength +1, Dexterity +2
Age. The foo mature at 100 and live an average of 1 year past that.
Alignment. Foos tend toward neutrality.
Size. Foos are slightly shorter and broader than humans. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base speed is 30 feet.  
Fooishness. A foo may reroll any Wisdom check or save. 
Barrishness. The foo can use a bonus action to bar any creature from approaching within 10 feet of it. The target creatures may make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 14) to overcome this effect.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Foos speak Common and one other language of their choice.

Template Attribution

Template is modified from dnd-wiki.com