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Heir of the Storm (3.5e Feat)

Revision as of 18:55, 15 October 2020 by Leziad (talk | contribs)
Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 15th October 2020
Status: Complete
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Heir of the Storm [General] Your ancient mitahnese lineage can be traced to a legendary wielder of the storm, allowing you to wield her powers.Prerequisites: Mitahnese Human race, Dragonblooded subtype, arcane caster 1stBenefit: You add all [Air] and [Electricity] spells from the druid list to the spell list of your own class. Whenever you cast a damaging [Air] or [Electricity] spell, you add +1 damage per dice and +1 to the save DC.

Whenever you cast call lightning or call lightning storm, the first bolt you summons is automatically affected by Empower Spell. If cast in stormy weather, the first bolt is also Maximize Spell. Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level.

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