Magiter (3.5e Race)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 22/06/2023
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Born out of living magic, these humanoids hold incredible prowess over the arcane. Nobody knows how or why the magiters came into being, all that is know is that they possess an incredible physiology and extraordinary magical powers.


Ever-curious, thoughtful, they are dreamers at heart, who yearn for deeper knowledge. This is the driving factor that guides their will: to improve their magic and discover new arcane secrets.

They appear odd to others, due to their strange behaviour, their refusal of creating any sort of society which hasn't knowledge as its goal. They seem to thrive only in front of magic.

Adventuring is almost an universal activity for them. Each individual may choose to explore arcane arts through a general study or to specialize in a branch. Others explore unconventional approaches to esoteric arts, like meditation, sacrifice or even prayer.

Physical Description

Their most notable feature is their orb-like head, which is identical to crystal spheres used for divination


Their habitat isn't very populated, so most of their encounters are with the races that live in caves and underground, which are mostly evil. Because of this, they are usually happy to open relationships with good races or surface-dwelling races. They are quite primitive in their lifestyle, so much that they don't share much with more advanced races, except for the contribution as guides they can give.

Common people usually refer to them as anglerfolk.


Most of them are neutral or chaotic, and a lot are good, but any alignment is present among them.


They usually live in dark, damp places, such caves, especially coastal or underwater, or in the Underdark. They are not amphibious nor breath water, so they need to have fresh air. They are quite primitive, living in mud huts, or stone buildings.

Religion and Society

They don't have a racial deity and each community simply worships underground gods of caves, water and hunting. Many also pray to furtive gods. They are not that spiritual though, mainly concerned with survival.

They live in hunting communities, which teach their young their traditions to help them survive their harsh home. They also narrates myths from their past, from when their ancestors lived under beholders and when they escaped their tyrannical grasp.


They are strangely proficient in multiple languages, such as Common, Aquan and Undercommon, which enrich their oral tradition. They also learn languages customary for their neighbours.


Their names are very similar to sahuagin's names, usually in Aquan or Undercommon.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Intelligence or +2 Wisdom or +2 Charisma: Magiters have strong minds, which can develop in numerous ways.
  • Humanoid (Magiter) 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a magiter has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Magiter base land speed is 30 feet.  
  • Arcane Skill: They gain a racial +2 to Use Magic Device checks, and can use the skill even if untrained. 
  • Darklure (Ex): Having a natural light source, they can use their luring light to draw closer creatures. They can use a free action to switch on or off their light, which shines like a candle. When the light is on, they can use a standard action against one enemy within 60 feet to try and lure them closer, like a command spell. The creature must pass a Will save (DC is 15 + 1/2 the luresca's HD) or be compelled to go adjacent to the luresca, avoiding any obvious danger, and remain there fascinated for as long as the effects lasts. Any hidden danger that affects the target immediately breaks the effect, and a target will not put itself in danger if there's no way to safely reach the light. If the luresca uses this ability while hidden in the dark, it will not reveal itself, even if the creature come adjacent to it, though any hostility will break the effect. This is a mind-affecting effect but mindless creatures are not immune to it and creatures with 1 or 2 Intelligence have a -4 penalty against this ability. Creatures which can see the luresca have a +2 bonus against this effect. 
  • Hidden in the Dark (Ex): They can Hide while in darkness or shadowy illumination, even against creatures with darkvision or other special senses (like blindsight), but not against creatures that pierce magical darkness. 
  • Light Sensitivity: Lurescai are dazzled (–1 penalty on attack rolls, Search checks, and Spot checks) in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. 
  • Magic Power-Up (Su): Once per day, as swift touch action, they may infuse a spark of magic into a mundane weapon, armor or shield. The item becomes magical with a +1 enhancement. At 5 HD they may even infuse already magical weapons, armors or shields, increasing the temporary enhancement up to +2. At 10 HD the temporary enhancement becomes +3, at 15 HD it's +4 and at 20 HD it's +5. This effect lasts 3 + their highest mental modifier rounds (minimum 3). 
  • Tinge of Magic (Sp): As they are literally made of condensed arcane energy they can direct their power towards the casting of spells. The gain the Tinge of Magic feat for free, but must choose a cantrip on an arcane spell list, and they can use the cantrip once every 1d2-1 rounds. The caster level for the cantrip is equal to their HD or their actual caster level, if higher, and their DC is 10 + 1/2 their HD/caster level + their highest mental modifier. At their option, taking the feat agains allows them to choose an additional cantrip with the same rules here presented.
  • Automatic Languages: Common
  • Bonus Languages: Any, except secret ones
  • Favored Class: Any arcane caster
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

Racial Options



In Pathfinder games they also have .

Alternate Racial Features

Facts about "Magiter (3.5e Race)"
Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassAny arcane caster +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability Adjustments+2 Intelligence or +2 Wisdom or +2 Charisma +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SubtypeMagiter +
SummaryBorn out of living magic, these humanoids hold incredible prowess over the arcane. +
TitleMagiter +
TypeHumanoid +