You want my stuff? Uh, okay, not sure why you’d want that, but here ya go.
Misc 3.5e Content
Variant Classes
The Stunt Fighter
A class that attempts to make the fighter more viable at high levels by increasing versatility. And some other stuff. Might do more with this whole stunt idea later. Not sure.
Arcane Trickster, Variant
A high-powered variant of the arcane trickster prestige class that won't upset Ghostwheel.
Variant Races
- Dragonborn - A 3.5 version of the 5e race of the same name. Provides alternate lore for my campaign setting, where they're members of the Drania region, a continent ruled by dragon monarchies. If I find another 3.5e version of this race that I like that someone else has made, I may just link that here, give the author credit, and post lore on a custom location.
- Kobolds - PC-worthy version of the Kobold race. Provides alternate lore for my campaign setting, where they're mostly dragon fodder or refugees seeking asylum in other regions. If I find another 3.5e version of this race that I like that someone else has made, I may just link that here and give the author credit, and post lore on a custom location.
Removes the Level Adjustment and puts racial paragon levels in the way of getting all of this LA-worthy racial features.
Elves and Half-Elves
Makes elves and half-elves more appealing and provides a no LA option for drow. Each elf can gain levels of Humanoid to accomplish something not unlike a racial paragon class.
Gethzirae and Gethyinka
Variant lore for two certain non-OGL races; changes them to be more of the economic common folk of the multiverse. Human-equivalents for planar campaigns, basically.
- Aasimar (Good-aligned planes)
- Axima (Law-aligned planes)
- Half-Giants (Elemental planes for Gothic-Taoist cosmology; Giant heritage)
- Jann (Elemental planes for Gothic-Taoist cosmology; genie heritage)
- Satyri and Nymphala (Chaos-aligned planes for Gothic-Taoist Cosmology)
- Slaadtouched (Chaos-aligned planes for normal settings)
- Tieflings (Evil-aligned planes)
Variant Templates
Half-Dragon Template Variant
Limits the types of creatures a half dragon could be and tries to make the template an option players would actually consider.
Variant Rules
Better Sanity Rules
Makes Sanity a bit simpler to implement as both a roleplay mechanic and as a means to win or lose in encounters. Buffs fear builds a bit, discourages dumping Wisdom, and potentially helps take care of the pesky problem of consumables in the Wish Economy.
Pathfinder Skill Points
Makes class skill benefits and skill point math work like Pathfinder. Offers alternative class skill lists for classes that would end up being abused for having all skills as class skills. Recommended to be used in conjunction with my Skill Groups variant rule.
XP Components
Instead of using XP to cast a spell or manifest a power, you just can't use that spell or power again until the next time you level up.
Skill Groups, MFS-Version
Many skills are put in groups. You can put a skill point into a skill group to get 1 rank in each class skill in that group instead of using a skill point on each of those class skills individually. Intended to make Pathfinder players able to play 3.5e without complaining about too many skills and not enough skill points.
Reckless Offense Feat Line
Feat | Prereqs | Quick Description |
Reckless Offense, Variant | BAB +1 | Apply a penalty to your Armor Class to gain a bonus on damage rolls and potentially on attack rolls as well. Can be used in place of Reckless Offense for feat prerequisites. |
Reckless Mobility | Reckless Offense | Make attacks of opportunity against you more tempting from your foes, and take less damage from some of those attacks. |
Reckless Frenzy | Reckless Offense, BAB +3 | Gain benefits from having a low amount of hit points remaining. |
Shot of Adrenaline | Reckless Frenzy, Diehard | Gain benefits from being stabilized in combat after dropping below 0 hit points. |
Tome of Dirt
This sourcebook is all about incorporating survival elements into your campaigns without making players feel overwhelmed and without taking away from the high-fantasy potential of D&D. Including fun and immersive rules for wounds, diseases, poisons, and surviving in harsh environments. Food and water management are intentionally left out.
Gothic Taoist Cosmology
Azimov are the Lawful outsiders of the multiverse. Lawful Good Azimov are referred to as "Aeons," and Lawful Evil Azimov are referred to as "Demiurgents." There are three Lawful Neutral azimov known as the Magistrates. All azimov share the same language of Logos.
The Chaotic outsiders of the multiverse are the fae of legend. Chaotic Good fae are referred to as "Fey," and Chaotic Evil fae are referred to as "Hags." Chaotic Neutral fae are referred to as just "Fae," but any would-be fae are turned into Slaads ever since Limbo collapsed and became the Immaterium. All fae share the same language of Sylvan, but slaads have their own strange dialect of it that's called Slaadi, counting as its own language.
The Good outsiders of the multiverse are collectively referred to as Celestials. Lawful Good Celestials are referred to as "Angels," Chaotic Good Celestials are referred to as "Eladrins," and Neutral Good Celestials are referred to as "Seraphim." Celestials speak Celestial.
Fiends are the evil outsiders of the multiverse. Chaotic Evil fiends are called "Demons," Lawful Evil fiends are called "Devils," and Neutral Evil fiends are called "Daemons." Demons speak Abyssal, Devils speak Infernal, and Daemons speak both fluently.
Elemental Creatures
Elemental creatures and statistics for all elements within the Gothic Passion Project - Air, Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, Wood.
Genies are an influential body on the cosmos. New genie types for each element - Djinn (wind/air), Dao (sand/earth), Efreet (flame/fire), Hashashin (electricity/metal), Marid (mist/water), and Arbiit (leaves/wood).
We got Giants, too, fam. You want your Crucible Giants (metal plane giants)? How about your Oak Giants (wood plane giants)?