→Class Features
The tank can absorb and operate any ranged projectile or throwing weapon you have as if it had two hands, and deals damage as if one size larger. It does not need free "hands" to reload. It also possess a [[Mythic_Beast_(3.5e_Race)#Feral_Strike_Weapons|feral strike slam]] attack (2d8, 19-20/x2).
The tank is considered a quadruped with a +8 bonus on [[Strength]] for the purpose of carrying capacity. While in the tank you gain a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground). In spite of being non-human in shape, you do not increase the cost of armor materials for being non-human.
The tank is required to use many of the functions of the class, and is augmented by the tank power class feature. When you are reduced to 10% of your health (minimum 1), your tank breaks down and vanishes into dust. This lasts until you are fully healed, or 24 hours have passed in which case you can use Summon Tank to bring your metal slug back.