→Class Features
'''{{Anchor|Construct Expert}} {{Ex}}:''' You can repair constructs as if you had the [[SRD:Craft Construct|Craft Construct]] feat, and gain a +2 bonus to Disable Device, Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Engineering checks.
'''{{Anchor|Metal Slug}}:''' Through some means you have come across a tiny mobile tank, which is abnormally flexible in design and very compact, built for one. By some means or another, it only functions for you as well. Getting in and out of the tank is a 1 round action which provokes attacks of opportunity, but grants you a +4 armor bonus, no Max Dexterity, an armor check penalty of -8, and arcane spell failure of 20%. It is heavy armor, but counts as light armor for the purpose of your speed and class features which operate in light armor. It can be "worn" over your existing armor, and overrides the effects of your existing armor. It may be enhanced, and have its material altered as if it were armor. It weights 2000 lbs normally, but when being piloted this weight means nothing.
While in the metal slug tank, you cannot jump or swim, automatically failing such checks. You do not tire from overland movement and can run forever. The tank is the same size as you, but you benefit from [[Powerful Build (3.5e Feat)|powerful build]] while you are in the tank (this does not stack with pre-existing powerful build). You do not benefit from total cover as any attacks on the tank effectively transfer to yourself as well. You can however take cover within the tank as if it were a [[SRD:Tower Shield|tower shield]], with all the same restrictions. Riding the tank counts as being mounted, though you never need to make a ride check to control your mount.
'''{{Anchor|Tank Power}}:''' At 1st level and every odd level beyond, the metal slug pilot gets a power which is accessible when they are using their metal slug, chosen from the list below.
''{{Anchor|Acrobatics Servos}} {{Ex}}:'' You may roll back upright if knocked prone, doing so is a free action which does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You may now make jump checks, ignoring your armor check penalty from your metal slug. Your metal slug counts as non-armor for the purposes of class features and abilities which only work in non-armor, and its weight is cut to 75%.
''{{Anchor|Airtight}} {{Ex}}:'' When in your metal slug, you have your own oxygen supply that lasts for 1 hour/level which renders you immune to inhaled poisons (but not ''[[SRD:Cloudkill|cloudkill]]''. At 9 HD, you gain the full benefits of the [[SRD:Necklace of Adaptation|necklace of adaptation]].