Armorer (5e24)

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 5th edition (2024) Pointer  + 

Unearthed Arcana


Armorer (pointer) [1]
Artificer subclass

Craft Magic Armor to Enhance Your Abilities

Unofficial Description: These Artificers create a magical armor that increases in power as they gain Artificer levels.

Armorer Features

Alchemist Level Features  
3rd Tools of the Trade, Armorer Spells, Arcane Armor, Armor Model 
5th Extra Attacks 
9th Armor Replication 
15th Perfected Armor


Tools of the Trade

3rd level Armorer feature.
Unofficial Summary: Gain training in Heavy Armor and proficiency with Smith's Tools (or another Artisan's Tools if already proficient). The crafting cost of armor is halved (magic or nonmagic). 

Armorer Spells

3rd level Armorer feature.
Unofficial Summary: You always have the following spells prepared:
Magic Missile, Thunderwave, Mirror Image, Shatter, Hypnotic Pattern, Lightning Bolt, Fire Shield, Greater Invisibility, Passwall, Wall of Force 

Arcane Armor

3rd level Armorer feature.
Unofficial Summary: Use a Magic action and Smith's Tools to convert Armor you are wearing into Arcane Armor. (it disenchants if you take it off or you die). It provides the following benefits:

  • No Strength Requirement. Ignore the Strength requirement of the armor.
  • Quick Don and Doff. Can don or doff the armor using a Utilize action.
  • Second Skin. It can't be removed unless you permit it. It covers you entirely. The helmet can be retracted or deployed using a Bonus Action. It also replaces any missing limbs you have.
  • Spellcasting Focus. It is a Spellcasting Focus for you. 

Armor Model

3rd level Armorer feature.
Unofficial Summary: You further enhance your Arcane Armor, choosing one of the following models. The weapon included in the armor uses your Intelligence modifier for attack and damage rolls. You can choose a new model at the end of each Long Rest.


  • Armor Flail. An iron ball on a chain that has the following traits:
Weapon Category: Simple Melee
Damage on a Hit: Bludgeoning damage
Properties: Reach
  • Giant Stature. A number of turns per Long Rest use a Bonus Action for you and it to become Large.
  • Wrecking Ball. Hitting a smaller creature allows you to push or pull it.


  • Thunder Gauntlets. Each gauntlets has the following traits:
Weapon Category: Simple Melee
Damage on a Hit: Thunder damage


  • Lightning Launcher. A weapon that looks like a gem on a gauntlet or chest (your choice) with the following traits:
Weapon Category: Simple Ranged
Damage on a Hit: Lightning damage
Properties: Thrown (Range 90/300 feet)

Extra Attack

5th level Armorer feature.
Unofficial Summary: Attack twice when you use the Attack Action

Armor Replication

9th level Armorer feature.
Unofficial Summary: Replicate Magic Item feature provides one extra plan. It must be for Armor. If you replace that plan it must be for another armor plan. 

Perfected Armor

15th level Armorer feature.
Unofficial Summary: Arcane armor gains additional benefits:


Design Note: Armorer Here are the main updates in this subclass since its appearance in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything:

  • Tools of the Trade now allows the Artificer to craft armor faster.
  • Armor Model includes a new armor option: Dreadnought. In the Guardian option, Defensive Field now relies on you being Bloodied rather than having limited uses.
  • Armor Modifications has been replaced by a new feature, Armor Replication.
  • Perfected Armor now increases the damage of your Thunder Gauntlets and Lightning Launchers.

Sources and Notes[edit]

  1. Jump up Christopher Perkins, Jeremy Crawford (8 October 2021). UA2024 Artificer. (5e 2024) Wizards of the Coast. Licensed: © (Unearthed Arcana) Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).

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Facts about "Armorer (5e24)"
AuthorUA2024 Artificer +
ClassArtificer +
FeaturesTools of the Trade +, Armorer Spells +, Arcane Armor +, Armor Model +, Extra Attack +, Armor Replication + and Perfected Armor +
Pointertrue +
PublicationUA2024 Artificer +
SortTextArmorer (5e24) 5e24 +
Subclasstrue +
Subclass NameArmorer +
SummaryThese artificers specialize in armor and battle +
Unearthed Arcanatrue +