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Author: The-Marksman (talk)
Date Created: April 2019
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Dragon Balls

Dragon Balls
Price: 100,000 gp
Body Slot:
Caster Level: CL 17th
Aura: Strong Universal
Activation: Use-activated
Weight: 14 lbs

"Eternal Dragon, by your name, I summon you forth: Shenron!!!"

The Dragon Balls are a set of 7 spherical balls that are about 3 inches in diameter and are exclusively orange in color and that feature five-pointed red stars that are either rigid or flat in appearance inside of the ball itself (akin to glass art); the stars in them are to number the balls 1 through 7, with only 1 star in the "1 star ball" and 7 stars in the "7 star ball". Individually, the balls have no powers, but when they are united and the secret phrase is uttered, they have the ability to call forth the Eternal Dragon who grants the first 3 wishes spoken by anyone who is present when they are summoned. The Dragon has the discretion to change a wish at the last minute (say someone else shouts a modification to the wish), provided the original wisher appears to consent to the change(s). When the wish is used the orbs float up hundreds of feet in the sky and burst off at light speed in 7 different directions scattering them across the planet. After they land and settle for 1 minute they turn to stone, becoming dormant and unusable for 1 years time and then after the 1 year, they resume their normal function and appearance. The exception to this is when the summoner chooses to save their wishes, at which point the Dragon Balls will scatter as normal again, but only become dormant for four months instead of the usual year.

In their normal form the balls are unbreakable by conventional means having a hardness of 75 that cannot be bypassed by any kind of weapon or attack and with 100 hit points. Any user trying to use a spell on the Dragon Balls must beat a caster level check of DC 50. In their stone form they count as non magical stone orbs and can be broken accordingly. If one of the stone orbs has minor damage such as a crack or chip this will be repaired after the year when the orbs return to their normal form. However if even one of the orbs is ever destroyed that set of Dragon Balls is broken and can never be used again.

The Eternal Dragons are actually a sentient beings; and thus, they are capable of interpreting a wish however they see fit, but usually choose to interpret them how they know the wisher actually wants, as a courtesy rather than as a rule, regardless of the users alignment. Unlike other forms of fiction that involve wishes being granted, the Dragon Balls tend to grant a wish exactly as the wisher imagined it, rather than warping the wish so that it is technically granted, but ends up making the wisher's life even more difficult. For example, if a user wishes for youth, they are not reduced to an infant, but rather, they appear in their prime. Also, if the user wishes for someone to be revived from the dead, the target is not converted to an undead, but rather, are truly alive. If a wish were to have brutal unforeseeable consequences an Eternal Dragon may give a warning about the repercussions of a wish, but if the user seems to understand, the Eternal Dragon will still fulfill an ill-advised wish if the summoner insists. Legitimate wishes include eternal youth, immortality, bringing back a scorched forest or even restoring an annihilated planet and all of its population.

With all of its power the Dragon Balls do have a couple of limitations on the wishes that can be granted. First being that the Dragon will not grant the exact same wish twice for the same user. It can grant similar wishes but not the exact same one. For example if you wish for a specific person to be resurrected the first time, the next time they die the dragon would not grant a wish to revive that person, but if that person died in a big battle yesterday and you wished for everyone in that battle to be revived or wished for everyone who died yesterday to be revived, then the target you're hoping to resurrect would be revived along with everyone else. If reviving large groups of people, the time of death cannot have been more than 1 year ago. If someone is wished back to life and the place of their arrival is not indicated in the wish, they will come back to life in the location they died at. Also, the Dragon Balls cannot revive a person who has died of natural causes.

The Eternal Dragon can also not grant a wish to kill any creature with a divine rank, even 0, but he could summon such beings (however, there would likely be consequences).

The procedure to create the Dragon Balls is a secret held and fiercely guarded by the Namekian race, who are the exclusive creator of the Dragon Balls. The elders of the Namekian's Dragon Clan are the ones who create the Dragon Balls. Each set of Dragon Balls are mystically tied to the life force of their creator, so when the creator dies the Dragon Balls return to being non magical stones forever.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Wish, Permanency.
Cost to Create: 100,000 gp, 1400 EXP, 100 days.

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