Mass Polymorph, Tome (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Frank and K
Date Created: 2006
Status: Complete
Editing: Spelling and grammar only
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Mass Polymorph
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: Any number of creatures within a 20' radius
Duration: Permanent (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The crowd looked uncomfortable. They had weapons and were brandishing them in a fashion quite menacing. But the magician was laughing, and that really put a damper on the mood of the entire event. They started to regain their composure and again advance upon him. He snorted and muttered an incantation, and something about swine...

Each target vanishes and creature of your choice appears in its place. The creatures share the alignment, personality and goals of the targets, and will continue to act as they would within the limits of their intelligence and abilities. The creatures must be at least 7 CR less than your character level, need not be the same for all targets, none may have the incorporeal or swarm subtype, and all are unexceptional for their type. If a creature is killed, the spell is ended for that target only. When the spell ends, the creatures vanish and the targets appear where the creatures were with an amount of lethal, nonlethal, and ability damage on it equal to the amount the creature had suffered when the spell ended (this means that if the spell ended for a target because the creature was slain and the creature had an equal or greater number of hit points as the original target, it may well be dead when it appears).

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ComponentV + and S +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelSorcerer/Wizard 7 +
RangeMedium +
RatingUnrated +
SchoolTransmutation +
SummaryMultiple targets are transformed into alternate creatures. +
TitleMass Polymorph, Tome +