Metamagic Option (One)

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Metamagic exists in other D&D editions see:

Metamagic (disambiguation).

 One D&D Pointer  + 


Design Note: Metamagic Updates
Here are the main updates in the Metamagic options since their last playtest version.

Distant Spell returns to doubling range.
Seeking Spell now costs 1 point rather than 2.
Subtle Spell now clarifies that it doesn’t remove Material components that have a cost specified in the affected spell.
Twinned Spell has some of its previous multitargeting functionality but now within appropriate limits.

The following options are available to your Metamagic features. The options are presented in alphabetical order.

Careful Spell[edit]

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point
Summary: You modify a spell that forces a saving throw, to allow a number of creatures to succeed. These creatures also take no damage if they would normally take only half.

Distant Spell[edit]

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point
Summary: You modify a spell to increase its range.

Empowered Spell[edit]

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point
Summary: You modify a spell to increase average damage. May be combined with other metamagic options.

Extended Spell[edit]

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point
Summary: You modify a spell's duration (unmodified duration of at least 1 minute) and gain Advantage on Concentration checks for this spell.

Heightened Spell[edit]

Cost: 2 Sorcery Point
Summary: Modify a spell to force Disadvantage on saving throws against it (for 1 target of choice).

Quickened Spell[edit]

Cost: 2 Sorcery Point
Summary: Modify a spell's casting time from 1 action to a Bonus Action (can't cast another level 1+ spell in the same turn).

Seeking Spell[edit]

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point
Summary: If you miss with a spell's attack roll, you can modify the spell to allow you to reroll the attack. May be combined with other metamagic options.

Subtle Spell[edit]

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point
Summary: Modify a spell to remove Verbal, Somatic, or Material components (nonconsumed material components only).

Transmuted Spell[edit]

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point
Summary: Modify a spell's Damage Type of Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, or Thunder for another one of these types.

Twinned Spell[edit]

Cost: 1 Sorcery Point
Summary: If a spell allows you to target more creatures by casting it with a higher-level spell slot, you can use this option to cast it at 1 level higher.

Sources and Notes[edit]

One D&D is Playtest Material Only

These game mechanics are in draft form, usable in your D&D campaign but not refined by full game development and editing. They aren’t officially part of the game and aren’t permitted in D&D Adventurers League events, nor are they available for use on D&D Beyond.

— D&D Beyond One D&D Playtest material
Unearthed Arcana

The material in Unearthed Arcana is not Official Material. It is presented for playtesting and to spark your imagination. These game mechanics are in draft form, usable in your campaign but not refined by final game development and editing. They are not officially part of the game. For these reasons, material in this column is not legal in D&D Adventurers League events.

—Notice on most 5e Unearthed Arcana PDFs

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AuthorUA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 7 + and "Varied" +
Canonfalse +
OneDnD Playtesttrue +
PublicationUA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 7 + and "Varied" +
Unearthed Arcanatrue +