Forgehammer Adept (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Eromythic (talk)
Date Created: 3/4/2021
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Forgehammer Adept

Class: Forgefire Adept

Prerequisites: None.

Level: 1 to 20

Replaces: Breath Weapon, Breath Effects, Some invocations: Forgehammer.

Benefit: Your forge fire is channeled through your melee weapon (or fist) instead of your breath.

Forgehammer (Su): At 1st level, a forgehammer adept adds 1d6 + Constitution Modifier fire damage to a single attack they make unarmed or with melee weapons each round. As you gain levels this damage increases as the Breath Weapon damage is shown to increase in the level advancement table.

Forgehammer Effects: At levels 2, 5, 10, 12, 15 and 20, a forgehammer adept can select one of the forgehammer effects listed below for which they meet the minimum level prerequisite. You can use one of these effects as part of an attack with the forgehammer feature. You cannot select the same effect twice in a row.

Table: Forgehammer Effects

Level Effect Brief Description
2nd Sundering Hammer Enhanced sunder.
2nd Blinding Hammer Blinds the enemy struck.
2nd Reckless Hammer You focus your attention on your target.
2nd Mending Hammer Heal wounds of very close allies.
5th Metalbreaker Overcome DR and hardness.
5th Red-Hot Hammer Heats metals.
5nd Halting Hammer Halts the enemy struck.
5th Thunder Hammer Deals sonic damage.
10th Brittle Brand Weakens your enemies body, exposing it to physical attacks.
10th Crashing Hammer Leave your enemy flat footed.
10th Sould Brand Weakens your enemies body, exposing it to magical attacks.
10th Revitalizing Hammer Removes adverse conditions
15th Force Hammer Deals force damage
15th Mighty Flex You bolster your defenses
15th Hammer Vortex Deals heavy damage to enemies surrounding you, at a cost.
15th The Hammer Mortality clarified in a single strike.

Invocations: You gain the invocations: Forgefire.



Forgefire (3rd): You lose access to your forgehammer, and instead you may use a breath weapon at will as an standard action. This breath weapon deals your forgehammer damage in a 15' cone and a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Constitution modifier) halves the damage. You are immune to the effect of your own breath weapon (but not to other breath weapons that produce similar effects, even those of other forgehammer adepts). Circumstances and effects that would prevent you from using your forgehammer would also prevent this effect. This effect lasts 24h.

Forgehammer Effects[edit]

Sundering Hammer (2nd): In addition to dealing the usual fire damage, your attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity when part of a sundering attempt and it gains a +4 bonus to said attempt. You may use this effect together with any other effects, and you may also use this effect consecutively.

Blinding Hammer (2nd): Instead of dealing the usual fire damage, your attack blinds the creature you struck for 2 rounds. A successful Fortitude save halves the blind duration to one round.

Reckless Hammer (2nd): In addition to dealing the usual fire damage, your attack gains +4 on the attack roll and enemies other than the one you attacked gain a +4 on attack rolls against you for one round (and are aware of this fact).

Mending Hammer (2nd): Instead of dealing the usual fire damage, on a successful attack you heal 3d6 + Wis to any willing creature within 10 feet (including yourself).

Halting Hammer (5th): Instead of dealing the usual fire damage, your attack stops the creature you struck, dropping their land speed to 0 for one round. A successful Fortitude check halves their land speed instead.

Metalbreaker (5th): In addition to dealing the usual fire damage, your attack overcomes damage reduction and hardness (but not energy resistances).

Red-Hot Hammer (5th): Instead of dealing the usual fire damage, any piece of metal on the creature or object you struck heats as per the heat metal spell, except there is no saving throw. You may use this hammer effect to substitute for a forge when crafting (although you will still need any other required tools), and doing so improves your crafting effiency of metal objects by 20% (on a successful craft check, multiply the result by 1.2 in order to determine the progress made towards completion).

Thunder Hammer (5th): Your forgehammer damage is dealt as sonic damage instead of fire damage.

Brittle Brand (10th): In addition to dealing the usual fire damage, your attack brands the target for 10 rounds. A branded creature takes 1d4 plus your Wisdom modifier temporary damage to its Constitution (restored when the brand vanishes). Additionally for the duration of the brand, attacks against that creature or their equipment receive a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll, the threat range for those attacks is doubled and their equipment can be dealt critical strikes. Any creature can only have one brand at any given time, and using this effect on an already-branded creature has no effect.

Crashing Hammer (10th): Instead of dealing the usual fire damage, your attack leaves your enemy flat-footed for 1 round. A successful Reflex save prevents them from losing their Dex bonus to their AC, but they are still unable to make attacks of opportunity.

Soul Brand (10th): In addition to dealing the usual fire damage, your attack brands the target for 10 rounds. A branded creature takes 1d4 plus your Wisdom modifier temporary damage to its Constitution (restored when the brand vanishes). Additionally for the duration of the brand, that creature has a -2 penalty to its save rolls and any attempt they make at casting a spell or using a spell-like ability has a 25% chance of failure. Any creature can only have one brand at any given time, and using this effect on an already-branded creature has no effect.

Revitalizing Hammer (10th): Instead of dealing the usual fire damage, your attack removes one of the following conditions from you or an ally within 30 feet of you: blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, dying or disabled (is healed to 1 HP), exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, nauseated, sickened and stunned. To gain this benefit, you must strike an enemy creature that poses a threat to you or your allies in some direct, immediate way.

Force Hammer (15th): Your forgehammer damage is dealt as force damage instead of fire damage.

Mighty Flex (15th): Instead of dealing the usual fire damage, you gain damage reduction 15/adamantine for 1 round.

Hammer Vortex (15th): Instead of the usual attack, you make two melee attacks against each adjacent opponent you threaten, adding your forgehammer damage as fire damage and your forgehammer damage as sound damage to those attacks. You receive a +4 bonus on each of these attacks, which are otherwise made with your highest bonus. When using this effect, you take damage equal to twice your class level, which can't be lessened by damage reduction or any other feature like that. In addition, you cannot use your forgehammer feature in the following two rounds.

The Hammer (15th): Instead of dealing the usual fire damage, your attack deals an additional 100 points of force damage. When using this effect, you take damage equal to twice your class level, which can't be lessened by damage reduction or any other feature like that. In addition, you cannot use your forgehammer feature in the following two rounds.

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AuthorEromythic +
ClassForgefire Adept +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
Rated ByThe bluez in the dungeon +
RatingRating Pending +
TitleForgehammer Adept +