Biokaryota, the Blooming Growth (3.5e Vestige)

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Author: Undead_Knave (talk)
Date Created: October 30, 2015
Status: How spoopy!
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Biokaryota, the Blooming Growth

A being who grew too much too fast until it outgrew its universe.

Level: 5th

Binding DC: 28

Special Requirement: Must be alive.


There was once a being who grew and absorbed all it touched. It was named — very briefly — by some of the great scholars of its world as Biokarya.

It became the very ideal of what life was, and was able to take on aspects of that which it absorbed. It didn't take very long before it became the only lifeform on its world, but still it did not stop growing.

It then learned to absorb inorganic materials, and started consuming planets and stars.

Eventually, it found a way to absorb concepts and theoretical matter.

It turns out that this was not the most viable survival strategy. In doing so, it quickly outgrew (and subsequently absorbed) its universe, at which point there was only one thing left for it to consume. And so Biokarya absorbed itself, and was consumed completely. With everything consumed, there was nowhere for its composite soul to go, and they were consumed totally anyway.

But life will find a way.

Special summoning

Some organic material must be offered up to Biokarya. This does not need to be from the Binder, and any size offering will do.


A mote of dust quickly swells up into a terrifying conglomeration of seemingly random parts before absorbing the binder. This does no harm, but is generally somewhat upsetting.


You grow several pseudopods which shift across your body semi-randomly if not controlled. This sign must be displayed for several of Biokaryota's abilities.


You suffer from an insatiable hunger for anything and everything. You prioritize organic matter to inorganic matter, but for every hour in which you do not eat as much as a full meal, make a Constitution check against starvation.

Granted Abilities

Consuming Pseudopods

You grow 1 pseudopod for every three Binder levels (max 5 at level 15). These are natural weapons that deal 1d6 damage for a Medium creature. They always only deal half-Strength damage and are always secondary weapons, even if they're the only weapons used. You may choose to have any attack with any of your pseudopods trigger Absorb and Adapt.

Absorb and Adapt

Whenever you deal any amount of damage to an object with one of your natural weapons, you may have that natural weapon act as if it were that material until you unbind Biokaryota or you absorb a different material. You gain +1 to your natural armor for every pseudopod that has absorbed a material.

Whenever you kill a creature with one of your natural weapons, you gain Fast Healing 2 for a number of rounds equal to the number of HD they possessed. This is increased to Fast Healing 4 if you kill them with one of your pseudopods. When you gain this Fast Healing, they leave behind no body, for you have consumed them completely, and you count as if you have eaten for all purposes (including Biokaryota's influence). This Fast Healing stacks with other sources of Fast Healing, but not itself.

Eater of Ideas

Whenever you consume a creature with your Absorb and Adapt ability, you may absorb their soul. While you are bound to Biokaryota, their soul is trapped in your body, and counts for all intents and purposes as if destroyed. When you absorb a soul, you speak every language the creature spoke until Biokaryota is unbound. Any souls you have devoured are released when you unbind Biokarya.

Rapid Growth

While bound to Biokaryota, you gain the benefits of the Regenerative Cells feat and Rapid Healing 15, as long as you are not suffering from starvation.

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AuthorUndead_Knave +
Binding DC28 +
Identifier3.5e Vestige +
Level5th +
Rated ByLuigifan18 +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryA being who grew too much too fast until it outgrew its universe. +
TitleBiokaryota, the Blooming Growth +